Ч.І. (для рівня B1 +) / За загальною редакцією проф. Корольової А. В. Київ 2007 Видавництво Національного педагогічного університету ім. М. П. Драгоманова

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модуль 3 children’s room

  1. Прослухайте, прочитайте, вивчіть слова та словосполучення модуля.

A bunk-bed – двоповерхове ліжко

Fashion doll – лялька з набором одягу

Compendium of games – набор настільних ігор

Drop-flap writing surface – письмовий стіл з відкидним верхом

Handicraft – ручна праця

Jigsaw, puzzle – пазли

Modeling clay - пластилін

Colored pencil(crayon) – кольорові олівці

Building and filling cubes – кубики

Construction set - конструктор

Toy horse for rocking and pulling – коник - гойдалка

Pram suit – дитячий костюм для прогулянки

Playsuit, leggings – повзунки

Child’s sundress - сарафан

A sun hat - панамка

Catsuit – комбінезон
Nappy (coll.) - пелюшки

Wrapover vest – дитяча сорочка

Baby’s jacket –кофтинка для немовляти

Space-saving sleeper chair – крісло - ліжко

Crib – колиска

Folding hood – відкидний верх коляски

Dummy, teat – соска - пустушка

Potty (baby’s pot) - горщик

Bootees – дитяче взуття

Play pen - манеж

Pram - коляска

Children’s cupboard - дитяча шафа

Linen drawer – комод для білизни

Toy box – коробка для іграшок

Paintbox – набір фарб

Felt pen - фломастер

A train set - дерев’яна залізнична колія

  1. Прочитайте діалоги по ролях. Використовуючи слова модуля, перекладіть.


Peter: Jane how lucky we are tomorrow we’ll move into a new house.

Jane: yes, wonderful. It’s big and nice with wide windows.

Peter: It has a wide porch and a high roof.

Jane: It’s good for playing hide and seek.

Peter: There are a lot of rooms in it. We’ll have a big playroom, too.

Jane: With a drop-flap writing surface and we’ve enough space for doll’s and toys.

Peter: Yes, and a rocking horse and a train set.

Jane: I;m waiting impatiently for tomorrow.


Sue: Kitty, my mummy bought me a pretty fashion doll.

Kitty:: Nice, but my dad did a baby doll.

Sue: Look, how many dresses and skirts and shoes here.

Kitty:: And my doll has many clothes a pink playsuit, a green catsuit and a romper and a baby’s jacket.

Sue: My new friend has a hair brush, a mirror, a lipstick…

Kitty:: But I was presented a folding hood pram.

Sue: Oh, really, let me see.

Kitty:: Sue, I’ve an idea to play with our dolls. Yours will be a mother and mine her daughter.

Sue: Fine, my daughter bring me please…


Mother: John: bring me the dummy I‘m going to walk with our baby.

John: Here you are, mum.

Mother: Would you like to walk with us?

John: No, I’d better keep our playroom.

Mother: Good of you! My dear, help me with the pram.

John: Sure.

Mother: Please, put all playsuits, wrapover vests and a baby’s jackets into the children’s cupboard.

John: Yes, I’ll do everything with pleasure.

  1. Дайте відповіді на запитання, звертаючись до діалогів.

1. Why Jane and Peter were lucky?


2. Do they have a high roof or a low one?


3. What did Sue have?


4. Who presented Kitty a baby doll?


5. Who brought the dummy?


6. What did mother ask to do in the playroom?


7. Who was going to walk with a baby (the last dialogue)?


4. Перекладіть на англійську та прочитайте діалог, що утворився, по ролях.

  • O, Нелл, як гарно, що я тебе зустріла саме тут сьогодні.

  • Що ти робиш у нашому магазині?

  • Шукаю подарунок похреснику.

  • Чим можу допомогти тобі?

  • З задоволенням. Я б хотіла комбінезон.

  • Що до цього блакитного?

  • Досить гарний. Ще й ту полосату кофтинку.

  • Гарний вибір.


5. Уявіть себе а) маленькою дитиною в новій кімнаті, в)нянею дитинки. Поговоріть про дитячу кімнату.

6. Перевірте, як ви запам”ятовуєте слова.

А. Поверніть послідовність літер

mmudy ______________________

dincrahaft ____________________

codemaylling ______________________

sicatut ______________________

В. Враховуючи кількість літер, запишіть слово.

b (4)-(3) ________________

c (7)____________________

p (5) _________________

r (6)________________

p (4) ___________________

j (6) ____________________

7. Прочитайте невеличкі історії очима дітей. Виконайте запропоновані після тексту вправи.

Rusty the sheep – dog.
Now, Joy had a doll which she was very fond of, called Amelia. Mr. Smiles had given it to her for Christmas. And she used to take Amelia out for walks in her doll`s pram, and Rusty would go with them – down to take village or up the lane to the moor.

But one day Rusty was working in the fields with Mr. Smiles, so Joy went out by herself. She went through the village and up the lane. She thought she would pick some flowers for her mother. But two naughty hound puppies, chasing a cat, rushed out of a gate, knocked over the pram and ran away. And when Joy looked, Amelia had gone!

lane - доріжка

moor - болото

to pick - збирати

naughty - неслухняний

puppy - цуценя

А. Вставте прийменники.
1. Joy had a doll which she was very fond ____ .

