Научни трудове на проф. С. Д. Стоев – по хронологичен ред

Учебници, Ръководства, монографии

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Учебници, Ръководства, монографии

  1. Стойков, Д., И. Никифоров, С. Стоев, И. Динев, В. Манов, Н. Грозева, Р. Симеонов, Р. Тодоров, Й. Йорданов, Ветеринарномедицинска Обдукционна техника и Екарисажно дело (рецензенти: проф. Любомир Дяков, проф. Ангел Ангелов), СД Контраст, Стара Загора, 2001, 1-168 (1-60, 141-168).

  2. С. Стоев, Микотоксични нефропатии по селскостопанските животни и човека – диагностика, рискова оценка и хигиенни мерки (рецензенти: prof. Peter George Mantle, проф. Спас Божков, проф. Любомир Дяков), СД Контраст, Стара Загора, 2002, 1-172.

  3. Диманов, Д., Ю. Митев, С. Георгиев, С. Стоев, Ч. Митева, А. Илиев, Г. Петков, Г. Костадинова Ръководство за практическа подготовка по здравеопазване на животните, СД Контраст, Стара Загора, 2002, pp. 1- (80-84).

  4. А. Илиев, Ч. Митева, Д. Димитров, Ю. Митев, Д. Диманов, Н. Неделчев, Д. Динев, Б. Банев, Г. Пракова, С. Рибарски, Т. Димитров, И. Станков, Ж. Герговска, Г. Бързев, В. Кацаров, Й. Николов, И. Канелов, А. Стоянов, Р. Бинев, М. Видева, С. Стоев, И. Цачев, К. Пейчев (рецензенти: проф. И. Божков, Теодор Дечев в сътрудничество с prof. Charles Schwab от Програмата за обмяна на опит към университета в Айова и Департамента по земеделие на САЩ към Американското посолство), Безопасност и хигиена на труда в земеделието, СД Контраст, Стара Загора, 2005, pp. 1-218 (104-117).

  5. Uhlenhopp, E., D. Bickett-Weddle, J. Wilson, L. Timms, N. Hartwig, I. Tsachev, J. Mitev, I. Bozhkov, S. Stoev, T. Miteva, I. Kanelov, D. Tsolov, Disposal of dead animals, carcass destruction and carcass utilization, pp 11-23, In: Biosecurity in Animal Farm, Center of Safety in Agriculture and Risk Management, Trakia University, Iowa State University, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, USA, 2007, pp 1-68.

  6. Stoev, S. D., Mycotoxic nephropathies in farm animals – diagnostics, risk assessment and prevеntive measures, In: Mycotoxins in Farm Animals, Chapter 8, Isabelle Oswald, Ionelia Taranu (Eds), S.G. Pandalai (Managing Editor), 2008, pp. 155-195, Transworld Research Network, 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India.

  7. Динев, И., И. Никифоров, С. Стоев, Н. Грозева, В. Манов, Р. Симеонов, Д. Павлов, Р. Тодоров, Ветеринарна Хистопатология, eterinary Histopathology, СД Контраст, Стара Загора, 2009, 1-76.

  8. Стоев С.Д. Специална патология и диагностика на заболяванията на различните органи, тъкани и системи (рецензенти: проф. Л Дяков, проф. А. Ангелов) СД Контраст, Стара Загора, 2009, 1-312.

  9. Стоев С.Д. Специална патология и диагностика на болестите на различните органи и системи (рецензенти: проф. Л Дяков, проф. А. Ангелов) СД Контраст, Стара Загора, 2010, 1-356.

  10. Стоев С.Д. Специална патология и диагностика на микозите, микотоксикозите, паразитозите, интоксикациите и авитаминозите (рецензенти: проф. Л Дяков, проф. В. Койнарски, проф. А. Ангелов) СД Контраст, Стара Загора, 2010, 1-239.

