Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов неязыковых специальностей Новополоцк пгу 2013 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 262я73 К50

Find all the verbs in the texts. Write them out

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Find all the verbs in the texts. Write them out.


is, comes, lives, works…

What is the last letter of these verbs?

Practise saying the verbs. Read the texts aloud.

  1. Complete the sentences about Ali and Bob.

Example: She’s a scientist. He’s a doctor.

  1. Alison comes from England. Bob ____ ____ England, too.

  2. She lives in a big city, but he ____ in a ____ town.

  3. She ____ three days ____ week. He ____ 16 hours a day ____.

  4. He ____ to sick people on his radio. She ____ three languages.

  5. She loves her job and he ____ ____ ____, too.

  6. She ____ ____ daughter. He ____ married.

  7. She ____ skiing and going ____ walks in her free time. He never ____ free time.

  1. Read the information about Anna.




Place of work



Free time

an accountant



in a bank

Russian, English

married, a son

listening to music, swimming

Use the verbs from the previous exercises to write about Anna.

Ask and answer questions about Anna.

Example: Where does Anna come from? Belarus.

  1. Read the questions and answers about Alison.

  1. Where does Alison come from?

  2. What does she do?

  3. Does she speak French?

  4. Does she speak Spanish?

Cambridge, in England.

She’s a scientist.

Yes, she does.

No, she doesn’t

  1. Now complete the questions and answers about Bob.

  1. Where ____ Alison ____ from?

  2. What ____ he ____?

  3. ____ he fly to help people?

  4. ____ he ____ French and German?


He’s a doctor.

Yes, he ____.

No, he ____.

  1. Write about your relative.

My mother is a nurse. She lives…

  1. Ask your group-mate about his/her relative. Answer his/her questions about your relative.

  1. Read Anna’s story.

I am an accountant. I come from Belarus and I live in Novopolotsk. I work five days a week in a bank. I speak Russian and English. I’m married and I have a son. I like listening to music and swimming in my free time.

Is this story different from your story about Anna?

Write out the verbs from this text.

Am, come, live…

Can you work out the rule?

  1. All verbs in the previous exercises are in the Present Simple.

Study the rule:
Present Simple (Indefinite)

(Настоящее простое время)
Present Simple употребляется для выражения обычного, постоянно происходящего или повторяющегося действия, для констатации фактов.

He works in an office.

I have a daughter.

С этим временем часто употребляются наречия времени: always - всегда, usually – обычно, often – часто, sometimes – иногда, seldom – редко, never – никогда, а также словосочетания типа every day – каждый день, every morning – каждое утро, on Sunday – по воскресеньям и т.

We often go out in the evening.

She never eats meat.

He plays football on Friday mornings.
Образование Present Simple
Утвердительная форма (Positive)



at 8.








Отрицательная форма (Negative)


do not (don’t)

start at 8.





does not (doesn’t)



Общий вопрос (General Question) Short answers



start at 8?

Yes, I/you/they do.

Yes, he/she/it does.

No, I/you/they don’t.

No, he/she/it doesn’t.








Специальный вопрос (Special Question)












Обратите внимание на правописание глаголов в 3-м лице единственного числа в утвердительной форме.

  1. Большинство глаголов принимают окончание –s.

Read – reads

Live – lives

  1. Глаголы, которые заканчиваются на –s, -sh, -x, -o, принимают окончание –es.

Go – goes

Do – does

Finish – finishes

  1. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную + -y, то y меняется на i и прибавляется окончание –es.

Study - studies

Но если перед y стоит гласная, то к глаголу прибавляется только окончание –s

Play - plays

  1. Have имеет свою форму.

Have - has

  1. Write the verbs in the third person singular (he/she/it).

1. love – loves

6. get

2. have

7. listen

3. go

8. leave

4. watch

9. stay

5. fix

10. fly

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple.

  1. She’s very clever. She (speak) four languages.

  2. Steve (smoke) ten cigarettes a day.

  3. We usually (have) dinner at 6 o’clock.

  4. Water (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.

  5. In Britain the banks (open) at 9.30 in the morning.

  6. Food is expensive. It (cost) a lot of money.

  7. Shoes are expensive. They (cost) a lot of money.

  8. Peter (wash) his hair twice a week.

  1. Make the sentences negative.


I have a shower every morning. I don’t have a shower every morning.

  1. She goes to work by bus.

  2. My children usually go to bed at 9 o’clock.

  3. My mother starts work at 8 o’clock every day.

  4. We watch television in the evenings.

  5. My husband likes his job.

  6. I get up early on weekdays.

  1. Write the opposite (positive or negative).

Example: I understand. I don’t understand.

He doesn’t smoke. He smokes.

  1. They know the answer.

  2. She loves him.

  3. I have breakfast at 9 o’clock.

  4. I don’t like playing football.

  5. She doesn’t speak French.

  6. I live with my parents.

  7. If often snows in winter.

  8. We are tired and want to go to bed.

  1. Write positive or negative short answers.

Example: Do you smoke? No, I don’t.