2. Mr. Smiles had given it _____ her ____ Christmas.

3. She used to take Amelia _____ _____ walks in her doll’s pram.

4. She went ______ the village and up the lane.

5. Two naughty hound puppies rushed _______ of a gate.

В. Вставте артиклі.
1. When _____ Joy looked, ______ Amelia had gone!

2. Two naughty hound puppies, chasing ______ cat, rushed rushed out of _____ gate, knocked over _____ pram and ran away.

3. One day Rusty was working in ______ field with, Mr. Smiles.

4. She used to take Amelia out for _____ walks in her ______ doll`s pram.

С. Відкрийте дужки, ставлячи дієслово у правильній формі.
1. Joy (have) ________________a doll which she was very fond of, called Amelia.

2. One day Rusty (work)_____________ in the fields with Mr. Smiles, so Joy (go)____________ out by herself.

3. She (think)__________________ she (pick)____________________ some flowers for her mother.

4. Two naughty hound puppies, (chase)_________________ a cat, (rush)______________ out of a gate, (knock)__________________ over the pram and (run)_______________________ away.

5. When Joy Joy (look)______________________, Amelia (go)____________________________!

D. Постав різні типи запитань до тексту.

1. Did_____________________________________________?

2. Who____________________________________________?

3. What___________________________________________?

4 . Where__________________________________________?

5. _______________________________________, didn’t he?

6. Did________________ or ___________________________?

8. Прослухайте, прочитайте, перекладіть текст та обсудіть його після виконання вправ.
Household Chores

My family consists of four members: my mother, my father, my little brother and me. Each member of the family has his own chores. My father goes shopping. He buys bread, milk, vegetables, fruits, eggs and other, products. My mother prepares dinner and supper. We like Mother’s cooking. She is especially good at cooking fried fish.

My chore is to wash up dishes. I also have to dust the furniture and to sweep the floor in my room every day. My younger brother's chores are to carry: lo carry out the garbage and to put his things in their right places.

On Saturday all the family are busy with their chores. We make our flat neat. My father cleans the carpets wish a vacuum - cleaner. My mother washes linen in a washing - machine. I wash the floor. My brother cleans shoes. After all that we lay the table and have dinner. Then we have tea with wonderful cakes made by my mother. We thank our parents and father cheerfully says: « Business before pleasure». We enjoy the rest of the day doing things we like to do.

Chores are very important in the life of the family. Our family is very friendly because everybody treats his chores very seriously.
household – домашні обов’язки

garbage – сміття

to knit – в'язати

a vacuum – cleaner – пилосос

to wash linen – прати білизну

А. З”єднайте слова та утворіть словосполучення, спираючись на текст.




the table







В. Знайдіть в тексті початок запропонованих у вправі речень за закінчіть їх.

He buys bread, milk, vegetables________________________________________________________

I also have to dust the furniture and_____________________________________________________

Chores are very important ____________________________________________________________

Then we have tea with _______________________________________________________________

С. Поставте запитання до тексту, враховуючи запропоновану модель.

What ___________________________________________________________?

Where ___________________________________________________________?

When ____________________________________________________________?

Why _____________________________________________________________?

Did ___________________________ or ________________________________?

_______________________________________________________, didn’t they?

D. Обсудіть з одногрупниками сімейні проблеми, які пов”язані із щоденними обов”язками.

9. Доповніть речення, вибираючи вірний варіант.
1. You shouldn’t walk around with … feet. The floor isn’t very clean.

a) bare b) naked c) nude d)stripped

2. Will you … the bunk bed at once! Our gests are at the door!

a) clean b) cover c) make d) smooth

3. Your… for today is to do the washing up.

a) duty b) homework c) labour d) task

4. I just have a few household… to cope with and then I’ll be able to rest.

a) jobs b) charges c) chores d) works

5. this room looks terrible, it’s in such a… .

a) disorder b) litter c) mess d) rubbish

6. it’s… we did something about redecorating the playroom.

a) full-time b) good time c) high time d) long time

10. Уявіть себе учителем початкових класів. Використовуючи таблицю форм, кольорів, познайомте учнів з новими словами та введіть їх в речення.

Shapes, colours and patterns


square (n,adj) a rectangle (n) a circle (n) a semi- circle oval (n, adj)

rectangular (adj) round (adj)

circular (adj)

a star

a triangle (n) pyramid

triangular (adj)

a square box, a round table, a pointed end, a rectangular field, an oval shape

Note: we can also form adj. to describe shapes in this way:

The ball was egg-shaped; a heart-shaped wedding cake; a diamond-shaped bag.

Shades of colour

She bought a dark green skirt.

He was wearing light blue jeans.

My new shirt is pale yellow.

Note: With some colours, we use pale rather than light,

e.g. pale yellow, pale pink.

Patterns (designs)

striped shirt tartan skirt floral tie check dress

Use of the suffix – ish
When we want to say that a shape is almost round or a colour nearly green, we can express this idea by adding the suffix – ish: a roundish fase; a greenish tie; a yellowish colour.

