«білім берудегі 4к моделі: теория мен әдістеме» атты республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік

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Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер: 
Негізгі және жалпы орта мектеп мұғалімдеріне арналған критериалды бағалау бойынша нұсқаулық: Оқу-
әдістемелік құрал. / О.И.Можаева, А.С.Шилибекова, Д.Б.Зиеденованың редакциялауымен – Астана: «Назарбаев 
Зияткерлік мектептері» ДББҰ, 2016. – 54 б.
Р. Х. Шәкіров, А.А. Бүркітова, о.И. Дудкина. (2012). «Оқушылардың оқудағы жетістіктерін бағалау», 
Әдістемелік нұсқаулық. – Б.: «Білім», – 80 б. 
«Мұғалімге арналған нұсқаулық», «НЗМ» ДББҰ Педагогикалық шеберлік орталығы, 2016ж. 

Райханбекова Б.Ж. 
Абай атындағы Республикалық мамандандырылған дарынды балаларға арналған
қазақ тілі мен әдебиетін тереңдете оқытатын орта мектеп-интернатының
ағылшын тілінің мұғалімі 
The modern period of development of society is characterized by the influence of information 
technologies that penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread of information flows 
in society, form a global information space. An integral and important part of the informatization of 
society is the informatization of education, including foreign language education. Currently, there are 
many methods of teaching English using interactive and mobile technologies. They provide high 
information content, visibility, intensity of training and stimulation of activity [1]. Among the well-
known mobile applications focused on learning foreign languages are applications Learn English 
Elementary, Duolingo, Memrise, Grammar Up, LangBook, LinguaLeo, TED, etc. 
Modern innovative technologies give new "colors" to the process of language learning, increase 
the level of motivation of students to the subject and as a result improve the quality of education. In 
an attempt to find new forms and methods of teaching, the teacher has to experiment, synthesize 
different approaches and modern ICT tools. Mobile applications have turned language learning into 
an interesting game. You can learn English and other languages with your favorite TV shows and 
songs, communication with native speakers, fun quests, memes and pictures from cartoons [1]. This 
does not require a lot of time.
Engaging students in learning a language with using applications not only enriches knowledge of 
students, but also develops their desire for self-education, self-reflection, awakens their educational 
and cognitive motivation. Methodists emphasize that the knowledge obtained independently, by 
overcoming feasible difficulties, are absorbed more firmly than those obtained in the finished form 
from the teacher, because in the course of independent work, each student is directly in contact with 
the assimilated material, concentrates all his attention on it, mobilizing all the reserves of emotional, 
intellectual and volitional character. 
For elementary level students it is necessary to create special pedagogical conditions that will 
positively affect the motivation to learn a foreign language. However, such conditions may not always 
be created in the classroom. Then it makes sense to use mobile training programs, which we position 
as motivating means of learning, because certain functions incorporated in them can affect the causes 
of motivational decline of adolescents [2]. 
Thanks to the abovementioned applications, students not only learn the language, but also can 
assess their knowledge and achievements. Each application has its own system of assessing the 
achievements of students. For example, students train their skills using the applications, learn new 
words and expressions, work on their pronunciation, etc. Then they can pass a test or perform a task 
in the app which will determine their level of knowledge and if the task is performed correctly, they 
move on to the next level. If the student is unable to successfully complete the given task, he can 
repeat the course an unlimited number of times and re-assess their achievements. In this case, students 
develop self-reflection, that is, they can assess their level of knowledge [2].These applications have 
the following functions: goal setting, goal revision, game tasks, statistics, reviews, variety of tasks, 
multimedia, English interface, choice of difficulty level, presence of hints, dictionary, chat in English, 
The functionality of mobile applications must not only meet the principles of didactic, but also to 
the motivational queries of a learner. As a compensatory learning tool, the mobile application is able 
to positively influence the internal motives of the individual, provided that the functions presented in 
its structure will correlate with the three – step "ladder" revealed in the previous paragraph: interest 
– goal-setting – success. Labeled "steps" is more associated with the principles of the activity, 

