Талқанбаева гулсана конкишевна 8 – сынып оқушыларын химия пәнінің ОҚУ-Әдістемелік кешені арқылы оқыту

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Основная идея исследования: В свете современной теории обучения новые учебно-методические комплексы должны не только облегчить педагогу его труд, но и дать наилучший результат, и в тоже время развить способности ученика самостоятельно мыслить, воспитать активную, творческую личность.

Теоретическая и методическая основа исследования: Философские исследования по развитию творческой, активной личности работы (В.Г.Афанасьева, В.Н. Садовского, Э.Г.Юдина )

Основы исследования:

-закон «Об образовании» РК;

- конституция РК;

- учебная модель,применяемая за границей;

-труды философов, психологов, педагогов, различные приказы и положения об образовании. Общие стандарты знаний и умений по химии для общих средних школ РК, в соответствии с ними типовые учебные программы, Концепция развития образования РК до 2015г, научные труды педагогов-ученых по учебно-методическим комплексам.

Положения, выносимые защиту:

1.Учебно-методические комплексы предлагаются учителям в качестве инструмента для развития творческой, самостоятельной личности учащихся.

2.Правильные использование учебно-методических комплексов является одним из эффективных методов для быстрого и оперативного приобретения знаний учащихся.

Научная новизна и теоретическая значимость исследования:

1.Определены сущность и содержание учебно-методических комплексов нового содержания и выявлены их функции.

2.Разроботаны проекты учебно-методических комплексов нового содержания для развития превращения ученика в субъекта процесса обучения.

Практическая значимость исследования:

Методическая основа и теоретические положения исследования соответствуют друг другу, т.е проблему можно решить единым методом, составление комплекса аналитическим методом, основные положения исследования, научные прогнозирование доказаны практическим и экспериментальным путем, полученными данными доказаны. Можно рекомендовать учителям химии для применения в процессе обучения химии и областному институ повышения профессиональной квалификации учителей.

Научные результаты исследования:

1.Был сделан всесторонний анализ литературного обзора и учебно-методических пособий по химии.

2. Была сделана новая модель учебно-методических комплексов по химии с позиции применения учителя и учащихся.

3.В курсе химии 8 класса, по теме «Основные классы неорганических веществ» составлены новые типовые учебно-методические комплексы, проведены педагогические эксперименты и доказана их эффективность.

4.При применении учебно-методических комплексов в ходе обучения были внедрены различные компоненты (конспекты для учителя, сценарий уроков, рабочая тетрадь,словарь, задания различного типа: задачи,тесты, упражнения),что привело к повышению интереса к предмету.

5. Новые учебно-методические комплексы содержат познавательные задания нового типа: задачи, упражнения и тесты, которые отличаются эффективностью для закрепления пройденных материалов.

6.Результаты экспериментальной работы полностью доказали истинность гипотезы исследовательской работы.

Talkanbayeva Gulsana Konkishevna
Training for chemistry eighth grades pupils with the help of educational

and methodical complex

The actuality of research work. In recent years, due to the rapid development of society has increased the demand for specialists, who has a deep knowledge and able to work creatively, but who can demonstrate his knowledge and skills in practice.
In connection with this training system of high-quality of staffs has become actually, in the law "About education" refers, that the modern school should not only give the pupil the knowledge but also teach them to learn of using different methods independently..
In his message to the people of Kazakhstan in January, 27, 2012, President Nursultan Nazarbayev noted the following questions in the sphere of education:
"It is necessary to intensify the educational value of learning. In all educational institutions I charge to prepare a model of comprehensive plan. There are no books, no teachers on these problems which we have. This question is very important for our young people . " To do this you need to prepare quality, different in content and form of educational-methodical complexes of textbooks which should be useful for self-study of teachers and pupils.
The problem of research work. Educating secondary school pupils, corresponding them to the needs of modern society: to develop the individuality who can work independently to apply in the future with the knowledge and skills in their workplace and these methods that can be used for the theoretical and practical work in this educational work. These contradictions between the needs of training of pupils to work independently and absence of quantity of educational-methodical complexes..
The object of study, to use the educational-methodical materials in educational process in general secondary schools.
Purpose of the study, Teaching chemistry in the 8th form on theme "Generalization of main classes of inorganic substances" and training, formation and analysis of the significance of these new standard educational-methodical complexes.
Scientific forecasting of research work: Using these new educational-methodical complexes in educational process of chemistry by teachers and pupils it is necessary to compose the teaching methods of study the chemistry and its using can identify the ability to work independently, and to have the opportunities to get a deeper knowledge by these process of learning .
The main objectives of the study are:
- Identify the process of training teachers to use appropriate teaching methods
- Determine the impact of learning in the process of teaching materials to develop skills for independent work of students
- Develop a new content teaching materials for teachers and students
The main tasks of ​​research work

- to discover the modern theories of learning of new teaching and methodological complexes ;

- to define the influence of educational-methodical complexes on development of pupil’s ability in the process of education.

- to work out the system of new maintenance of educational-methodical complexes for teachers and pupils.

The main idea of research work. The using of these modern theories of the new educational –methodical complexes are not only relieved his work but give a good results on teaching the pupils independently as a creative personality.

Theoretical and methodological basis of research: Philosophical Research on the development of creative, active individual work of (V.G.Afanasev, V.N Sadovsky, E.G.Yudin.)
Basics of research:
- The law "about education" of Rrepublic of Kazakhstan
- Constitution of Rrepublic of Kazakhstan
- Training model which applicated in abroad
-Works of philosophers, psychologists, educators, and various orders and regulations about education. General standards of knowledge and skills in chemistry for general secondary schools of Rrepublic of Kazakhstan , in accordance with these standards used educational programms. Also used materials from conception ‘’Development of Education system due to 2015 of Republic of Kazakhstan “ and research works of teachers-scientists.
The regulations will be proteced:
1. Educational-methodical complexes are proposed for teachers to develop creative and independent individual qualities of pupils.
2 .The right using of teaching materials is one of the most effective methods for rapid and efficient acquisition of knowledge of pupils.
Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research work
1.Defined the essence and content of teaching materials of a new content, and identified its functions.
2.Worked out the projects of teaching materials for the development of new content becoming of pupil as a the subject in the learning process.
The practical meaning of research work
Methodological and theoretical basis of the study correspond to each other, the problem can be solved by a single method, the main points of research, scientific prediction are proved by practical and experimentally ways.
Scientific results of research work:
1. It was a comprehensive literature review and analysis of textbooks in chemistry.

2. Was made the new model teaching methods in chemistry from the perspective of teachers and students.
3. When teaching pupils in 8th grade by teaching methods complexes are proved the effectiveness of this method in the development of independent of learners.
4. In the application of teaching methods in the study were implemented various components (notes for the teacher, the script lessons, a workbook, dictionary, different types of tasks: tasks, tests, exercises), which led to increased interest in the subject.

5. The new educational-methodical complexes contain cognitive tasks, aims, formulas which are the main aims for educating chemistry.
6. The conclusions of experimental work proved the prognosis of research work fully.

Талқанбаева Г.Қ.



Басуға қол қойылған күні 16.04.2012ж. Пішімі 60 х84/16

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