Много языков – один мир

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Много языков – один мир

Литературный альманах

Альманах включает лучшие прозаические и поэтические произведения молодых авторов – участников ежегодного литературного конкурса, проводимого среди студентов и старшеклассников Кыргызстана.

Основная идея конкурса-2009: «Много языков – один мир». Организаторы надеются, что литературное объединение молодых людей будет способствовать позитивному развитию культурного и языкового многообразия в нашей стране, созданию и укреплению нового, поликультурного пространства.

Читателю предлагаются произведения на семи языках: кыргызском, русском, узбекском, таджикском, английском, немецком, фарси. И, хотя разброс языков и литературных форм большой, и подходы авторов индивидуальны и неповторимы, тематика работ всё же близка – это, прежде всего, общечеловеческие ценности, сквозь призму восприятия молодежи.

Полная версия издания и конкурсные работы размещены на сайте "Новая литература Кыргызстана", адрес в Интернете www.literatura.kg

Альманах выпущен при поддержке Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ), в рамках проекта "Продвижение межэтнической толерантности".

Издание не предназначено для продажи и распространяется бесплатно.

При использовании материалов ссылка на настоящее издание обязательна.

Публикуется по книге: Много языков – один мир. Литературный альманах. – Бишкек: 2009. – 184 с.

УДК 82/831

ББК 84(2) 7

М 73

ISBN 978-9967-25-482-4

М 4702000000-09

Уважаемый читатель!
Литературный конкурс молодых авторов Кыргызстана «Мы с тобой одной крови: ты и я», прошедший в 2009 году под девизом «Много языков – один мир!», предлагает Вашему вниманию лучшие работы конкурса в настоящем альманахе.

Альманах включает в себя прозаические и поэтические произведения на семи языках народов, проживающих на территории Кыргызстана. Критериями литературного конкурса при выборе работ-победителей являлись, прежде всего, художественная ценность произведения, а также нацеленность на передачу средствами любого языка человеческой общности, похожести, большего единства, чем разности…

Идея единства многообразия, многообразия как творческого потенциала и богатства страны, заложена в основе этой книги.

Авторы работ, вошедших в сборник, жюри и редакционный комитет конкурса благодарят Вас за то, что вы открыли первую страницу и надеются, что найдете в сборнике то, что Вам покажется интересным.

Мы ожидаем также, что наш литературный конкурс для молодых авторов по-прежнему будет ежегодным, и будет радовать читателей интересными произведениями, внося свой вклад в общую культуру народов Кыргызстана и Центральной Азии.

Организаторы конкурса и издания альманаха:

  • Сектор поликультурного образования Министерства образования и науки Кыргызской Республики

  • Американский Университет в Центральной Азии (АУЦА)

  • Центр Социальной Интеграции

  • Электронная библиотека www.literatura.kg

Литературный сборник издан при поддержке Верховного Комиссара ОБСЕ по делам Национальных Меньшинств


Абакирова Динара

The same blood flows in you and me

Абубакиров Есенжан

В преддверии боя

Азизов Жамшид

The burned candle's paradise

Аҳмадбоева Ойжамол


Аяпова Асель

Истинный свет

Бахтиёр қизи Хуршида

Дўст бўлайлик

Баялиева Асель


Май айы

Берч Маргарита

Мы все – люди, мы все – одной крови!

Булышева Ольга

Адамдар ааламынын арасындагы Адам

Венская-Мартынченко Александрия

"Мы с Тобой разной крови..."

Греховодов Кирилл


Гулова Дилангез

Афрӯхтани машъали дарунӣ

Жекшелаева Айсулуу


Жунусова Авива

Шаббат, бабушка Мария, отец и я

Зокиров Муроджон

Бизнинг қонимиз бир, сенинг ва менинг

Зейналова Фарангиз

Мо ҳама меваҳои як дарахтем

Ишонхонова Барчиной

Дўстлик боғин яратай

Камардина Елена

An die Trudarmisten (Tрудармейцам)

Каныгина Анастасия



Здесь меня не было

"Затравлены кухни тугим никотином..."

