Тесты для входного и итогового контроля каждого модуля, ключи к тестам, лексический минимум, тексты для дополнительного чтения

Part A: Choose the correct variant

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Part A: Choose the correct variant

1. I (not/understand) that man because I (not/know) English.

A. not understand, don’t know

B. don’t understand, not know

C. don’t understand, don’t know

2. … you visit my parents very often?

A. Does

B. Do

C. Are

3. Don’t make so much noise. Father just (to fall asleep).

A. has just fallen asleep

B. just fell asleep

C. had just fallen asleep

4 Somebody … waiting for you in the hall. I don’t know who he is.

A. are

B. was

C. is

5. A liar is someone who (not/tell) the truth.

A. not tell

B. don’t tell

C. doesn’t tell

6. Will you go to the cinema? No, I (to see) this film before.

A. saw

B. have seen

C. has seen

7. He (to have) an exam tomorrow.

A. has

B. will have

C. is having

8. Something (to smell) very good.

A. smell

B. is smelling

C. smells

9. Where … you (to go)? I (to go) to the University. I always (to go) to the University at 8 o’clock.

A. do … go, go, go

B. are … going, am going, go

C. are … going, am going, goes

10. Jim (to repair) his car for two hours already.

A. is repairing

B. has been repairing

C. has repaired

11. Bees (to make) honey.

A. made

B. make

C. are making

12. What … you (to do) now?

A. do … do

B. have … done

C. are … doing

13. Who … (to do) it?

A. did do

B. did

C. has did
Part B: Insert the correct article

Three men came to 1.__ New York to have 2.__ good time. They came to 3. __ very large hotel and took 4. __ room there. Their room was on 5.__ 45th floor. In 6. __ evening 7. __ friends went to 8. __ cinema and came back to 9. __ hotel very late.

“I am very sorry,” said 10. __ clerk of 11. __ hotel, “but 12. __ lifts are not working tonight. If you don’t want to walk up to you room, we’ll make 13. __ beds for you in 14. __ hall”. “No, no”, said one of 15. __ friends, “no, thank you. We don’t want to sleep in 16. __ hall. We’ll walk up to 17. __ our room.”

Then he turned to his friend and said: “It’s not easy to walk up to 18. __ 45th floor, but we’ll make it easier. On 19. __ way to 20. __ room I’ll tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will sing us some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories.” So they began walking up to their room. Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some songs.

At last they came to 21. __ 35th floor. They were tired and decided to have 22. __ rest. “Well,” said Tom, “now it is you turn, Peter. After all 23. __ jokes, I’d like to hear 24. __ sad story. Tell us 25. __ long and interesting story with 26. __ sad end.” “27. __ story which I’m going to tell you,” said Peter, “is sad enough. We left 28. __ key to our room in 29. __ hall.”
Part C: Make up sentences with the following words

  1. is/best/she/friend/my.

  2. learn/different/students/our/subjects.

  3. is/the/country/the/in/world/what/largest?

  4. reading/is/my/of/best/son’s/fond/friend.

  5. wealth/health/better/is/than.

Part D: Point out the numbers of sentences which are Passive

1. He is said to be very famous.

2. The text has already been written.

3. Why weren’t you there?

4. English is spoken all over the world.

5. I’m working now.

6. What do you do?

7. What are you doing?

Учебный элемент 1 (УЭ-1)



  • What famous Belarussians do you know?

  • Do you know the origin of the word “Belarus”?

  • Why do people love their Motherland?

I. Vocabulary Work

1. Pronounce the following words and memorize them:

achievement (n)


ancient (adj)


annual (adj)

ежегодный; годичный, годовой

auroch (n)


average (adj)


battle (n)

битва, сражение

branch (n)

ветвь, ветка; отрасль

bush (n)


coal/brown coal/slate coal (n)

уголь/бурый уголь/ горючий сланец

clay (n)


deposit (n)


devastation (n)

опустошение; разорение

district (n)


flax (n)


inalienable (adj)

неотчуждаемый; неотъемлемый

independence (n)


invader (n)

захватчик, оккупант

loam (n)

суглинок; плодородная земля

meadow (n)

луг; низина,

nuclear (adj)


ox – oxen (pl) (n)