А. Використовуючи словосполучення, утворіть діалоги за ситуаціями: а) ви прийшли на пошту і хочете надіслати подарунок. Вам потрібна коробка; в) Ви шукаєте тканину на святкову сукню; с) ви на уроці математики і намагаєтеся накреслити необхідну фігуру.


11. Прочитайте текст, перекладіть, обсудіть с одногрупниками дослідження вчених та вивсловіть свою думку про взаємини з і своїми братами та сестрами.
Children’s relationships with thir brothers and sisters are an important part of their everyday lives. Most research on siblings examines predetermined topics, rather than starting from children’s own perspectives. This study involving 58 children agedseven to 13 listened to their accounts of everyday life with their brothers and sisters, showing them to be insightful commentators. The researchers found out that:

  • Сhildren often said that having brothers and sisters meant there was always’ someone there for them, and gave an emotional sense of protection from being alone. Children loved and cared for each other, but also recognized that everyday disputes occurred. Some children however, intensely disliked their siblings.

  • Some children said that their brothers and sisters gave them a strong sense of identity as being part of group, and saw sharing possessions and bedrooms as unremarkable. They had a strong sense of independence and found it difficult to share possessions or bedrooms with their siblings.

  • Talking together was important to girls in their relationships with their sisters and brothers, while for boys doing things together mattered in their relationships with their brothers. In broher- sister relationships, activities took precedence over talking.

  • Children often talked about elder brothers and sistrs taking care of and protecting youngest siblings, as well as having power over them, and about younger siblings as receivers of this attention and authority. Some younger sablings, however, looked after their elder brothers and sisters and saw them as immature.

А. Доповніть речення слова, спираючись на текст.

Most research on ________________ examines predetermined _____________? Rather than starting from _________________ own perspectives. Some_____________said that their brothers and _____________ gave them a strong sense of ______________ as being part of group, and saw sharing possessions and _______________ as unremarkable. They had a strong sense of independence and ____________ it difficult to share _____________ or bedrooms with their _________________.

В. З”єднайте слова, знайдіть в тексті речення , в яких словосполучення, що утворилися, є у наявності.











С. Орінтуючись на відповіді, подані у вправі, поставте до них запитання.

- __________________________________________________________?

- Some children however, intensely disliked their siblings.

- __________________________________________________________?

- Children loved and cared for each other.

- __________________________________________________________?

- Some younger sablings looked after their elder brothers and sisters.

D. Пригадайте ваші відносини з молодшими чи старшими братами, сестрами. Обсудіть з одногрупниками, які помилки ви не хотіли б, щоб ваші діти повторювали?

12. Прочитайте текст. Після виконання лексико – граматичних вправ, спробуйте пофантазувати, якою буде дитяча кімната у ваших дітей.
Near a week we moved into a new large house. My sister, brother and I, are so lucky to have a big playing room.

We have a clildren`s cupboard with linen drawers, a children`s bed for our little sister and a bunk- bed for me and our younger brother, sheets, blankets, pillows all covered with a beautiful bedspreads.

The other side of our room is more interesting: some big toy boxes. A box with compendium of games, a box with handicrafts, glue, paint box, paintbrushes, modeling clay, felt pens, and a box for fashion dolls, a toy shop and many other very useful things.

There is a drop - flap writing surface next to the window. We like to draw, paint and play on it.

A rocking horse, a construction set, building cubes, a wooden train set, a toy lorry are in the middle of our room.

We placed everything and we liked it.

А. Вставьте, де необхідно, артиклі.
1.__ other side of our __room is __ more interesting.

2.__ box for __ fashion dolls, __ toy shop and __ many other things.

3.__ rocking horse, __ construction set, __ building cubes is in __ middle of our room.

  1. Near __week we moved into __ new large house.

  2. We’ve __ children’s bed and __ bunk-bed.

В. Вставте прикметники, спираючись на текст.

  1. We have a bunk – bed for me and my _________ brother.

  2. Near a week we moved into a ______ _______ house.

  3. I have a ______ sister.

  4. The other side of our room is more ________.

  5. We’re lucky to have a ________ playing room.

С. З”єднайте слова. Знайдіть речення, в яких використані словосполучення, що утворилися та випишіть їх.

1 felt

a) clay

2 construction

b) box

3 toy

c) set

4 fashion

d) horse

5 modeling

e) pen

6 rocking

f) doll

D. Уявіть, що ви а) продавець дитячих меблів: запропонуйте нові зразки покупцям; в) ви розпачали ремонт у дитячій кімнаті. Розкажіть майстрам про своє бачення кімнати; с) пригадайте, що вам не подобалося у вашій кімнаті у дитинстві.

13. Різдво та Новий рік асоціюється з дитинством та подарунками. Виконайте тест та отримайте нову інформацію для спілкування з друзями.


