Ч.І. (для рівня B1 +) / За загальною редакцією проф. Корольової А. В. Київ 2007 Видавництво Національного педагогічного університету ім. М. П. Драгоманова

Доповніть речення словами, поданими нижче. За таким зразком розкажіть про свою родину

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6. Доповніть речення словами, поданими нижче. За таким зразком розкажіть про свою родину.

Widow, brother, widower, younger, close, get married, cousin, bachelor, distant, children, husband, relatives, grandparents, uncle, aunt, wife mother-in-law, unmarried, bachelor.

My name is Tom Smiles. I'm the eldest of all the …………. My second .............. is Jack. The youngest is Michael. My ... ……….sister is two years younger than me. Some time ago she ……….. Her ........... is Mr. Brown. I have many ……… My ………. are dead. But I have a number of. …….. and ……. relatives: two …….… four ……… and about a dozen ………. One of my …….. has lost her ……... She is a .......... An uncle of mine has been a …..…. for many years, but he married recently. His …….. is very kind to his …….... and treats them as a real mother would do.

My second aunt has remained ………. and therefore she is single lady. An uncle of mine has also remained single. He is an old………...


Extended family

One-parent family





Close relative

Distant relative




a woman who becomes your mother when your father marries for a second time

someone who is closely related to you

a group of people who are related to each other

a young person from the time he/she is born until he/she is about 14 or 15

the sister of your wife or husband

a family in which there is only one parent

someone's mother and father

someone who is not closely related to you

a male child

a family including cousins, grandparents etc

the mother of your wife or your husband

a female child

7. З’єднайте слова першої колонки з їх тлумаченням у другій
8. Кожен з 14 осіб одружений один з одним. З інформації поданої нижче, дізнайся, хто з ким одружений. У тексті представлено 3 покоління.


Alan is Caroline's nephew and Larry’s cousin. Barbara is Larry's mother and Maggie's sister-in-law. Caroline is Edward's daughter and Maggie's sister-in-law. David is Gordon's brother-in-law and Alan's uncle. Edward is Ingrid’s grandfather and Maggie's father-in-law. Fanny is Caroline's mother and Alan's grandmother. Gordon is Helen's son-in-law and Nigel's brother-in-law. Helen is Barbara's mother-in-law and Larry's grandmother. Ingrid is Gordon's niece and David's daughter-in-law. John is David's father and Gordon's father-in-law Karen is Gordon's daughter-in-law and Maggie’s daughter-in-law. Larry is John's grandson and David's son. Maggie is Larry's aunt and Fanny's daughter-in-law. Nigel is Ingrid's father and Fanny's son-in-law._____________________


9. Використовуючи діалоги, дайте письмові відповіді на запитання. ( Робота по ланцюжку)

  1. Have you got a family of your own?


  1. Is your family large?


  1. Who do you look like?


  1. Do the members of your family look like each other? Who looks like who?


  1. Who are you closest to? Why?


  1. Who do you take after in character?


  1. Аre your parents strict?


  1. Do you think you will bring up your children similarly to the way your parents brought you up? Do you intend to be more/less strict? More/less indulgent?


* Indulgent - терплячий

10. Використовуючи слова, вирази та словосполучення, перекладіть діалог та інсценуйте із одногрупниками

- Доброго дня!

- Доброго дня! Як справи?

- Дякую. Гаразд. Ви знаєте місіс Браун?

  • Звичайно, я знаю її дуже добре. Вона чудова, добросердечна жінка. У неї дуже велика родина.

  • Скільки в неї дітей?

  • Четверо: дві доньки, Елен і Дженні, і двоє синів, близнюків, Біл іТ Джордж.

  • Елен старша?

  • Так, їй 19 років. Вона кмітлива та дуже енергійна. У свої дев’ятнадцять вона навчається та працює, щоб допомогти родині.

  • А скільки років Джорджу?

  • Він ще маленький, йому три роки.

  • Брауни дуже приємні люди.

