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Keywords: professional competence; development of profession-
al competencies; development conditions; preparation of bachelors; 
pedagogical activity.
1. Gnatyuk N. V., Shenderey P. E. The specifics of the competence 
approach in improving the quality of training of bachelors of psy-
chological and pedagogical education/ / IIV International scien-
tific and practical Conference “ Psychology and pedagogy in the 
21st century. Essays on scientific development”, part 1, Mos-
cow, November 14–15, 2014, p. 14–16
2. Buryakova T. C. Personal and professional development of 
a student with different types of style of educational and pro-
fessional activity / / Education. The science. Innovations: The 
Southern Dimension. 2011. No. 2(17). pp. 96–103.
3. Nikolaeva M. V. Personal and professional development of the 
future primary school teacher in the system of higher pedagogi-
cal education: monograph. Volgograd: Peremena, 2006. 356 p.
4. Rudina T. V. Didactic principles of the organization of independ-
ent work of students / / Bulletin of the Orel State University. The 
series “New humanitarian studies”. 2011. No. 2 (16). pp. 234–
5. Markova A. K. Psychological analysis of professional compe-
tence of a teacher / / Sov. pedagogika. 1990. No. 8. pp. 82–88.
6. Alekseeva I. S. Professional formation of young specialists in the 
conditions of rural schools: dis. … cand. doctor of Sciences. Ya-
kutsk: Yakut State University. university, 2006. 179 p.
7. Romanova G. A. Development of professional reflection of 
a teacher as a basis for improving his pedagogical skills: dis. … 
candidate of pedagogical sciences. M., 2002. 183 p.
8. Lukyanova M. I. Psychological and pedagogical competence of 
a teacher // Pedagogy. 2001. No. 10. pp. 56–61.
9. Lapina O. A., Voronova O. A. Experience in improving the pro-
fessional skills of a teacher // Pedagogical IMAGE. 2019. Vol. 3. 
No. 1 (42). from 103–113.
10. Vaulin S. D., Volkova M. A., Shchurov I. A. Pedagogical assis-
tance to students of technical directions of the university in in-
creasing the success of educational activities // Bulletin of the 
South Ural State University. Series: Education. Pedagogical 
sciences. 2019. Issue 11. No. 1. pp. 74–86.
11. Moreva N. A. Pedagogy of secondary vocational education: 
Textbook for students of pedagogical universities. Moscow: 
Publishing center “Academy”, 1999. 304 p.
12. Nikitina N. N., Kislinskaya N. V. Introduction to pedagogical ac-
tivity. Theory and practice: a textbook. Moscow: Akademiya, 
2004. 224 p.
13. Artemyeva G. N., Zykova N. A. Portfolio of a university student in 
psychological and pedagogical disciplines: An educational and 
methodological manual. Nizhnevartovsk: Publishing house of 
NVSU, 2016. 104 p.
14. Polyaspectual training of a modern teacher: a monograph / / ed-
ited by G. V. Akhmetzhanov. Togliatti: TSU, 2011. 173 p.
15. Zimnaya I. A. Key competencies as the effective- target basis 
of the competence approach in education. Moscow: Research 
Center for Quality problems of training specialists, 2004. 20 p.
16. Shenderey P. E. Modeling of the process of formation of general 
competencies among environmental students in secondary vo-
cational education institutions /E. Y. Golokhvastova, P. E. Shen-
derey/ Azimut of scientific research: pedagogy and psycholo-
gy, – NP “Institute of Directed Education”, Togliatti, 2014 No. 4, 
pp. 37–40

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