Key words: syntax, the identity of the sentences, the predicate, communication, integration.
УДК 81.25 Koval, O.V. master in humanitarian sciences, senior lecturer at the department of russian language and literature, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin, Kostanay, Kazakhstan LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF COLLOQUIAL SPEECH Аbstract The article is devoted to the place of colloquial speech in modern Russian. The purpose of the article is to consider the characteristics of conversational speech. The author of the article studies the concepts of colloquial speech that exist in modern linguistics. This article attempts to identify the extralinguistic and lin- guistic signs of colloquial speech. Particular attention is drawn to the features of colloquial speech: phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic. The author comes to the conclusion that, unlike book speech, colloquialism does not have a strict codification, it has a number of language features and norms. Key words: language, communication, speech, norm, sign, style. 1 Introduction The Russian language is historically established linguistic community and combines the
entire set of language means of the Russian people. The highest form of the national Russian