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Бастауыш білім беру деңгейінің 1-4-сыныптары үшін

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Бастауыш оқу бағдарламалары №266 бұйрығы 08.04.2016

Бастауыш білім беру деңгейінің 1-4-сыныптары үшін
«Ағылшын тілі» пәні бойынша үлгілік оқу бағдарламасы

1. Explanatory note

  1. The subject programme is a teaching and normative document determining the content and the scope knowledge and skills in each academic subject/discipline in accordance with age peculiarities and cognitive abilities of learners.

  2. The subject programme focuses the learning process on the use of the methodical potential of each subject to ensure the conscious acquisition of knowledge and skills by the learners in each subject area, the development of learner independence through learning, project work, research work, the acquisition of orientation skills in social and cultural environment.

  3. The subject programme combines harmoniously the traditional functions of teaching and normative document and innovative trends in the organization of educational process in the modern school. The novelty consists in the approaches used as the main reference points to build a fundamentally new structure and content of an academic subject. Value-oriented, activity-based, learner-centered and communicative approaches – as classical foundations of education – are used to strengthen the priority of the system of learning objectives and outcomes of the educational process, which is reflected in the new structure of the subject programme.

  4. One of the main requirements for the learning process at present stage is to organise active work of a learner in independent “acquisition” of knowledge. This approach contributes not only to the acquisition of subject knowledge, social and communication skills, but also to the development of personal qualities which will help him to recognize own interests, perspectives and make constructive decisions. Active cognitive activity of a learner becomes more sustainable in terms of co-creation and support of the teacher as a partner and a consultant.

  5. Such strengthening the learner-centered education is possible with the use of interactive teaching methods, various combinations of which provide the basis for cooperation of all participants of the educational process, avoiding authoritarianism in the relationships. The use of interactive and reflective technologies is combined with the organization of project and research activities of learners. All the innovative approaches to the organization of educational process transform the learning into a model of learners’ communication in real-life creative process, which involves active exchange of knowledge, ideas and methods of work.

  6. The programme of a particular subject allows developing the learner’s cognitive and social activity through organisation of learning project work focused on the use of regional materials (objects, enterprises, information sources). Educational project work, carried out within the framework of the learning objectives of this particular subject, can be organized in partnership with parents and the representatives of the local community.

  7. Each subject programme provides for the implementation of trilingual education, which involves not only learning three languages, but also the organization of extracurricular activities of learners students in the three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian and English). The collective contribution of each subject to the creation of multilingual learning environment ensures the implementation of trilingual education policy. Communicative approach, being the basis of language learning, is seen as a leading principle in the development of learners’ speech by means of each academic subject – exchange of knowledge and skills in a variety of educational contexts, proper use of the system of language and speech norms.

  8. In the process of acquisition of the subject content and achievement of the learning objectives it is necessary to create conditions/environment for the development of learners’ skills of application of ICT, including searching, processing, retrieving, creation and presentation of necessary information, cooperation to exchange information and ideas, evaluation and improvement of their work through the use of a wide range of equipment and applications.

  9. The subject programme suggests expected outcomes stated in the system of learning objectives which form the basis for determining the content of a subject. In terms of the content the subject programmes describe the contribution of a particular academic subject to educating a learner as a subject of his own learning and a subject of interpersonal communication.

  10. The subject programmes ensure the implementation of the principle of unity of learning and education, based on interconnectedness and interdependence between education values and learning outcomes and the system of learning objectives for a particular subject.

  11. The distinctive feature of the subject programmes is that they are focused on forming not only the subject knowledge, but also a wide range of skills. The system of learning objectives forms the basis for developing the following wide range of skills: functional and creative application of knowledge, critical thinking, conducting research work, using information and communication technologies, application of different methods of communication, ability to work in a group and individually, problem solving and decision making. A wide range of skills is a key to learners’ success in school educational experience, as well as in the future, after graduating from school.

  12. Modern innovations in economy, changes to the labor market imply the necessity to possess skills, the combination of which will enable learners to analyse and evaluate situations, ideas and information in order to solve complex problems or to develop new ways of solving them, use creatively the acquired knowledge and experience in synthesising new ideas and information. Such personal qualities as initiative, curiosity, willingness to change, interpersonal skills are becoming relevant.

  13. The content of the educational process in a particular subject builds on the learning objectives and focuses on forming the willingness of learners to apply creatively the acquired knowledge and skills in any educational and real-life situation, develops commitment to success, and encourages lifelong learning.

  14. The development of personal qualities in conjunction with a wide range of skills set up the basis forteaching the learners the core values of education: ‘Kazakhstani patriotism and civil responsibility’, ‘respect’, ‘cooperation’; ‘work and creativity’; ‘transparency’; ‘lifelong learning’. These values ​​are designed to become constant personal reference points for each learner, motivating his behavior and daily activities.

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