  1. When is Christmas celebrated in the USA?

    1. January 7 c. December 25

    2. December 24 d. December 3 1

  2. When was Christmas first celebrated ?

    1. the year after Jesus was crucified c. in the 4 century

    2. in 1925 d. around the 4 century

  3. How did Xmas originate as an abbreviation for Christmas?

    1. atheists refused to accept “ Christ” as part of the word

    2. the early popes were lazy so they tended to shorten everything

    3. the Greek word for Christ is Xristos

    4. from Latin terminology for any holy day

  4. What American state was the first to make Christmas an official holiday?

    1. Connecticut c. Alaska

    2. North Carolina d. Alabama

  5. Where did real St. Nicolas live?

    1. in Holland c. in Turkey

    2. in the North Pole d. in Germany

  6. What is the shape of the candy cane modeled after?

    1. a fish hook c. the cane St. Nicolas used

    2. a constellation of stars d. a shepherd’s crook.

  7. Which star led the Three Jesus?

    1. Star of David c. Angel Star

    2. North Star d. Star of Bethlehem

  8. What is the most popular holiday plant decoration in the United States?

    1. pine branches or evergreen boughs

    2. mistletoe

    3. holly

    4. poinsettia

  9. At Christmas, it is customary to exchange kisses beneath a spring of which plant?

    1. holly

    2. ivy

    3. pine

    4. mistletoe

  10. What country did poinsettias originally come from?

    1. Cuba

    2. The USA

    3. Mexico

    4. Brazil

  11. How many reindeer does Santa Claus have?

a. 8

b. 9

c. Santa does not have reindeer. They are really caribou.

d. Santa have a whole herd of reindeer – we only know about his favorite ones.

12. Electric Christmas tree lights were first used in what year?

a. 1800 c. 1895

b. 19 25 d. 1750

13. Who was the author of “ A Christmas Carol”?

a. Anderson

b. Dickens

c. Mark Twain

d. Jack London

14. Where do parents put presents for their kids?

a. in a stocking

b. in a red bed

c. in a big boot

d. in a bag

15. Where can you see the Christmas tree all the year round?

a. in the town of Santa Claus in the state of California

b. in the town of Santa Claus in the state of Wisconsin

c. in the town of Santa Claus in the state of Indiana

d. in the town of Santa Claus in the state of Washington
14. Незалежно від віку люди набувають знань. Перевірте, до якого типу сприйняття предметної інформації ви належите.

There are as many different ways of learning a language as there are language learners. However, it is possible to identify four main types. This questionnaire is to help you identify which type you are most like and also to help you think about other ways of learning you might try.

1) Are you a person who a) wants to know grammar rules?

b) doesn’t worry about grammar?

2) When you are speaking, do you usually a) look up the exact meaning of the words?

b) work out roughly(приблизно) what a new

word means?

3) When you are speaking, do you a) use phrases you’ve learnt by heart?

b) try out new ways of saying things?

4) For you a word usually has a) one clear meaning?

b) different meanings in different situations.

5) Are you more interested in a) business English?

b) literature?

6) Are you more interested in a) passing examinations?

b) being able to say what you want ?
7) Do you listen more to. a) someone’s exact words?

b) the sound of their voice?

If you chose more (a)s than (b)s, answer the A questions.

If you chose more (b)s than (a)s, answer the B questions.

1) Do you chose the answers to questions a) rather carefully?

b) without thinking a lot?
2) Do you a) always finish homework in time?

b) sometimes finish homework late?

3) Do you feel better when you a) finish a piece of work?

b) still have time to finish it?

4) Which is more important when you studying? a) being organized?

b) being able to change?

5) Are you more comfortable with activities a) clearly limited?

which are b) open-ended?

6) When working with other learners, do you a) plan carefully before you start?

b) decide what to do as you go along?

7) Do you like it more when a) the whole class does the same activity?

b) you work in small groups?

If you chose more (a)s than (b)s, read “The worker”.

If you chose more (b)s than (a)s, read “The player”.


1) Do you chose the answers to questions a) rather carefully?

b) without thinking a lot?
2) Do you a) always finish homework in time?

b) sometimes finish homework late?

3) Do you feel better when you a) finish a piece of work?

b) still have time to finish it?

4) Which is more important when you studying? a) being organized?

b) being able to change?

5) Are you more comfortable with activities a) clearly limited?

which are b) open-ended?

6) When working with other learners, do you a) plan carefully before you start?

b) decide what to do as you go along?

7) Do you like it more when a) the whole class does the same activity?

b) you work in small groups?

If you chose more (a)s than (b)s, read “The thinker”.

If you chose more (b)s than (a)s, read “The feeler”.
The worker.

The worker is a person who:

Likes organizations and planning

Enjoys doing exercises and drills

Would like to work with the teacher all the time

Has good study habits, is punctual and is good at homework

Likes doing tests and being corrected

Prefers writing to discussion or drama

Dislikes doing project work

Dislikes playing games or working in small groups

The player.

The player is a person who:

Likes being with people and enjoys variety and change

Prefers listening and speaking to reading and writing

Prefers playing games and working in groups to writing exercises

Prefers competition and excitement in practice and homework

Enjoys participating and performing

Hates doing the same thing lesson after lesson, but likes doing different things all the time

The thinker.

