Issn 305-9397. Ғылым және білім. 2022. №1-1 (66) issn 2305-9397

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Журнал Наука и образование №3-3(68) 2022

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2 Shaushenova A. The Influence of the Proctoring System on the Results of Online Tests in 
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4 Dobrovinskiy D.S. Proktoring kak instrument razvitiya distantsionnogo obrazovaniya/ 
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6 Khoroshilov A.D. Automatic Detection and Classification of Information Events in Media 
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7 Tomasi L.F. I have got my virtual eye on you:Remote proctors and academic integrity./ 
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______ ____________________Техникалық ғылымдар 
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9 Nilchiyan M.R. Improved wavelet-based online signature verificationscheme considering 
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10 Abzalov A.R. Autentifikacija pol'zovatelej po klaviaturnomu pocherku pri ispol'zovanii 
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11 Dobrovinskij D.S. Proktoring kak instrument razvitija distancionnogo obrazovanija/ 
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12 Tumbinskaja M.V. Analiz i prognozirovanie vredonosnogo setevogo trafika v oblachnyh 
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