HOW TO ENGAGE STUDENTS INTO INTERACTIVE DISCUSSIONS Берілген мақалада коммуникативтік қызметтің дискуссия сияқты түріне оқушылардың қызығушылығын арттырудың бірқатар жолдары қарастырылады. А2 – В1 деңгейдегі студенттердің сөйлеу белсенділігін қолдауға арналған дәстүрлі емес тапсырмалар ұсынылады. The most valuable idea in education process is to conduct lessons that motivate learners. One
important way of doing classes exciting is to include interactive assignments like well – planned
discussions which keep the class more dynamic.
Here are some of the most efficient approaches to design discussions in a stimulating manner:
1. Form small groups.
Give the class a discussion question so all groups have a short debate to come up with an answer.
Use cards. Leave time for each team to develop its report, then accidentally take a card and ask the
groups to deliver their solution. When the answer has been completed, put the used card back in the
deck, so that no group can relax and think that their turn is over.
2. Give questions to involve scholars in the conversation.
When the first student answers a question, ask the other one if he agrees or not with that report.
So keep going until maximum participants have been involved in the debates.
3. When you ask a question, call on students by letting them catch a ball and roll it to students
in a circle.
This way of calling on students can be a fun or a disaster. It is necessary to clarify some don’ts and stop the game if they are broken.
4. A fun method to discuss celebrities is to choose someone you are learning. Divide the class
into groups and have each team come up with a set of questions to interview that person. Group
participants should approve all the questions. Then each team passes their questions to another group.
In the end all participants get the task of answering one question in writing with full agreement in
a way they imagine the celebrity might answer.
It is very important to students’ socialization to interact with each other in class settings. Students
learn best when the assignments are based on their interests and learning levels.