  11. Стоев С.Д. Специална патология и диагностика на болестите срещани основно при преживните животни и конете (рецензенти: проф. Л Дяков, проф. А. Ангелов) СД Контраст, Стара Загора, 2010, 1-107.


  1. Стоев, С. Д., Клиникоморфологични, параклинични и токсикологични проучвания при микотоксичната нефропатия по свинете, Дисертация за присъждане на Образователната и научна степен Доктор, 1997.

  2. Стоев, С. Д., Клиникоморфологични, параклинични и антидотни проучвания при микотоксичната нефропатия при птиците и някои имунологични проучвания при свине и птици, Дисертация за присъждане на научната степен “Доктор на ветеринарно-медицинските науки”, 2003.

на Проф. двмн д-р Стойчо Димитров Стоев

Цитирана статия: Stoev S. D., Complex Etiology, Prophylaxis and Hygiene Control in Mycotoxic Nephropathies in Farm Animals and Humans, Special Issue "Mycotoxins: Mechanisms of Toxicological Activity - Treatment and Prevention", Section “Molecular Pathology”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2008, 9, 578-605, (http://www.mdpi.org/ijms/papers/i9040578.pdf)

  1. Njobeh, P.B., Dutton, M.F., Koch, S.H., Chuturgoon, A.A., Stoev, S.D., Mosonik, J.S., Simultaneous occurrence of mycotoxins in human food commodities from Cameroon , 2010 Mycotoxin Research 26 (1), pp. 47-57, 2010

  2. Vasatkova, A., Krizova, S., Krystofova, O., Adam, V., Zeman, L., Beklova, M., Kizek, R., Effect of naturally mouldy wheat or fungi administration on metallothioneins level in brain tissues of rats , 2009 Neuroendocrinology Letters 30 (SUPPL.1), pp. 163-168, 2009

  3. Vasatkova, A., Krizova, S., Adam, V., Zeman, L., Kizek, R., Changes in metallothionein level in rat hepatic tissue after administration of natural mouldy wheat, 2009 International Journal of Molecular Sciences 10 (3), pp. 1138-1160, 2009

  4. Pfohl-Leszkowicz, A., Ochratoxin A and aristolochic acid involvement in nephropathies and associated urothelial tract tumours , 2009 Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju 60 (4), pp. 465-483, 2009

Цитирана статия: Koynarski V., Stoev S., Grozeva N., Mirtcheva T., Daskalov H., Mitev J., Mantle P., Experimental coccidiosis provoked by Eimeria acervulina in chicks simultaneously fed on ochratoxin A contaminated diet, (2007), Research in Veterinary Science, 82 (2), pp. 225-231.

  1. Gupta, S., Jindal, N., Khokhar, R.S., Asrani, R.K., Ledoux, D.R., Rottinghaus, G.E., Individual and combined effects of ochratoxin a and Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum infection on pathological changes in broiler chickens , Avian Pathology 37 (3), pp. 265-272, 2008

Цитирана статия: Stoev, S. D., M. Paskalev, S. MacDonald, P. G. Mantle, Experimental one year ochratoxin A toxicosis in pigs, Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 53, 2002, 481-487.

  1. Miljkovic A, Pfohl-Leszkowicz A, Dobrota M, Mantle PG, Comparative responses to mode of oral administration and dose of ochratoxin A or nephrotoxic extract of Penicillium polonicum in rats, EXPERIMENTAL AND TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY, 54 (4): 305-312, in pages 305-307. MAR 2003.

  2. Petkova-Bocharova T., C. El. Adlouni, V. Faucer, A. Pfohl-Leszkowicz, P.G. Mantle, Analysis for DNA adducts, ochratoxin A content and enzyme expression in kidneys of pigs exposed to mild experimental chronic ochratoxicosis, Facta Universitatis, Series: Medicine and Biology, vol. 10, 3, pp 111-115, in pages 111, 114, 115. 2003.