бык, вол

peat (n)


plentiful (adj)

изобилующий, обильный

protection (n)


quarter (n)


recognition (n)


region (n)


severe (adj)

строгий; суровый; требовательный

significant (adj)

значительный, важный, существенный

soil (n)


supremacy (n)

верховенство; верховная власть

to adopt (v)


to appear (v)


to poison (v)

отравлять, заражать

to possess (v)

владеть, иметь, обладать

unified (adj)


urban (adj)


wealth (n)


widespread (adj)

широко распространенный

yoke (n)


2. Read these international words and try to guess their meaning:

center, basin, politics, economy, culture, urban, region, continental, catastrophe, flora, fauna, authority, agriculture, to specialize, production, to cultivate, antiquity, manuscript, hypothesis, historian, progress, fascist, industry; sovereign; sovereignty.

3. Study the following word combinations:

сomparatively mild

сравнительно мягкий

computer science

вычислительная техника

domestic and foreign policy

внутренняя и внешняя политика

environmental protection

защита окружающей среды

heavy industry

тяжёлая промышленность

higher educational establishment

высшее учебное заведение

independent state

независимое государство

leading branch

ведущая отрасль

mineral spring

минеральный источник

nuclear catastrophe

ядерная катастрофа

on the one hand/on the other hand

с одной стороны/с другой стороны

rule of law

принцип господства права

secondary special educational institution

среднеспециальное учебное заведение

state language

государственный язык

thick forest

густой лес

to be affected by

быть под влиянием, воздействием

to be covered with

быть покрытым

to border on

граничить с

to consist of

состоять из

to cooperate with

сотрудничать с

to divide into

делить на

to gain recognition

получить признание

to succeed in sth

преуспеть в ч-л

to suffer from

пострадать от ч-л

4. Match the following words with the definitions below:

soil, mineral spring, yoke, to poison, to maintain, bush, deposit, flax, to possess, widespread, inalienable, annual, to divide, to suffer, nuclear

  1. of, concerned with, or involving the nucleus of an atom

  2. a natural outflow of ground water that contains a high proportion of dissolved mineral salts

  3. occurring, done, etc., once a year or every year

  4. not able to be transferred to another; not alienable

  5. to give poison to (a person or animal); to add poison to

  6. the top layer of the land surface of the earth that is composed of disintegrated rock particles, humus, water, and air

  7. to undergo or be subjected to (pain, punishment, etc.)

  8. a dense woody plant, smaller than a tree, with many branches arising from the lower part of the stem

  9. to have as one’s property

  10. an immense oppressive force or burden

  11. to separate or be separated into parts or groups

  12. an accumulation of sediments, mineral ores, coal, etc.

  13. a herbaceous plant which has blue flowers and is cultivated for its seeds and for the fibres of its stems

  14. extending over a wide area; accepted by or occurring among many people

  15. to keep in proper or good condition;

5. Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms:

1) annual; 2) bush; 3)earth; 4) essential; 5) to concur; 6) to cooperate; 7) shrub; 8)significant; 9) to poison; 10) plentiful; 11) soil; 12) supremacy; 13) yearly; 14) superiority; 15) to spoil; 16) to possess; 17) to own; 18) abundant.

6. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms:

1) urban; 2) freedom; 3) to unite; 4) severe; 5) poverty; 6) separate; 7) ancient; 8) up-to-date; 9) to divide; 10) light industry; 11) attack; 12) protection; 13) rural; 14) heavy industry; 15) mild; 16) yoke; 17) unified; 18) wealth .

7. Translate the Russian words given in brackets:

  1. The (почва) (была отравлена) with chemical waste from the factory.

  2. What is the (ведущая отрасль) of (тяжелая промышленность) in this country?

  3. (С одной стороны) I like this car. (С другой стороны) I’m afraid I can’t afford it.