The thinker is a person:

Wants to know why and always looks for rules and principles

Works independently and learns from individual study

Enjoys listening to lectures and doing projects and long written work

Is very hard-working and always wants to get things right

Prefers reading to participating in discussions

Sometimes does not complete work and is often not satisfied with it

Would like to know everything there is to know

The feeler

The feeler is a person who:

Enjoys learning languages and is good at it

Loves interacting and group and pair work

Is interested in talking about emotions and personal topics

Enjoys being with people and learns through cooperation

Prefers talking part in discussions to doing exercises and studying rules

Likes reading, roleplay and drama

Is very sensitive to criticism

Prefers speaking to writing

15. Уявіть, що вам необхідно підготувати свято з малюками у школі. Використовуючи вірші, підготуйте сценарій та вивчіть вірші.

My Dog

I have a little dog.

His name is Jack.

His head is white

And his ears are black.
My cat

My cat is black,

My cat is fat,

My cat likes rats.

Rats are grey and fat.

Be My Friend

Take my hand and walk with me,

Be my friend and talk to me,

We can talk of many things,

How we feel when a songbird sings.

We'll talk quietly, not shout,

There is so much to talk about:

How we help our mummies too,

They have so much work to do.

Take my hand and walk with me,

Be my friend and talk to me.

My Teddy Bear

My Teddy's fur is soft and brown.

His legs are short and fat.

He walks with me all round the town,

And never wears a hat.

My Teddy keeps me warm is bed.

I like his furry toes,

I like his dear little head

And pretty little nose.

Here is...

Here is a big doll,

Here is a big ball,

There is a little doll,

There is a little ball.
Here is a big fox,

Here is a big box,

There is a little fox,

There is a little box.

Here is a big car,

Here is a big star,

There is a little car,

There is a little star...

My Doll

My dolly is pretty,

My dolly is nice.

She has a short nose

And beautiful eyes.

Her full lips are rosy,

Her cheeks are rosy, too

Her hair is fair,

Her eyes are blue.

Her little face is round,

Her ears are small.

I love my dear dolly

Best of all, best of all.

My Pussy-Cat

I have a little Pussy,

And her coat is grey.

She lives in my house,

And she never runs away.

Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat!

Can you catch that big fat rat?

It is sitting by the ham,

Just behind the apple jam.

Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat!

That fat rat is very bad.

If you catch it, I'll be glad.

I'll give you some milk that.


I like my Bunny.

Bear likes honey.
Girls like cats

Cats like rats.

Boys like dogs.

Storks like frogs.

Mice like cheese.

Sparrows like peas.

Owls like mice

I like rice.

Birds like grain.

Say it all again!

Peter has a pencil.

Peter has a pen.

He draws with a pencil.

He writes with a pen.

Little bird, little bird

Look at me. I have a bird house.

Oh! Come and see!
A black cat is on a mat

A green frog is on a log

A red cock is on a clock

A big fish is on a dish

A white hare is on a chair.
A little mouse is in a house

A little fox is in a box

A little duck is in a truck

A little goat is in a boat.

My Mother's Face

I know a face, a lovely face

As full of beauty as of grace,

A face of pleasure and of smile,

In darkness it gives light.

A face that is itself like joy,

To see it I'm a happy boy.

And I have a joy that have no other:

This lovely woman is my mother!
My Dear Mummy

My dear, dear Mummy!

I love you very much.

I want you to be happy

On the 8th March!

Be happy, be happy

On the 8th March!

Happy Mother's Day!

I like the way you look,

I like the way you cook.

Now what I really want to say

Is: «Happy Mother's Day!»
Help Your Mother!

Help your mother, lay the table;

Put a knife and fork and spoon.

Help your mother, lay the table

Every afternoon.

Help your mother, clean the table;

Take the knife and fork and spoon.

Help your mother, clean the table

Morning, night and afternoon.
Mrs. Grundy

Mrs. Grundy washes on Monday,

Irons on Tuesday,

Shops on Wednesday,

Bakes on Thursday,

Sews on Friday,

Cleans on Saturday,

Cooks on Sunday...

This is the tale of Mrs. Grundy.
I love my Mummy

1, 1, 1 — I love the sun.

2, 2, 2 — I love my Mummy too!

3, 3, 3 — My Mummy loves me.

4, 4, 4 — I love her more and more.

I count from 1 — I love the sun.

I count to 4 — I love my Mummy more!

16. Дитинство асоціюється з веселими пригодами, розіграшами. Прочитайте та інсценуйте веселі історії.

a) Jack is an English pupil. It is his first year at school. One day he comes from school not very happy. “ How do you like your teacher?” father aasks Jack. “ Not very much, Daddy”, answer the boy. “ She can’t count well”.

  • Why do you think so, my honey?

  • Well, dad, at first she says that 3+3 is 6 an then she says, that 2+4 is 6. I am sure she can’t count well.

b) “ Tom”, says the teacher, “ your composition is very bad. You must stay after school and write a composition of 50 words”.

“What shall I write about?”asks Tom.

“ You may write about your friend, a book…”, says the teacher.

“ May I write a composition about my sister?”

“certainly, you may”, says the teacher and goes out of the classroom.

Tom thought a little and wrote.