  3. O’Brien E., Dietrich DR, Ochratoxin A: The continuing enigma, CRITICAL REVIEWS IN TOXICOLOGY 35 (1): 33-60 JAN 2005.

  4. De Schothorst, Mycotoxinen: Deskstudie naar de belasting van ййnmagige landbouwhuisdieren en de overdracht naar het dierlijk product, Productschap Diervoeder, Kwaliteitsreeks, 89, 1-80, JUNE 2003.

  5. Heussner A.H., Dietrich D.R., O’Brien E., In vitro investigation of individual and combined cytotoxic effects of ochratoxin A and other selected mycotoxins on renal cells, Toxicology in Vitro, vol. 20, Issue 3, 2006, 332-341.

  6. Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Contaminants in the Food chain on a request from the Commission related to Ochratoxin A in food (OSPCF), The EFSA Journal, 365, 2006, 1–56.

  7. Leung, M.C.K., Díaz-Llano, G., Smith, T.K., Mycotoxins in pet food: A review on worldwide prevalence and preventative strategies, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 (26), pp. 9623-9635, 2006

  8. Vettorazzi, A., Gonzalez-Peñas, E., Arbillaga, L., Corcuera, L.-A., López de Cerain, A., Simple high-performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection method for plasma, kidney and liver of rat as a tool for toxicology studies , Journal of Chromatography A 1215 (1-2), pp. 100-106, 2008

  9. Milićevíc, D., Jurić, V., Stefanović, S., Jovanović, M., Janković, S., Survey of slaughtered pigs for occurrence of ochratoxin A and porcine nephropathy in Serbia, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 9 (11), pp. 2169-2183, 2008

  10. Mantle, P.G., Interpretation of the pharmacokinetics of ochratoxin A in blood plasma of rats, during and after acute or chronic ingestion , Food and Chemical Toxicology 46 (5), pp. 1808-1816, 2008

  11. Balogh, K., Hausenblasz, J., Weber, M., Erdélyi, M., Fodor, J., Mézes, M., Effects of ochratoxin a on some production traits, lipid peroxide and glutathione redox status of weaned piglets , Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 55 (4), pp. 463-470, 2007

  12. Galvano, F., Ritieni, A., La Fauci, L., Li Volti, G., Di Giacomo, C., Vanella, L., Marcantoni, C., Peraica, M., Cereals consumption and risk for renal cell carcinoma: Can be hypothesized a role of mycotoxins? [3], International Journal of Cancer 121 (9), pp. 2116-2117, 2007

  13. Brown, A.L., Odell, E.W., Mantle, P.G., DNA ploidy distribution in renal tumours induced in male rats by dietary ochratoxin A , Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 59 (2), pp. 85-95, 2007

  14. Ceci, E., Bozzo, G., Bonerba, E., Di Pinto, A., Tantillo, M.G., Ochratoxin A detection by HPLC in target tissues of swine and cytological and histological analysis, Food Chemistry 105 (1), pp. 364-368, 2007

  15. Heussner, A.H., Moeller, I., Day, B.W., Dietrich, D.R., O'Brien, E., Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against ochratoxin B , Food and Chemical Toxicology 45 (5), pp. 827-833, 2007

  16. Pfohl-Leszkowicz, A., Manderville, R.A, Ochratoxin A: An overview on toxicity and carcinogenicity in animals and humans, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 51 (1), pp. 61-99, 2007

  17. Pfohl-Leszkowicz, A., Ochratoxin a and aristolochic acid involvement in nephropathies and associated urothelial tract tumours , Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju 60 (4), pp. 465-483., 2009

  18. Milićević, D., Jurić, V., Stefanović, S., Jovanović, M., Petrović, Z., Vuković, D., Occurrence of ochratoxin a and heavy metals in tissues associated with porcine nephropathy in serbia , World Mycotoxin Journal 2 (3), pp. 347-35, 2009