  4. It’s absolutely necessary for everyone to (поддерживать) health.

  5. I (страдаю) from insomnia.

  6. There’s no use to beat about the (куст). Let’s get down to business!

  7. It is (важно) to note that the story did not appear in the newspapers.

  8. My grandparents (владеют) a luxurious mansion. It is surrounded by (густыми лесами).

  9. A (четверть) of the population voted for him.

  10. His (богатство) is estimated at fifty million dollars.

  11. Let’s (разделим) this cake into four parts!

  12. The black (бык) has trod on my foot.

  13. His table is (обильный), but plain.

8. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:

state language; auroch; to succed in sth; independence; environmental protection; to be covered with; to consists of; comparatively mild; to be affected by; computer science.

II. Reading Comprehension

  1. Read and translate the following text. Use a dictionary if necessary.

The Republic of Belarus is located in the center of Europe. The Republic borders on Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.

The state isn’t washed by any seas and oceans, it doesn’t have any high mountains but it is remarkably beautiful with its blue lakes and rivers edged with thick forest, with its fields, meadows, with its various and plentiful animals and plants. There are nearly 3000 rivers in Belarus. They flow into the Baltic Sea or to the Black Sea basin. The longest rivers are the Dnieper, the Nieman, the Zapadny Bug and the Zapadnaya Dvina. The state has over 10,000 lakes. The largest of them is Lake Naroch.

The Republic of Belarus is an independent state with its politics, economy and culture. Its area is about 207,600 square kilometers. The population is more than 10 million people.

More than 70% of the territory is urban. The state languages are Belarussian and Russian. The most widespread languages of business are Russian, English and German.

The Republic of Belarus consists of six regions with centers in the cities of Minsk, Vitebsk, Brest, Gomel, Grodno and Mogilyov, which are further divided into districts. The population of Minsk – the capital city – is about 1.7 million people.

Most part of Belarus is a flat country. More than a quarter of its territory is covered with forests and bushes. The large forests of Belarus are called “pushchas”. The greatest of them is Belovezhskaya Pushcha. It is a large national preserve. This forest preserve is the only place in the world where wild oxen, aurochs, can still be found.

The climate of Belarus is continental with comparatively mild winters and warm summers. It is affected on the one hand by the sea air coming from the Atlantic Ocean, on the other hand, by the cold continental air masses from the Central Russian Uplands. The average annual temperature is 5°C above zero in the North and 8°C above zero in the South.

There are deposits of petroleum, coal, slate coal, brown coal, dolomites. The reserves of peat, clay, loam and sand for the manufacture of glass, various construction materials are great. There are also mineral springs.

The nature and the climate have suffered much from the nuclear catastrophe that took place in Chernobyl in 1986. The radiation has spoiled our soil and air, rivers and lakes and poisoned our flora and fauna. Besides it badly affected the health of many people.

The Republic of Belarus is a unitary democratic social state with the rule of law, which possesses supremacy and full authority on its territory and independently carries out its domestic and foreign policy. The territory of Belarus is unified and inalienable. State power in the Republic of Belarus is formed and realized through three main branches – Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The President of the Republic of Belarus is the head of the state.

The Republic of Belarus possesses significant scientific and technical potential. There are about 150 secondary special educational institutions, about 40 higher educational establishments, the Academy of Sciences. In the system of higher schools there are about 20 commercial higher schools. The achievements of Belarussian scientists in the fields of mathematics, physics, nuclear power, chemistry, biology, microelectronics, computer science, in agriculture, ecology and environmental protection have gained international recognition.

Belarus has a developed heavy industry, including all its leading branches: power, machine-building and chemical industries. Belarus cooperates with more than 40 countries in different parts of the world. Many products of our industry such as automobiles, tractors, radio electronics, machinery, chemical and oil-refining products are well-known on the world market.

Agriculture specializes in milk and meat production. The main crops cultivated here are potatoes, flax, grain and vegetables.

The old name of Belarus is “A land of Bogs”. The history of our country goes back to antiquity. The name “Byelorussia” first appeared in official manuscripts in the 14 century.

There are different hypotheses as to the origin of the name. One of the hypotheses is the name comes from the fact that in ancient times “to be white” meant “to be free”. In the 13 century while East-Slavonic lands were under the Tatar-Mongol yoke the North-West of Ancient Russ was free and that part was called Belaya Russ. It is also known that the people of this part of the land were dressed in white clothes, made of flax. Some historians explain the origin of the name from this fact. Still others maintain the idea that Belaya Russ was the land inhabited by Christians unlike Chernaya Russ where pagans lived.

