Найновите научни постижения - 2023 ★ Volume 9
- development of personal leadership qualities, which are an individual
resource that ensures the competitiveness of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere,
- reliance on the activity-ethical principles of the leadership position of a
specialist in socio-cultural activities, which determine his desire for cultural, creative,
transformative activities, the priority of socially significant goals, moral and
humanistic orientation to another, continuous self-improvement,
- actualization of the personal and creative potential of the future specialist,
which in the modern educational concept is considered as a fundamental resource for
mastering the profession and success in the labor market.
Actualization of the personal and creative potential of the future specialist
through diagnostic, adaptive, correctional, developmental and stimulating
technologies, includes goals and objectives, pedagogical conditions and principles,
components (diagnostic, communicative, emotional, activity), various techniques
complemented by a wide range of group and individual forms of work [6].
The model of formation of pedagogical culture of the future specialist of the
cultural and leisure sphere, includes:
• principles of integrity of the system of goals, methods, means, forms and
conditions for the formation of pedagogical culture of the future specialist of the socio-
cultural sphere,
• step-by-step formation of pedagogical culture of students, motivational
support for the formation of pedagogical culture, systematic, personal-activity
approaches in the formation of pedagogical culture,
• unity of the system of pedagogical influences and the process of self-
development in the formation of pedagogical culture of students, continuity of
professional education (amateur creativity - lyceum - college - university - system of
additional professional education), which allows to ensure the consistency of the
process of formation of pedagogical culture of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere,
• blocks of formation of pedagogical culture of a specialist in the field of leisure
pre-university, university (adaptation and design, content-procedural, control and
evaluation stages), postgraduate,
• organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the
pedagogical culture of the future specialist of socio-cultural activities