  19. Aoudia, N., Callu, P., Grosjean, F., Larondelle, Y., Effectiveness of mycotoxin sequestration activity of micronized wheat fibres on distribution of ochratoxin A in plasma, liver and kidney of piglets fed a naturally contaminated diet, Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 (7), pp. 1485-1489, 2009

  20. Mally, A., Dekant, W., Mycotoxins and the kidney: Modes of action for renal tumor formation by ochratoxin A in rodents , 2009 Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 53 (4), pp. 467-478, 2009

  21. Barlow, P.M. Bolger, J.I. Pitt, P. Verger, Contaminants: Ochratoxin A (addendum), In: WHO Food Additives Series 59 “Safety Evaluation of certain food additived and contaminants”, Sixty-Eighth Meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee of Food Additives (JECFA), International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), World Health Organization, Geneva, 2008. pp 357-429.

  22. Manderville, R., Pfohl-Leszkowicz, Genotoxicity of Chlorophenols and Ochratoxin A, In: Advances in molecular toxicology, Vol 1, Chapter 4, Elsevier, The Nedherlands, 85-139, 2006

  23. Peter G. Mantle, Experimental mycotoxic nephropathies and Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, Facta Universitatis, Series: Medicine and Biology Vol.9, No 1, 2002, pp. 64 – 65.

  24. Milićević Dragan R., Jurić Verica B., Daković Aleksandra, Jovanović Miljan, Stefanović Srđan, Petrović Zoran I, Mycotoxic Porcine Nephropathy and Spontaneous Occurrence of Ochratoxin A Residues in Kidneys of Slaughtered Swine, Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, 116, 81-90, 2009.

  25. Diana Ringot and Abalo Chango, Risk Assessment of Ochratoxin A (OTA), In: Mycotoxins in Food, Feed and Bioweapons, Chapter 18, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 307-328, 2010 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-00725-5)

Цитирана статия: Stoev, S. D., D. Goundasheva, T. Mirtcheva, P. G. Mantle, Susceptibility to secondary bacterial infections in growing pigs as an early response in ochratoxicosis, Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 2000, 52, 287-296.

  1. Oswald IP, Desautels C, Laffitte J, Fournout S, Peres SY, Odin M, Le Bars P, Le Bars J, Fairbrother JM, Mycotoxin fumonisin B-1 increases intestinal colonization by pathogenic Escherichia coli in pigs, APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 69 (10): 5870-5874, in page 5870. OCT 2003.

  2. Oswald IP, Bouhet S., Marin D.E., Pinton P., Taranu I., Mycotoxin effects on the pig immune system, PROCEEDINGS OF THE EUROPEAN MICOTOXIN SEMINAR SERIES “Evaluating the Impact of Mycotoxins in Europe”, European Lecture Tour, 22 February, 2005, Sofia, pp 78-93.

  3. Muller G, Burkert B, Rosner H, Kohler H, Effects of the mycotoxin ochratoxin A and some of its metabolites on human kidney cell lines, TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO, 17 (4): 441-448 AUG 2003.

  4. Miljkovic A, Pfohl-Leszkowicz A, Dobrota M, Mantle PG, Comparative responses to mode of oral administration and dose of ochratoxin A or nephrotoxic extract of Penicillium polonicum in rats, EXPERIMENTAL AND TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY, 54 (4): 305-312, in pages 305-307. MAR 2003.

  5. Pfohl-Leszkowicz A, Petkova-Bocharova T, Chernozemsky IN, Castegnaro M, Balkan endemic nephropathy and associated urinary tract tumours: a review on aetiological causes and the potential role of mycotoxins, FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS, 19 (3): 282-302 MAR 2002

  6. Harris JP, Mantle PG, Biosynthesis of ochratoxins by Aspergillus ochraceus, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 58 (5): 709-716, in page 713. NOV 2001.

  7. Harris JP, Mantle PG, Biosynthesis of diaporthin and orthosporin by Aspergillus ochraceus, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 57 (2): 165-169, in page 168. MAY 2001.