The Republic’s road to social and economic progress was hard. The republic was the arena of severe battles in the years of World War I, the Civil War and World War II. During the Great Patriotic War Belarus suffered from the fascist invaders. A great number of cities, towns, villages were completely destroyed. Belarus lost more than half of its national wealth. Despite the terrible devastation which the war brought to the republic the Belarussian people succeeded in reviving their industry and agriculture in a short period of time.

Nowadays Belarus is a sovereign independent state. The Declaration of State Sovereignty was adopted by its Supreme Soviet in July, 1990. The National Day of the Republic of Belarus is the Day of Independence on 3 July.
2. Answer the following questions:

  1. Where is Belarus situated?

  2. What countries does it border on?

  3. What is the territory and the population of the republic?

  4. What is the ratio of urban population to rural?

  5. How many regions are there in Belarus? Name the largest cities in Belarus.

  6. What is the capital of Belarus? What is the population of the capital?

  7. What is the climate of Belarus? What is the climate affected by?

  8. How many lakes and rivers are there in the republic?

  9. What is the name for the largest Belarussian forests?

  10. What are the state languages?

  11. What educational establishments are there in our republic?

  12. What do you know about Belarussian industry and agriculture?

  13. What deposits does Belarus possess?

  14. What are the results of the nuclear catastrophe?

  15. What hypotheses of the country’s name do you know?

  16. When was the name “Belarussia” used for the first time?

  17. What are the highest bodies of state power in Belarus?

  18. When did the republic become an independent state?

  19. When do we celebrate the Day of Independence?

III. Comprehension and Word Study.

1. Say whether it is true or false:

  1. The Republic borders on Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.

  2. There are nearly 2000 rivers in Belarus.

  3. The largest lake in Belarus is Lake Naroch.

  4. The population is more than 20 million people.

  5. About 70% per cent is rural.

  6. The climate of Belarus is maritime.

  7. Most part of Belarus is a hilly country.

  8. More than a half of the territory is covered with forests and bushes.

  9. The Republic of Belarus consists of six regions with centers in the cities of Minsk, Vitebsk, Brest, Gomel, Polotsk and Mogilyov.

10) The Chernobyl catastrophe is a tragedy for the whole nation.

11) There are deposits of petroleum, coal, slate coal, brown coal and diamonds.

12) Belarus doesn’t cooperate with any countries except the Russian Federation.

13) The old name of Belarus is “A land of Gods”.

14) The Belarussian people suffered much in the course of their history.

15) The President of the Republic of Belarus is the head of the state.

16) The Declaration of State Sovereignty was adopted by its Supreme Soviet on June, 1990.
2. Join the parts of sentences.



  1. There are different hypotheses

a) Belarussian and Russian.

  1. Most part of Belarus is

b) from the nuclear catastrophe that took place in Chernobyl in 1986.

  1. The nature and the climate have suffered much

c) a sovereign independent state.

  1. The main crops cultivated here

d) “A land of Bogs”

  1. The state languages are

e) are potatoes, herbs, flax, grain and vegetables.

  1. Nowadays Belarus is

f) as to the origin of the name.

  1. The most widespread languages of business are

g) including all its leading branches: power, machine-building and chemical industries.

  1. The old name of Belarus is

h) a flat country.

  1. Belarus has a developed heavy industry,

i) of petroleum, coal, slate coal, brown coal, dolomites.

  1. There are deposits

j) Russian, English and German.

3. Translate into Russian:

to be located in the center; to border on; remarkably beautiful; river edge; various and plentiful animals and plants; independent state; square kilometer; the most widespread language; to consist of; national preserve; wild ox; continental air masses; annual temperature; construction materials; mineral spring; to take place; besides; unitary democratic social state; domestic and foreign policy; to carry sth out; unified and inalienable; developed; chemical and oil-refining products; to go back to antiquity; origin; hypothesis (Pl. hypotheses); to be dressed in sth; to be inhabited by; unlike; pagan; severe battle; fascist invader; national wealth.