  • Так, містер Браун чудовий батько, дуже турботливий, а місіс Браун -
    любляча мати та дружина. Діти дуже їх люблять

  • _____________________________________________________________________________

  • _____________________________________________________________________________

  • _____________________________________________________________________________

  • _____________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________________

11. Продивіться уважно опрацьований матеріал та утворіть діалог із одногрупником за запропонованими ситуаціями:

а) ви хочете привітати родичів із святом: попросіть допомоги продавця листівок вибрати для кожного листівку з малюнком та текстом;

б) до вашої сестри прийшов молодий чоловік, поговоріть з ним про його родину.

- _____________________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________________


- _____________________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________________







12. Прочитайте та обсудіть текст. Замініть українські слова англійськими еквівалентами, користуючись вокабул яром модуля.

The Unhappy Man

I married a (вдова) who had a grown-up (донька) . My (батько) ______ visited us often, fell in love with my (прийомна донька) ____________ and (одружитися) _________ her. Thus my own father became my (прийомний син) _____________, and my (прийомна донька) ____________, being the (дружина) _________ of my father, became my (матір) ___________. After some time my wife presented me with a (син) _______, of course, he was my father's (чоловік сестри) _______________ and my (дядько) ______, for he was the (брат) ________ of my (мачуха) ______________. My father's (дружина) _________, that is my (прийомна донька) ____________, had also a (син) _______, of course, he was my (брат) __________, but at the same time he was also my (онук) ____________, for he was the son of my (донька) ____________. My wife was also my (бабуся) _____________, being the mother of my mother.

I was the (чоловік) ___________ of my wife, but at the same time also her (онук) __________, and since the husband of my (бабуся) ____________ is naturally also my grandfather, I am my own grandfather.... I should like to see the man who could bear all this.

12. Прослухайте текст „MY FAMILY”. Прочитайте його, звертаючи увагу на підкреслені слова, перекладіть. Виконайте вправи після тесту.
Let me introduce you my family. I shall tell about my nuclear family: a father, a mother and a brother.

My father’s name is Igor Ivanovych. He is 50. He works as a doctor at a hospital. My father is a very busy person. My mother's name is Maryna Volodymyrivna. She is one year younger than my father, so she is 49. She is a teacher at a school. She is fond of her work and spends a lot of time there. Also she always has a lot of work to do about the house.

Sasha is my elder brother. He is 20 years old. He is a student of Economical Department. He got married last year, so I have a sister-in-law.

As for my extended family, I have my grandmother and grandfather, an uncle, two aunts and five cousins. By the way, one of my cousins is married, so she has a husband, a father-in-law and a mother-in-law and my uncle has a son-in-law.

Our family is very friendly and we like to spend time together.

А. Прочитайте запропоновані речення та дайте свою оцінку, починаючи з виразів, поданих нижче.

True False

I fully agree with you! I disagree with you!

I'm of the same opinion. By no means.

That's all right! Far from it.

That's it! Just it! Exactly so! Nothing of the kind.

Looks like that. It makes no sense.

I'm all for it! I object to it.

  1. My nuclear family consists of a father, a mother a brother and my uncle.

  2. My father is a very busy person.

  3. I have not a sister-in-law.

  4. My mother is two years younger than my father.

  5. My father has a lot of work to do about the house.

  6. Sasha is my elder cousin.

  7. My extended family is my grandmother and grandfather and five cousins.

  8. My cousin has a husband, a father-in-law and a mother-in-law.

  9. Our family is very friendly.

В. Перекладіть письмово речення.

  1. Дозвольте мені відрекомендувати мою сім´ю.


  1. Мій батько дуже зайнята людина.


  1. Моя мати на п’ять років молодша за батька.


  1. Минулого року моя сестра одружилася і в мене з’явився дівер.


  1. Я маю племінника, а мої батьки -онука.


  1. Тітка мого чоловіка тривалий час не могла отримати розлучення.


  1. Процент неповних сімей в Америці останнім часом дуже збільшився.


  1. Нажаль, я н е знайомий з родичами моєї дружини.


  1. У нас велика родина, я маю багато далеких родичів

С. Обсудіть текст з одногрупниками. Розкажіть про сім’ю свого друга.