Does your sister work in a hotel? No, she doesn’t.

  1. Do you have a computer?

  2. Do you play the guitar?

  3. Does you father speak German?

  4. Are you a student?

  5. Does you mother like cooking?

  6. Do you read a lot?

  7. Do you have lunch in a café?

  8. Does your friend stay home on Saturday evenings?

  1. Match the questions and answers.

  1. What time do you get up?

  2. What do you do on Sundays?

  3. Were does she live?

  4. Why does he like his job?

  5. When do you go skiing?

  6. Who does she live with?

  7. How old are you?

  8. How does he go to work?

  1. By car.

  2. With her parents.

  3. At 7 o’clock.

  4. I relax.

  5. Because it’s interesting.

  6. Nineteen.

  7. In Minsk.

  8. In winter.

  1. Write questions to the following sentences.

Example: I go to bed at 11 o’clock. What time do you go to bed?

  1. She goes to work by bus. How …?

  2. He has lunch at home. Where …?

  3. We go to the cinema every Friday. How often …?

  4. She lives in Vitebsk. Where …?

  5. I speak English and German. How many …?

  6. He is a businessman. What …?

  7. I play tennis with my friend? Who … with?

  1. Pay attention.

Когда мы задаем вопрос к подлежащему, вспомогательный глагол do/does не используется.

Who lives in Polotsk? Compare: Who do you live with?

Translate into English:

  1. Кто играет в футбол по субботам?

  2. Кто знает ответ?

  3. Кто говорит по-английски?

  4. У кого есть сестра?

  5. Кто любит слушать музыку?

  1. Make sure you know.

  1. The Days of the week.

Sunday – воскресенье

Monday – понедельник

Tuesday – вторник

Wednesday – среда

Thursday - четверг

Friday – пятница

Saturday – суббота

  1. The Months of the Year.

January – январь

February – февраль

March – март

April – апрель

May – май

June – июнь

July – июль

August – август

September – сентябрь

October – октябрь

November – ноябрь

December – декабрь

  1. The Seasons of the Year.

Winter – зима

Spring – весна

Summer – лето

Autumn – осень

  1. Study the rule.

Вы уже знаете, как образуется количественные числительные (cardinal numbers). Порядковые числительные (ordinal numbers) образуются путем прибавления суффикса –th. Исключение составляют числительные:

Первый – 1st – first [f3:st]

Второй – 2nd – second ['sekənd]

Третий – 3rd – third [θ3:d]

Как правило, порядковые числительные употребляются с определенным артиклем the.

Обратите внимание на правописание и произношение порядковых числительных.

4 four – 4th fourth [fɔ: θ]

5 five – 5th fifth [fıf θ]

6 six – 6th sixth [sıksθ]

7 seven – 7th seventh ['sevənθ]

8 eight – 8th eighth [eıtθ]

9 nine – 9th ninth [naınθ]

10 ten – 10th tenth [tenθ]

11 eleven – 11th eleventh [ı'levnθ]

12 twelve – 12th twelfth [twelfθ]

13 thirteen – 13th thirteenth [θ3:'ti:n θ]

20 twenty – 20th twentieth ['twntıəθ]

21 twenty-one – 21st twenty-first [ֽtwntı'f3:st]

40 forty – 40th fortieth ['fɔ:tıəθ]

100 one hundred – 100th one hundredth [wΛn'hΛndrədθ]

  1. Read the following ordinal numbers.

3rd, 5th, 9th, 14th, 17th, 22nd, 35th, 41st, 56th, 73rd, 99th.

  1. Read and translate the following sentences.

  1. January is the first month of the year.

  2. Today is my mother’s 40th birthday.

  3. The 9th of May is Victory Day.

  4. The 4th Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day in the USA.

  5. Me cousin’s birthday is on the 18th of June.

  6. Her daughter in very young. It is her 2nd winter.

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. When do you celebrate you birthday?

  2. When do we celebrate Independence Day?

  3. What holiday is on the 8th of March?

  4. When is your friend’s birthday?

  5. When is Valentine’s Day?

  6. Do you believe in love at first sight?

  7. When is Christmas Day?

  8. What’s the date today?

  1. Pay attention!

Годы в английском языке обозначаются не порядковыми, а количественными числительными. Числительное, как правило, разбивается на две части – сначала читается число сотен, затем – число десятков и единиц.

Например: 1999 – nineteen ninety-nine

1820 – eighteen twenty

1900 – nineteen hundred

1905 – nineteen oh five

2001 – two thousand and one

We write: 3.4.1999 or 3 April 1999.

We say: The third of April, nineteen ninety-nine

or April the third, nineteen ninety-nine.

  1. Practise saying these dates.

10.12.76; 4.10.56; 31.5.2000; 17.7.2003; 1.11.2011

  1. Translate the following dates into English.

9 мая 1945 года, 1 июля 1980 года, 27 февраля 1898 года, 20 октября 2010 года, 2 января 1907 года, 15 августа 2001 года.

