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abdezuly. sborgik filologicheskaya nauka v 21 veke.

The path of AbayAuezov rendered his own name with the name of Abay Kunanbayev.
Profound analytic study of this classic was started with Auezov’s pedagogic career, which dated back to 
the 1920s and continued up until his death. He created and conducted special courses on Abay studies, 
published articles and wrote a monograph.
Much attention has been paid to Abay by the authors of text books compared to the 20s and 30s. In the 
1940s Abay was introduced in text books as a classic of the Kazakh literature, which enabled some of his 
selected poems to be included in reading books. At the end of the 1950s a sudden decrease in the number of 
analytic researches on Abay was detected. Coming around to this topic repeatedly always caused a negative 
reaction. But despite the persecution many Kazakh scholars such as Auezov M, Ismailov E, Muhamedhanov 
K, Zhirenchin A, Mametov A, Ahmetov Z and others raised up the issues of Abay studies.
Just before the world celebration of the 150
Anniversary of the birth of Abay, there appeared some 
works which have become a significant milestone in the history of Abay studies. 
The spiritual world of Abay is inexhaustible. The more we know his worldview and philosophic system
the more we reveal earlier unknown borders of his priceless spiritual works, where the social life of the 
Kazakh people with their conflictive situations and public contradictions were reflected in a striking way. 
Regarding the issues of Abay studies, Auezov noted that there were a lot of uninvestigated questions on 
Abay studies and over the course of time new research works will appear on different topics. /2, 171/. 
The Republic of Kazakhstan is integrating with the world community. Economic, political and cultural 
connections with other countries have improved. Literary translation from one language to another plays a 
significant role in the mutual enrichment and interconnection of the literature of different nations. It is also 
important in the development of international cooperation in the areas of science, culture and education. As a 
result, the importance of literary translation as a uniting factor for literature, poetic words, various nations 
with different worldviews and different cultural-historic environments has become obvious.

The theory of literary translation has also its own school and specificity in Kazakhstan. The main 
principles of Kazakh translation studies were worked up by Auezov M, Satybaldiyev A, Talzhanov S, 
Ahmetov Z, Sadykov H, Adibayev H, Aitbayev U, Kereeva-Kanafieva K, KuspanovS, Fatkulin F, 
Sagandykova N and other scholars. The principles about translatability of any national work stem from the 
state and are formulated in the works of the above mentioned leading theorists of the Soviet translation 
In the 20 and 30s the base of Kazakh translation studies was formed, which took the view of systematic 
perception of works of foreign language literature differing from previous empirical methods. Probably from 
there the formation of the theory of literary translation from Russian into Kazakh started, and a little later 
attention was paid to the translation from Kazakh into Russian. 
To translate the original work entirely accurately is a colossal task. And this task is impossible without 
knowledge of the language, culture, everyday lifestyle, morals, traditions, national specificity and artistic 
treasury with which a translated original version is included. The translations of The Book of Words made by 
Shklovski V, Sanbyev S, Serikbayeva K, and Seisenbayev R are attractive not only to readers, but also to 
In this article we consider such issues as the concept of the translator’s comprehension of the original 
writer’s/poet’s worldview; in our context, Abay’s worldview is necessary for more adequate transition of the 
esthetic, world outlook and philosophical views of Abay. 
Any language has words which cannot be translated to another language by usual means and a special 
handling is required from translators: some of them are translated into a text of a translation in an unchanged 
form (are transcribed); some can partially keep in their translations their morphological or phonetic structure; 
and the third type of words are replaced with unequal form or even ‘invented’ lexical units. Among these 
words are the names of elements of everyday life, history etc, which don’t exist in other nations, countries 
and places. In translation theory these words have the name ‘realia’ and they are the subject of the second 
Regarding the issue of ‘realia’ words we think that the main challenge in translating them along with the 
subject meaning (semantic) realia is the necessity to transfer the colour and the national and historical 
According to our observations translation of the realia is carried out by several methods: 
Realia are translated descriptively; 
They are given without changes (with corresponding comments); 
They are replaced with similar concepts (Russian equivalents). 
The use of realia words in a translated text makes it possible to reproduce the national uniqueness of the 
original text. But an excessive use of realia words reduces the level of perception of the content of the text by 
a reader.
Words that can be translated with the help of one equivalent shouldn’t be included in the text.
Idiomatic phraseology comprises a more vivid, lively and unique part of the word-stock of any language. 
The bulk of idiomatic units belong to different functional styles and have expressive coloration, therefore, we 
can assume that these units are one of the expressive means of a language which require a special attention in 
a translation process. That means before starting the translation of any work the translator must understand 
its style, artistic atmosphere and feel all the finest peculiarities of the original work. 
Abay belongs to a range of writers whose works are nationally expressive and emotionally coloured, and 
his style is extremely unique because he masterfully uses the samples of oral folk arts and in particular, 
phraseological units in his works.
Regarding the translation of set phrases it should be stated that in set metaphorical phrases as well as in 
proverbs, the resumptive allegorical meaning prevails over the direct meaning of some words; even if the 
latter is connected with some concepts which are indicative in national terms, the aspiration of reproducing 
them in translation gives only a shadow of the former meaning. 
Artistic peculiarities and the style of the original versions of works are significantly reduced when the 
translators make the language poor using the same Russian words instead of Kazakh words with different 
In the translation analysis of Abay’s book The Book of Words we highlighted four ways of the translation 
of the proverbs which were used by the translators: equivalent translation, literal translation, giving general 
meaning of the proverb and localisation of a new proverb on the basis of the proverb of the original work. 
The investigation of this significant issue in translation studies demonstrated that the most effective way 
of translation of The Book of Words is the equivalent translation even though the literal translation is more 