“ I have a little sister. Her name is Jane. She has a nice little kitten. She likes it very much. When it goes out into the garden she always goes after it and calls: Pussy and 50 times”.

c) When uncle Peter came to their house, Tom’s mother said: “ I am sorry, I have

no cheese, I know you like it very much”.

Tom went out the room and soon came back with some cheese. Uncle Peter thanked him, put the cheese into the mouth and said: “ You have very good eyes. Where did you get the cheese?”The boy answered: “ From the rat trap.”

d) Onе day Peter came home from school and said: “ I was the only pupil today who could answer the teacher’s question”.” You are the cleverest boy, Peter! Well done! And what was the question?” The teacher asks: “ Who broke the window in the classroom?”

4. – Oh, Nell, It’s nice to meet you here today.

- What are you doing in our shop?

- I’m looking for a present for my godchild.

- What can I do for you?

- With pleasure. I’d like a catsuit.

- Maybe, this one blue?

- Rather nice. And that striped baby’s jacket.

- Good choice.

6. dummy, handicraft, modeling, clay, catsuit.
7. bunk –bed, crayon, potty, romper, pram, jigsaw.
9.1 of, 2 to, for. 3 out, 4 through, 5 out.
10.1 __ __,

2 a a the,

3 the,

4 __ __.
11. Had

Was working, went

Thought, would pick

Chasing, rushed, knocked, ran.

Looked, had gone

15. 1.a 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.c.
21.Dad, big, downstairs, very hot, find.
25. 1. the __ __.

2. a __ a__.

3. a a __ the.

4. a a.

5. a a.
26. Younger

New large



27. 1 e, 2 c, 3 b, 4 f, 5 a, 6 d.

30. Christmas: 1.c; 2.c; 3.c; 4.d; 5.c; 6.d;7.d;8.c; 9.c; 9.d; 10.d; 11.c; 12.c; 13.d; 14.a; 15.a.




Прикметник — це частина мови, яка називає ознаку, якість або властивість предмета. За своїм складом прикметники бувають:

1. Прості (Simple Adjectives)

У початковій формі не мають суфікса або пре­фікса.

cold — холодний, red — червоний, new — новий.

2. Похідні (Derived Adjectives)

У складі цих прикметників є суфікс або префікс, або суфікс і префікс одночасно:

useful — корисний,

unreal — нереальний,

international — інтернаціональний.

3. Складні (Compound Adjectives)

Складаються з двох чи більше основ, які утво­рюють одне слово з єдиним значенням:

good-looking — гарний, blue-eyed — блакитноокий, dark-haired — темноволосий. Прикметники не змінюються ні за числами, ні за родами, ні за відмінками:

a new book — нова книга,

a new building — новий будинок,

a new house — новий дім,

new houses — нові доми.

Прикметники в англійській мові змінюються лише за сту­пенями порівняння.

Вправа 1.
Утворіть вищий і найвищий ступінь порівняння наступних прикметників.

Hot, nice, warm, cold, merry, small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy, light, green, dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep, brave, long, short, clever, silly, great, red, black, white, thin, thick, fat.

Вправа 2.

Перекладіть з англійської.

1. That's the funniest story I've ever heard. 2. The tram system isn't as reliable as it used to be. 3. What is your height? You are taller than me. 4. She felt as strong as her brother. 4. We start­ed earlier than you. 5. He was more careful than I. 6. This student is the most attentive in our group. 7. I need a warmer coat. 8. He is as tired as you. 9. He was one of the most experienced workers at the factory. 10. Better late than never. 11. She was not so attractive as her mother. 12. His work is not so difficult as mine. 13. He was the eldest in the family. 14. It is easier to swim in the sea than in the river. 15. This is the smallest room in our flat.

Вправа 3.

Перекладіть на англійську.

1. Дякую за добру пораду. 2. Мені дуже шкода, але у мене погані новини для вас. 3. Одяг на ньому був старий та поношений. 4. Минулого літа фрукти були дорогі. 5. Ці вершки свіжі. 6. Де найближчий магазин? 7. Яка телевізійна програма найкумедніша? 8. Дайте мені більш важке завдання. 9. Мій брат молодший за мене. 10. Батько розумніший за тебе


Прикметники в англійській мові мають три ступені порівняння:




Вищий і найвищий ступені в англійській мові утворю­ються:

  • за допомогою додавання суфіксів;

  • за допомогою спеціальних слів.

1. Форми вищого і найвищого ступенів порівняння при­кметників утворюються шляхом додавання суфіксів до основи прикметників у звичайному ступені:

  • у вищому ступені додається суфікс -ег [e];

  • у найвищому ступені додається суфікс -est [ist].

Таким же чином утворюються ступені порівняння дво­складових прикметників, які закінчуються на: -lе
simple — простий,

humble — скромний,

-у happy — щасливий,

-er clever — розумний,

-ow narrow — вузький
і деяких інших двоскладових прикметників.


simple — simpler — the simplest,

narrow — narrower — the narrowest.
Правила правопису при додаванні суфіксів, які утворюють ступені порівняння прикметників

1. Якщо односкладовий прикметник закінчується приго­лосною буквою, перед якою стоїть голосна, то кінцева приголосна подвоюється:

hot —гарячий — hotter —the hottest,

big — великий — bigger — the biggest,

flat — рівний — flatter — the flattest.