  1. Study the prepositions of time and how we use them.


at 3 o’clock

at noon

at dawn

at night

at midnight

at Christmas

at the weekend

в 3 часа (время)

в полдень

на рассвете


в полночь

на Рождество (праздники)

в выходной


on Monday

on the first of July

on Sunday morning

on weekdays

on holiday

в понедельник (дни недели)

первого июля (даты)

в воскресенье утром

в будние дни

в отпуске


in 2008

in the twentieth century

in May

in Spring

in the morning

в 2008 (года)

в двадцатом веке (века)

в мае (месяцы)

весной (времена года)

утром (отрезки дня)

  1. Complete the sentences with in, on, at.

  1. My birthday is ____ December.

  2. I go out with my friends ____ weekends.

  3. The train leaves Polotsk ____ 6.20 p.m.

  4. My mother gets up early ____ weekdays.

  5. I often go skiing ____ winter.

  6. She never stays home ____ Friday evenings.

  7. Every summer we go ____ holiday to Spain.

  8. He works eight hours a day, so he always relaxes ____ the evening.

  9. My classes begin ____ 8.30 ____ the morning.

  10. I go to bed ____ about midnight.

  1. Pay attention!

We don’t use prepositions with every day/ morning/ Friday. Answer the questions about you. Use the following phrases to help you.
Every morning/ evening

Every day

Every (Friday)

Once a week

Three or four times a year


Example: How often do you go swimming? About once a week.

  1. How often do you eat in restaurants?

  2. How often do you have a shower?

  3. How often do you go shopping?

  4. How often do you read a newspaper?

  5. How often do you go to the cinema?

Pay attention! We use go + -ing for sporting activities (go swimming, go jogging, go skiing, go fishing) and also go shopping.

In winter we go skiing every weekend.

My sister goes jogging every morning.

We also use like/love + -ing.

I like cooking.

He loves listening to music.

  1. Translate into English.

  1. Летом я часто хожу на рыбалку.

  2. Мой папа любит почитать газету после ужина.

  3. Мы с подругой ходим за покупками по субботам.

  4. Я люблю танцевать и часто хожу с друзьями в клуб.

  5. Я не люблю рано вставать в будние дни и долго сплю в выходные.

  6. Анна – спортивная девушка. Зимой она катается на лыжах и коньках, а летом плавает.

  7. Каждое воскресенье Антон гуляет с сыном в парке.

  1. Read the text about Maria’s daily routine.

My daily routine
My name is Maria. I am a student at the university. I study 5 days a week. Saturday and Sunday are my days off.

My weekdays are very similar. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. I don’t like getting up so early. I always put on some music. It helps me wake up. Then I have a shower and clean my teeth. I have breakfast at half past seven. As a rule my mother makes breakfast for me. Some cereal, coffee and toast is my ideal breakfast. After breakfast I get dressed and put on some make-up. At about 8 o’clock I leave home. I live not far from the university so I usually walk. My classes begin at 8.30 a.m. I don’t like being late and always come in time. As a rule we have 3 or 4 periods of lectures and seminars a day. At noon I go to the university canteen and have lunch there. My classes finish at about 4 o’clock and I go home.

I like having dinner at home. I usually have some soup, salad and steak for dinner. After dinner I always relax. I like listening to music, watching television, surfing the Internet. At about 6 o’clock in the evening I start doing my homework. It takes me 2 or 3 hours every day. At about 8 o’clock I have supper with my family. I do the washing-up after supper and I am free. I often go for walks with my friends. Sometimes we meet in cafés or bars and chat. At about eleven at night I come home. Before going to bed I often read a book or a magazine. This is the end of my ordinary working day.

On Saturdays I usually do my homework and help my mother about the house. On Sundays I like meeting my friends. Our weekends depend on the season. In spring and summer we often go for picnics, sunbathe and swim in the open air. In winter and autumn we like going to the cinema, meeting in bars and clubs, dancing and chatting.

  1. Find English equivalents in the text.

Помогает мне проснуться, не люблю так рано вставать, одеваюсь и крашусь, не люблю опаздывать, мою посуду, 4 пары лекций и семинаров, помогаю маме по дому, купаемся и загораем на природе, зависит от времени года, включаю музыку, мой обычный рабочий день, перед сном, в полдень.

  1. Answer the questions about Maria’s weekdays and weekends.

  1. What is Maria?

  2. How many days a week does she study?

  3. Does she go to the university on Saturdays?

  4. Are her weekdays similar?

  5. What time does she usually get up?

  6. What helps her wake up?

  7. Does she have a shower in the morning?

  8. Who cooks breakfast for her?

  9. When do her classes begin?

  10. How many periods a day does she usually have?

  11. Where does she have lunch?

  12. Does she go home after her classes?

  13. What does she have for dinner?

  14. How does she relax after dinner?

  15. How long does it take her to do her homework?

  16. Does she stay home in the evenings?

  17. Does she go to bed late?

  18. What does she do at the weekends?

  19. What do her weekends depend on?

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