  8. Mantle P., A. M. Chow, Ochratoxin formation in Aspergillus ochraceus with particular reference in spoilage of cofee, International Journal of Food Microbiology 56, 105-109, in page 106, 2000.

  9. O’Brien E., Dietrich DR, Ochratoxin A: The continuing enigma, CRITICAL REVIEWS IN TOXICOLOGY 35 (1): 33-60 JAN 2005.

  10. Frisvad JC, Lund F, Elmholt S, Ochratoxin A producing Penicillium verrucosum isolates from cereals reveal large AFLP fingerprinting variability, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY 98 (3): 684-692 2005.

  11. Cortyl, M., The interactions between mycotoxins and immunity in pigs and Solutions to combat the mycotoxins and their effects, Proceedings of Immunity Related Diseases in Pigs: Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome and Mycotoxins New Challenges in Asia, Nuevo Milenio Inc. Impextraco N.V., De La Salle – Araneta University, pp 20-33, June 10, 2005.

  12. Frisvad JC, Frank JM, Houbraken JAMP, Kuijpers AFA, Samson RA, New ochratoxin A producing species of Aspergillus section Circumdati, STUDIES IN MYCOLOGY (50): 23-43 Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI, 2004

  13. Overy DP, Frisvad JC, Mycotoxin production and postharvest storage rot of ginger (Zingiber officinale) by Penicillium brevicompactum, JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION 68 (3): 607-609 MAR 2005.

  14. Oswald, I.P., Marin, D.E., Bouhet, S., Pinton, P., Taranu, I., Accensi, F. Immunotoxicological risk of mycotoxins for domestic animals, Food Additives and Contaminants, 22 (4): 354-360, 2005.

  15. Al-Anati, L., Petzinger, E., Immunotoxic activity of ochratoxin A, Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 29 (2), 79-90, 2006.

  16. De Schothorst, Mycotoxinen: Deskstudie naar de belasting van ййnmagige landbouwhuisdieren en de overdracht naar het dierlijk product, Productschap Diervoeder, Kwaliteitsreeks, 89, 1-80, JUNE 2003.

  17. Hennicke Georg Kamp, Untersuchungen zur nephrotoxischen Wirkung des Mykotoxins - Ochratoxin A, Dem Fachbereich Chemie der Technischen Universitдt Kaiserslautern zur Verleihung des akademischen Grades „Doktor der Naturwissenschaften“, eingereichte Dissertation, (D 386), Vorgelegt von Diplom-Lebensmittelchemiker, Hennicke Georg Kamp, Kaiserslautern 2004, pp 1-222

  18. Alexandra Kley, Staatliches Tierдrztliches Untersuchungsamt, Aus dem Institut fьr Hygiene und Technologie der Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs der Tierдrztlichen Fakultдt der Ludwig – Maximilians – Universitдt Mьnchen, Lehrstuhl Univ.- Prof. Dr. A. Stolle, Diagnostikzentrum – Aulendorf, Ltd. VD Dr. H. Stцppler, Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Enzyme-Linked-Immunosorbent-Assay (ELISA) fьr die Erfassung der Campylobacter-Situation in Schweinebestдnden mittels Blutserum- und Fleischsaftproben, Inaugural – Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwьrde der Tierдrztlichen Fakultдt der Ludwig – Maximilians – Universitдt Mьnchen, Mьnchen 2003, pp 1-212.

  19. Mul M.F., M.M. van Krimpen, M.B. Bokma-Bakker, I.A.J.M. Eijck, Mycotoxinenbelasting in de biologische varkenshouderij, Rapportage Opdrachtgever 1.330.386.015, Animal Sciences Group, Februari 2004, 1-25

  20. Jack Dwayne Thrasher, Ph.D., Ochratoxins and Ochratoxicosis, Immunosupression, Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, MOLD WARRIORS: Fighting America's Hidden Health Threat, Sam-1 Trust, pp1-7.