2. Якщо прикметник закінчується голосною у, перед якою стоїть приголосна, у змінюється на і перед суфіксами


dry —сухий — drier —the driest,

happy — щасливий — happier — the happiest.

grey — сірий— greyer — the greyest.

3, Перед суфіксами -er, -est кінцева голосна є (німе - е)
nice - красивий — nicer — the nicest,

fine —прекрасний — finer — the finest.

4. Більшість двоскладових і багатоскладових прикметників утворюють ступені порівняння за допомогою підстанов­ки перед прикметником у звичайному ступені спеціа­льних слів:

— у вищому ступені:

more — більше (від much/many),

less — менше (від little);

— у найвищому ступені:

the most — найбільше (від much/many),

the least — Найменше (від little).


difficult — важкий

more the most

difficult difficult

less the least
The text is difficult. Цей текст важкий.

That text is more (less) difficult than this one.

Той текст більш (менш) важкий, ніж цей.

Your text is the most (the least) difficult of all.

Твій текст найбільш (найменш) важкий з усіх.

Прикметник і його сполучення. Порівняльні конструкції з прикметниками





такий же + прикметник + як і

This text is as difficult as that one. Цей текст такий же важкий, як і той.

twice as... as

у два рази +прикметник у вищому ступені +ніж

This suit is twice as cheap as that one.

Цей костюм у два рази дешевший, ніж той.

as... as possible

якомога +прикметник у вищому ступені

The article must be written as well as possible. Цю статтю треба написати якомога краще.

not so... as

не такий +прикметник +як

This vase is not so expensive as that one. Ця ваза не така дорога, як та.

the... die

чим+прикметник у вищому ступені + прикметник у вищому ступені

The more he grows the stronger he becomes. - Чим більше він підростає, тим сильнішим стає.

much... than

набагато+прикметник у вищому ступені+ніж

Nick is much older than my brother is. Коля набагато доросліший, ніж мій брат.


прикметник у вищому ступені +ніж

Не is older than my brother.

Він старший, ніж мій брат.

a bit... than

трохи (ледь-ледь) + прикметник у вищому ступені + ніж

Jill is a bit older than Gary.

Джіл трохи (ледь-ледь) старший від Гері (ніж Гері).

5. Деякі прикметники утворюють ступені порівняння від інших коренів. Ці слова треба вивчити і завжди пам'я­тати.

Так, наприклад, звідки ми взяли слова more, most/less, least? Це

якраз і будуть вищий і найвищий ступені порівнян­ня прикметників many (much)/little відповідно.


Іменник, що визначається прикметником у най­вищому ступені, завжди вживається з певним артиклем (на­віть у тому випадку, якщо іменник не виражений, а лише домислюється).


February is the coldest month in the year, the windiest and the frostiest.

Лютий — найбільш холодний місяць року, найбільш вітряний і морозний

1. Сполучення most з прикметниками у звичайному ступені може позначати не вищий ступінь якості предмета в порівнянні з іншими предметами, а дуже високий ступінь якості безвідносно до інших пред­метів. У цьому разі іменник, що визначається, має неозначений артикль а.


It's a most interesting book. Це дуже цікава книжка.

2. Слово most у значенні "більшість" і вислів most of у значенні "більшість з" може вживатися перед імен­никами у формі множини.


This sum seemed to most students an unsolved problem. Це завдання здавалось більшості студентів нерозв'я­зною проблемою.

However, most of them did it very quickly. Однак більшість з них вирішила її дуже швидко.

Вправа 4.

Розкрийте дужки.
1. My sister is (old) than me. 2. This is (warm) room n the house. 3. Her daughter is a little (tall) than I but much (thin). 4. Where is (near) shop? 5. He is (old) son in the family. 6. Cardiff is (large) town in Wales. 7. She is (beautiful) girl we have ever seen. 8. He is one of (good) engineers at the plant. 9. Your composition must be as (short) as possible. 10. He was not so (talented) as we had expected.

Вправа 5.

Доповніть речення, використовуючи as…as. Оберіть одне з наступного:
bad comfortable long often quietly soon well well-qualified

I’m sorry I’m a bit late. I got here as fast as I could.

  1. It was a difficult question. I answered it ………. I could.

  2. ‘How long can I stay with you?’ ‘You can stay .......... you like.’

  3. I need the information quickly, so please let me know ……….possible.

  4. I like keep fit, so I go swimming ………. I can.

  5. I didn’t want to wake anybody, so I came in ………. I could.

В наступних реченнях використовуйте just as…as.