common. However, the first way is not always possible. In some cases the most suitable is the literal 
The difficulty and complexity of the translation of phraseological units becomes even harder when 
nationally colored idioms are translated, because they are connected with specific peculiarities of the 
everyday life and culture of a nation. Therefore, when translating idioms it is important not only to keep their 
meaning but also imagery, aphoristic character and national coloring. There are no idioms that cannot be 
translated. The method of choice for their translation impacts on how they are perceived by a foreign reader.
In the translation of Abay’s book The Book of Words the translators used such translation methods of 
proverbs and idioms as: translation by means of equivalents and analogies; literal translation (calquing); and 
transferring semantic meaning of phraseological units.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the language of a prose is also as sensitive to any changes as the 
language of poetry. In translation of any work every syntactic construction and every turn of speech should 
be treated carefully. Before making any changes or additions it has to be thought carefully whether they have 
any new special stylistic function, or whether they have any important determining image. After all, these 
sides of artistic work characterize the face of the writer, his style and his language.
In translation of The Book of Words into Russian, translators attempt to retain the national peculiarities of 
the work.
The oeuvre of Abay is distinguished by its multi-facetedness and complexity. That is why this 
investigation is one of the steps on the way to understanding the artistic world of the writer through analysis 
of peculiarities in the translation of his works into Russian.
 To carry out an adequate translation of The Book of Words it is necessary to study the poet’s worldview 
comprehensively and thoroughly. 
The most important condition in translation of the artistic, national uniqueness of The Book of Words is 
equivalent reproduction of realia words. Stemming from an analysis of the translation made by Shklovski, 
V, Sanbayev, S, Serikbayeva, K. and Seisenbayev, R. it can be concluded that their translation can be 
considered to be equivalent translation even though there are some moments when the translators used the 
methods of literal and free translation. This was highlighted in the work by giving corresponding examples.
It has to be noted that all the inaccuracies given in these translators’ works as a whole do not reduce the 
general high level mastery of the translators, but the high need for the conformity to the original work 
requires a creative approach in this high form of art. 

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