simplicity, clarity and consciousness. These principles, we deem it necessary "core" for the 
recognition of learning applications didactic [3]. 
If the learning application is Youtube which does not have a program for assessing the 
achievements of students, they can write a reflexive essay or statement. Students often use several 
types of applications to learn a foreign language as each of them has its own advantages. In this case, 
they are advised to keep a diary of self-reflection where they can record their achievements: first of 
all, they write their goal – what they want to achieve as a result of training on a particular application 
[2]. After students practice on applications, they should write down what they realized, what they did 
not understand, what was difficult for them, what weaknesses they noticed on which they should still 
work and how. That is, there is a formative assessment. 
For the development and enrichment of lexical skills developed programs such as Easy Ten, Fun 
easy learn English, Anki are used [3]. In these applications, each word is trained in several different 
ways. Among the applications that allow students to develop all the skills of the English language: 
reading, listening, writing and speaking the most popular are Lingualeo and Duolinguo. Let's take a 
closer look at the benefits of several applications. 
Duolingo is an application that makes learning languages easy and convenient. The app allows 
learners to learn many different languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. 
When you start the app you just need to choose the language you want to learn. One of the advantages 
of Duolingo compared to other language learning applications is the way in which all information is 
given. As the lessons are completed, participants earn experience points. Any mistake will take away 
points. Duolingo tries to make the learning process as fun and reminiscent of the game. In addition, 
the application has an attractive design and is distributed free of charge. The learning process takes 
place in a playful way. In this application, you have a pet (owl) who needs to be fed. Students pass 
level after level earning trophies, gradually increasing the complexity of the levels, and in order the 
process did not seem so simple, learners lose their lives for the wrong answers. It can be used as an 
additional manual with interactive exercises for foreign language learners from scratch. The 
educational course is divided into stages on the principle of "from simple to complex". In the 
educational application Duolingolearners train skills such as writing and speaking (you will be offered 
to pronounce the learned phrases), reading and listening [4]. 
Memrise is another recognized best app. The service is based on a scientific method that allows 
students to study up to 44 words per hour. The main "weapon" of the application – are the memes. 
They allow language learners to remember the material much better, and different game modes train 
different aspects of memory: visual learning, repetition and consolidation, quick recall, etc.Also in 
the application thousands of video and audio recordings of native speakers, various tests, listening 
exercises are available. Courses can be downloaded and studied offline. It's no secret that the more 
your vocabulary, the more confident you will feel when talking to another person. So, Memrise is an 
application for memorizing English words with the help of funny associations. The most interesting 
feature of the platform is that the courses are developed by the users themselves, and therefore tested 
empirically [4]. The philosophy of the creators of the Memrise app is that they metaphorically 
compare the process of learning vocabulary with growing a flower garden. Repeating the new lexical 
units in the 6 proposed game exercises, the user seems to" water the seeds " of the studied words, 
strengthening them in his memory. As part of any dictionary card there is a picture-hint, the so-called 
English learning apps often use media content as one of the most effective ways to learn. FluentU 
is one of the best such platforms. To learn the language there are used real videos: popular talk shows, 
music videos, funny and commercials, news, interesting dialogues, etc. The main advantage of the 
application is that it tracks the words you are studying and recommends other videos and tasks based 
on them [3].
Kahoot is a client-server educational Web-platform, which allowsto conduct tests, surveys and 
discussions in collaborative learning mode absolutely free of charge.The basis of the Kahoot service 
is five main and one auxiliary sites: 

1) a website designed to create kahoots by teachers. 
2) a website that serves to launch kahoot from the side of the teacher. 
3) thewebsite, which serves to connect to the kahoots of students through a variety of devices 
(PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones).
4) awebsite that allows you to test the Internet connection and identify the level of its quality to 
work with the service Kahoot! 
5) thewebsite to work with the media content of the service. 
6) a support website that is designed to support users. 
The essence of the service Kahoot! can be described as a step algorithm: 
1. The teacher creates kahoot (one of 4 types) on the web site create.kahoot.it.
2. The teacher runs created cahoot, for example a test on the computer with the interactive 
whiteboard in a classroom. 
3. Students open the websitekahoot.it on their tablets, smartphones or laptops and enter the game 
code (game pin), which is seen on the screen of the teacher, thereby included in the overall 
collaborative network. 
4. After students have successfully joined kahoot, the teacher starts kahoot by clicking on the 
"Start" button, students can see questions and answer them using their gadgets [2].
Quizlet is an application that allows students to learn and memorize the necessary training 
material, creating own cards and training modules. You can also choose from a million pre-built 
learning modules that other users have already created. The app is free. Every month, over 20 million 
students use the resource because it is one of the leading applications for learning foreign languages
history, vocabulary and science in a simple and effective way." 
Another very useful tool in language learning is Youtube,which provides the impact of genuine 
English. Video causes an increase in interest, and therefore becomes more popular in language 
classes. This form of learning makes the language learning style more autonomous for students and 
is a source of motivation for them. YouTube can be a very useful online resource for the learning 
process. The use of YouTube for learning attracts students' attention, which helps to make the 
language learning interactive. 
One of the main advantages of using applications for learning a foreign language is that students 
learn the language on their own. In addition to the fact that independent work causes the activity of 
students, it has another important advantage – it is of individual character. Each student uses a source 
of information depending on their own needs and capabilities. This property of independent work 
gives it a flexible adaptive nature, which greatly increases the responsibility of each student and, as a 
result, his performance. The most implemented principle in applications is the activity principle [4]. 
Thus, the proposed approach to the organization of English language training using applications 
not only continues the previously established tradition of learning a foreign language using technical 
devices, but also expands them through the use of fundamentally new features of mobile platforms. 
It extends the foreign language learning environment beyond the computer application and even the 
computer network. The obtained experience of using the proposed educational mobile technologies 
has shown their feasibility and effectiveness in modern real educational practice [5]. At the same 
time, teaching foreign languages, in particular, English using internet applications is implemented in 
the form of independent and game activities, which in turn contributes to the successful development 
of the English language.
Summarizing the above, we can conclude: special language mobile applications allow learners to 
speed up and improve the process of learning English. Also, they help to develop stable language 
patterns, communication skills, rules of English grammar. The use of such mobile applications in the 
study of English by students and pupils of non-linguistic specialties can significantly improve the 
quality of the subject. When group learning English using mobile applications, it is easier for the 
teacher to follow the students, which entails convenience on the part of the teacher. 


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