4. Ask questions to the following sentences:

  1. The Republic of Belarus is located in the center of Europe. (special)

  2. The Republic borders on Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. (special)

  3. The state isn’t washed by any seas and oceans. (disjunctive)

  4. The average annual temperature is 5°C above zero in the North and 8°C above zero in the South. (two special)

  5. The Republic of Belarus possesses significant scientific and technical potential. (general)

  6. The radiation has spoiled our soil and air, rivers and lakes and poisoned our flora and fauna. (a question to the subject)

  7. The nature and the climate have suffered much from the nuclear catastrophe. (a question to the subject)

  8. Agriculture specializes in milk and meat production. (special)

  9. The history of our country goes back to antiquity. (alternative)

  10. The name “Byelorussia” first appeared in official manuscripts in the 14 century. (two special)

5. Make up sentences with the following words:

  1. of/a/Belarus/flat/is/part/most/country.

  2. and/Republic/through/formed/power/realized/main/three/Belarus/branches/


  1. do/my/I/love/what/country/for?

  2. pushchas/in/forests/be/can/large/called/found/aurochs/still.

  3. republic/possesses/wood/the/Belarus/resources/huge/of/of.

  4. temperature/South/country/average/is/annual/the/the/the/of/in/what?

  5. villages/of/completely/during/lot/Patriotic/towns/the/were/War/cities/a/


  1. remembers/Chernobyl/of/everybody/the/date.

  2. technical/Republic/significant/Belarus/and/potential/of/the/scientific/


  1. is/square/hundred/the/the/Belarus/two/than/of/kilometers/Republic/of/more/thousand/area

6. Insert the correct article:

  1. Does Belarus border on … Ukraine?

  2. … Republic of Belarus cooperates with … Russian Federation, … Cuba, … Argentine, … Venezuela and a lot of other countries all over the world.

  3. The largest lake in Belarus is … Lake Naroch.

  4. … Dnieper is one of the longest rivers in our country.

  5. A lot of people died during … Great Patriotic War.

  6. … North of the country is colder than … South.

  7. Belarus has never been under … Tatar-Mongol yoke.

7. Translate into English:

  1. Лес тянется на много миль.

  2. Не могли бы Вы поливать растения, пока меня не будет.

  3. Мой отец – очень суровый человек.

  4. У меня есть (=владею) роскошным особняком.

  5. Ветви деревьев покрыты снегом.

  6. Он преуспевает в своем деле.

  7. Он появился за несколько минут до окончания вечеринки.

  8. Его живопись поражает богатством деталей.

  9. Мой брат увлекается вычислительной техникой.

  10. Он силен как бык.

8. Fill in the gaps with suitable words given below. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

The republic of Belarus possesses 1._____ wood resources, the 2._____ area of wood stock makes about 43 % of the territory of the country. According to the national legislation, woods are public 3._____ and are owned by the state. The quality of timber, especially coniferous, is 4._____ high. The most widespread woods are pine, fir, birch, black alder, oak and aspen woods. Woods are of great 5._____ not only as a supply of timber. In 1996 forestry 6._____ 937 thousand tons of berries, 206 tons of mushrooms, 44 tons of medical 7._____ material, 47 tons of honey. Rich is the animal world of Belarusian woods. Today on the hunting list there are more than fifty 8._____ of animals and birds.

Belarusian woods can also be a good place for rest, especially for towns-people. They also have a 9. _____ influence on soil, climate, they constrain high waters, storms, make the air purer and 10._____ soil from erosion, and they also 11._____ some other unpredictable natural phenomena.

importance, raw, species, favorable, total, fairly, prevent, provided, propriety, huge, protect
9. Find the words in the text to match these dictionary definitions.

  1. land near the dividing line between two countries

  2. the body of salt water covering approximately 70 per cent of the earth’s surface

  3. an area of soft wet land

  4. the catchment area of a particular river and its tributaries or of a lake or sea

  5. to live in

  6. a book or other document written by hand

  7. the amount found by adding together several quantities and then dividing by the number of quantities

  8. to experience pain or difficulty

  9. a record or account, often chronological in approach, of past events, developments, etc

  10. ability or capacity to do something

  11. a large amount of money and possessions

  12. the beginning of something; first stage or part

  13. independent of outside authority

  14. a person without any religion; heathen

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