13. Прослухайте текст. Прочитайте та перекладіть його. Виконайте запропоновані вправи.

A «typical» British family consists of a mother, a father and two children, but in recent years there have been many changes in family life. For example, since the law made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorces has increased. In fact, one marriage in three now ends in divorce. This means that there are a lot of one-parent families.

Members of a family - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins - keep in touch, but they see less of each other than they used to. This is because people often move away from their home town to work.

Relationships within the family are different now. Parents treat their children more as equals than they used to, and children have more freedom to make their own decisions. But still, the English are a nation of stay-at-homes. "There is no place like home", they say. And when the man is not working he is at home in the company of his wife and children and busies himself with the affairs of the home. "The Englishman's home is his castle", is a saying known all over the world. And it is true.

А. Знайдіть в тексті англійські еквіваленти , дайте письмовий переклад.

  1. сім’я складається з_________________________________________________________;

  2. відбулося багато змін у сімейному житті_______________________________________


  1. одне з трьох весіль закінчується розлученням______________________________________


  1. члени сім’ї_____________________________________________________________________;

  2. відносини у колі сім’ї____________________________________________________________;

  3. виховувати дітей________________________________________________________________;

  4. діти мають більше свободи щоб робити свій вибір___________________________________


  1. домосід_______________________________________________________________________;

  2. у товаристві своєї дружини та дітей________________________________________________


  1. мій дім моя фортеця______________________________________________________________


В. Дайте відповіді на запитання. Доведіть свою думку.

  1. What do you know about the traditional family life in Britain?____________________


  1. Describe a «typical» British family.________________________________________


  1. Have there been many changes in British family life in recent years? What are the causes?_


  1. Marriage and the family are not so popular now, are they?_____________________________

What are the reasons?___________________________________________________________

5) Why do members of a family - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins – see less of each other than they used to?__________________________________________________________________

6) Relationships within the family are different now, aren't they? Prove it. _____________________


7) What is necessary for a marriage to be successful? _____________________________________


8) What do you think is the best age to get married? ______________________________________


С. Перевірте свою пам”ять. Доповніть текст англійськими еквівалентами.

A «typical» британська _________ сім’я _________ складається ___________ of a матері ________, a батька _________ and two дітей ___________, but in recent years there have been many changes у сімейному житті ________________. For example, since the law made it easier to розлучатися ____________, the кількість __________ of розлучень___________ has increased. In fact, one одруження __________ in three now ends in divorce. This means that there are a lot of one-parent сімей __________.

Члени родини _________________ - дідусі і бабусі ______________, тітки _________, дядьки _________, двоюрідні брати та сестри __________ - keep in touch, but they see less of each other than they used to. This is because people often від’їжджають ___________ from their home town to work.

Відносини _____________ within the family are інші __________ now. Parents виховують дітей ______________ more as equals than they used to, and діти ____________ have more freedom to вирішувати __________. But still, the English are a нація _________ of stay-at-homes. "Ніде так не гарно як вдома ____________________", they say. And when the man is not working he is at home in the company of his дружини __________ and дітей __________ and busies himself with the affairs of the home. "Мій дім – моя фортеця _____________________________", is a saying known all over the world. And it is true.

14 Прослухайте, прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Виконайте вправи після тексту.

The family in Britain is changing. In the past, people got married and stayed married. Divorce was very difficult, expensive and took a long time. Today, people's views on marriage are changing. Many couples, mostly in their twenties or thirties, live together (cohabit) without getting married. Only about 60% of these couples will get married.

In the past, people married before they had children, but now about 40% of children in Britain are born to unmarried (cohabiting) parents. In 2000, about a quarter of unmarried people between the ages of 16 and 59 were cohabiting in Great Britain.

People are getting married at a later age now and many women do not want to have children immediately. They prefer to concentrate on their jobs and put off having a baby until late thirties.

А. З”єднайте слова 1 та 2 колонок та запишіть словосполучення, що утворилися.











В. Знайдіть речення зі словосполученнями ( вправа А) та випишіть.


С. Поставте запитання до виписаних речень ( вправа В) та утворіть діалог.

- _____________________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________________

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