6. I’m going to sleep on the floor. It’s ………. sleeping in that hard bed.

7. Why did he get the job rather than me? I’m ………. him.

8. At first I thought you were nice but really you’re ………. everybody else.

Вправа 6.
Перекладіть наступне.
Яка мова складніша, англійська чи німецька? 2. Волга – найдовший водний шлях в Європі, чи не так? 3. Які останні новини? 4. Сьогодні погода гірша ніж учора. 5. Лондон більший за Париж? 6. Мій словник кращий, ніж твій. 7. Він не такий високий, як його старший брат. 8. Джим – мій найдавніший і найкращий друг. 9. Останнє оповідання в цій книзі – найцікавіше. 10. Моя сестра на шість років молодша за мене. 11. Хіба здоров’я не важливіше, ніж гроші? 12. Вона набагато талановитіша, ніж її сестра. 13. Вона виглядає набагато старшою за свою сестру, чи не так? 14. Контрольна робота була легшою, ніж ми думали. 15. Сьогодні холодніше, ніж учора. 16. Ця кімната більша, ніж та. 17. Наш новий дім набагато кращий ніж старий. 18. Цей велосипед дорожчий, ніж той. 19. Мій брат набагато старший за мене. 20. Чому зелена сукня дешевша за синю?



Прикметник у реченні виступає у функції:


Не told me a very interesting story. Він розповів мені дуже цікаву історію.

іменної частини присудка:

Не was telling and his story seemed very interesting.

Він говорив, і його розповідь здавалася дуже цікавою.

Прикметник у функції означення як правило стоїть перед іменником. І якщо іменник має артикль, то прикметник ста­виться між артиклем і іменником, якби має зверхність над артиклем, витісняючи його.


This is a book.

Це книга.

This is an interesting book.

Це цікава книга.
Треба говорити:

...than me / than him / than her / — ніж я / ніж він / ніж вона / ніж ми / ніж вони
than us / than them

I can run faster than him. — Я можу бігати швидше за нього (ніж він).

ог або

І can run faster than he can. — Я можу бігати швидше за нього (ніж він може).

І got up earlier than her. — Я встав раніше за неї (ніж вона).

or або

І got up earlier than she did. — Я встав раніше, ніж вона встала.

more than — більш ніж

less than — менш ніж

The film was very short — Фільм був дуже короткий — менше години less than an hour (менше, ніж година).

My shoes cost more than yours. — Мої туфлі коштують більше твоїх

(більше ніж твої)

Нестандартна форма утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників і прислівників від інших коренів



Positive Degree



Comparative Degree



Superlative Degree

good — добрий well — добре

bad — поганий

badly — погано

many - багато

- багато хто

much - багато

little — малий


better — кращий краще

worse — гірший гірше

more — більш

less — менш

the best — найкра­щий, якнайкраще

the worst — найгір­ший, якнайгірше
the most — найбіль­ший, більш за все
the least — най­менший менш за все

Прикметники, які мають два ряди ступенів порівняння

old – старий

far- далекий

near – близький

late - пізній

older - старший

(за віком)

elder — за старшин­ством

у родині

farther— далекий (за відстанню)

further — далекий (за порядком)

nearer —ближчий

later — пізніше,

пізніш (за часом)

latter — останній з двох перелічуваних

the oldest — найста­ріший
the eldest — найстар­ший (у родині) the

farthest — най­більш далекий (за відстанню)

the furthest — най­більш далекий (за порядком)

the nearest — най­ближчий за відстан­ню

(the) next — наступ­ний за


the latest — найбільш пізній, щонайпізні­ший

the last — в останній (раз)

Вправа 7.

Розкрийте дужки.

1. The rivers in America are much (big)________ than those in England. 2. It's (bad)_______ mistake he has ever made. 3. The island of Great Britain is (small) _______than Greenland. 4. What is the name of the (high)______ mountain in Asia? 5. The English Channel is (wide)______ than the Straits of Gibral­tar. 6 Russia is a very (large) ______country. 7. Which is (large)_____: the United States or Canada? 8. What is the name of the (big) ______port in the United States? 9. Moscow is the (large) ______city in Russia. 10. The Lon­don underground is the (old) ______in the world. 11. There is a (great)______ number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia. 12. St. Petersburg is one of the (beautiful)_________ cities in the world.

Вправа 8.

Порівняйте наступні речі, використовуючи слово в дужках.

buses in the rush hour/buses late at night (crowded)

Buses in the rush hour are more crowded than buses late at night.
1. going to discos/going restaurants (popular)

2. taking exercise/going on a diet (good)

3. being a scientist/being a poet (useful)

4. cycling/walking (healthy)

5. looking after a family/going out to work (interesting)

6. wearing formal clothes/wearing casual clothes (relaxing)

7. learning foreign languages/learning about computers (difficult)
Вправа 9.

Перекладіть на англійську.

1. Індія не така велика, як Китай. 2. Яка з цих книг найцікавіша? 3. Крим одне з найкращих місць для відпочинку. 4. Сьогодні він почуває себе краще. 5. Погода сьогодні гірше, ніж учора. 5. Він не такий втомлений, як вона. 6. Життя набагато дорожче, ніж було ще декілька років назад. 7. Я ніколи не бачив кращого фільму. 8. Мені потрібен більший автомобіль. 9. Наші іспити набагато важчі, ніж ваші. 10. Ця приваблива дівчина – найкраща студентка нашої групи. 11. Хто наймолодший студент у вашій групі? 12. Давайте поїдемо машиною. Це дешевше. 13. Чим більше я розмірковував про новий план, тим менше він мені подобався. 14. Яка ріка найдовша в світі? 15. Я добре його знаю, мабуть краще, ніж будь-кого іншого.

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