  21. Matti Kiupel, Gross Morbid Pathology of Swine, C. L. Davis Foundation’s “Gross Morbid Anatomy of Diseases of Animals”, AFIP, Washington, Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health and Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation, College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, USA, March 20-24, 2006, pp. 1-26.

  22. Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Contaminants in the Food chain on a request from the Commission related to Ochratoxin A in food (OSPCF), The EFSA Journal, 365, 2006, 1–56.

  23. Raja, A.V., Saikumar, G., Sharma, R., Dwivedi, P., Ochratoxicosis in swine: Clinical and pathological changes following prolonged exposure to ochratoxin A , Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 78 (9), pp. 922-928, 2008

  24. Gupta, S., Jindal, N., Khokhar, R.S., Asrani, R.K., Ledoux, D.R., Rottinghaus, G.E., Individual and combined effects of ochratoxin a and Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum infection on pathological changes in broiler chickens, Avian Pathology 37 (3), pp. 265-272, 2008

  25. Pfohl-Leszkowicz, A., Manderville, R.A., Ochratoxin A: An overview on toxicity and carcinogenicity in animals and humans , Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 51 (1), pp. 61-99, 2007

  26. Gresham, A., Done, S., Livesey, C., MacDonald, S., Chan, D., Sayers, R., Clark, C., Kemp, P., Survey of pigs' kidney with lesions consistent with PMWS and PDNS and ochratoxicosis. Part 2: Pathological and histological findings, Veterinary Record 159 (23), pp. 761-768, 2006

  27. Gresham, A., Done, S., Livesey, C., MacDonald, S., Chan, D., Sayers, R., Clark, C., Kemp, P., Survey of pigs' kidneys with lesions consistent with PMWS and PDNS and ochratoxicosis. Part 1: concentrations and prevalence of ochratoxin A, Veterinary Record 159 (22), pp. 737-742, 2006

  28. Njobeh, Literature Review, PhD Thesis, Chapter 2, 2008, pp 2-86.

  29. Vandenbroucke, V., Croubels, S., Verbrugghe, E., Boyen, F., Backer, P.D., Ducatelle, R., Rychlik, I., (...), Pasmans, F., The mycotoxin deoxynivalenol promotes uptake of Salmonella Typhimurium in porcine macrophages, associated with ERK1/2 induced cytoskeleton reorganization, Veterinary Research 40 (6), 2009

  30. S. Pepeljnjak, Zdenka Cvetni, Maja Šegvi Klaric, OCHRATOXIN A AND ZEARALENON: CEREALS AND FEED CONTAMINATION IN CROATIA (1977-2007) AND INFLUENCE ON ANIMAL AND HUMAN HEALTH, Krmiva 50, Zagreb, 3; 147-159, 2008

  31. MAR Amalaradjou, K Venkitanarayanan, Detection of Penicillium, Aspergillus and Alternaria Species in Fruits and Vegetables, In: Mycotoxins in fruits and vegetables, Rivka Barkai-Golan, Nachman Paster (Eds), Chapter 10, Elsevier, 225-246, 2008

  32. Johanna Fink-Gremmels, The Impact of Mycotoxins in Animal Feeds, Mycotoxins: Detection Methods, Management, Public Health and Agricultural Trade (eds. JF Leslie et al.), CAB International 2008, 176-188, 2008.

  33. Mwanza Mulunda, An investigation in South African domesticated animals, their products and related health issues with references to mycotoxins and fungi, Magister Technologiae, Faculty of Science, University of Johannesburg, 1-185, 2007.

  34. Marie-Josée Turgeon, Marie-Pierre Fortier, Robert Fillion, et al., Rapport final: Diagnostic et préparation d’un plan d’action multidisciplinaire pour réduire les impacts, chez les porcs, de la contamination des grains par les mycotoxinesCentre de développement du porc du Québec inc., Dépôt légal 2009, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, pp 1-167. 2009.

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