Касеинова Махабат

Жапыздыгың кечирдим


Сен деп...

Мени эстечи

Бир акынга

Кайтаардагы ыр

Мадалиева Бермет

Старая записная книжка

Миясаров Игорь


Назарова Эркаим

Грустная сказочка для самой-самой

Омуралиева Адель

"Боюсь быть незамеченной..."



Художник, муза и сюжет

"Я дышу бемольными гласными..."


Өмүрбаева Нуриза

Бир тоголок кар

Жамгыр үнү

Жапыз там

Сезим күүсү


Сүтак үнү


Барбай калдым, апа быйыл айылга

Сүйөм деп жигит...

Орозалиева Камилла

"Люблю" - сорвётся с губ чуть слышно..."

"Соберу себя по осколкам..."

Орсеков Данияр

Ответы на вопросы

Түбөлүктөгү дагы бир жолугушуу

Пучина Светлана

"Роняет ночь повязку на глаза..."

Саралаев Самат


"Мен өзүмдү кээде өтө бийик сезем..."

"Эх, сымбаттуум, айтчы деги кантейин?"

"Биздин убак акындарга кыйындыр"

Чыңгыз Айтматовго

Алыкул Осмоновго

Чоң атама

"Улам чөгүп жалгандыктын көлүнө..."

"Жалбырактар сапырылып тизеден..."

Түнкү жамгыр

Сорочайкина Наталья

"Трудно в этом мире…"

"Птицы зиму рисовали..."

"Как будто объятья, раскрыв пепелища..."

"Что такое огонь для факира?"

"Чайка прерывает свой полёт..."

"За что я так люблю сирень?"

"На серебряной цепочке..."

Тойчиева Гульниза

В духе патриотизма...





Токтоназарова Адашкул


Токтоналиева Жылдызкан



Сен болсоң

Тўпчиева Шаҳло

Бизлар қондошмиз – сен ва мен

Тураев Рустам

SOS & Ends

Турғунов Сарварбек


Ватан азиз



Урманбетова Зарина

"Салам! Кандайсыз?"

"Сыдырым жел ойноп саамайдан..."

Фаязидинзода Фируз Меродили

Мо бародарони ҳамхун

Хегай Артём


Холматжон қизи Одина

Ҳаммамиз бир жону бир танмиз

Чубова Ксения

Мы с тобой одной крови: ты и я

Яма Хотак

My Love

Абакирова Динара
In the pages of Kyrgyz history, we read of a time when one of our ancestors walked through burning deserts and across freezing glaciers to find a single person, in whom flows the blood of him.

There were times when they killed a son for bringing filth on the pride of their blood.

There were times when they were ready for their own death to not bring the people of their blood shame. But how can we describe them in this time where we live in? How can we say that they were our ancestors? Are we suitable children for that kind of great people? We do not even know our neighbors let alone our relatives. There are a lot of people among us who cannot recognize their own mother. This person who did not sleep so many nights with pleasure and fed us without demands.

Sometimes I think that none of us is suitable to be called a “person”. Every animal does its job: gives milk, eggs, or meat. They do this as their duty and all of them do it for people. But what does a person do?

People reject parents, do not pay attention to other people, and thinks only about themselves. How did we become like this? Is there any reason? Maybe we were friendly because we lived in socialism? To answer to this question we have to think about our current system. Democracy! What is democracy? Democracy is being free. What kind of person is considered to be free? A free person is a person who knows himself very well. Knowing oneself very well deeply depends on having a good knowledge our culture, language, and religion. These are all the things which are related to a person.

When a person learns all of them very well, he will decide what kind of person to be. But who are we now? We have no idea about our culture. We cannot speak in our own language and we do not behave according to our religion. So, we are not free, we are slaves! We are slaves of our wrong ideas. We are slaves of our wrong beliefs and we are slaves of our temptations! And this slavery does not let us to be tolerance and help ourselves and other people, this slavery makes us to live in suspect and we are not able to welcome other people, we cannot trust them.

Our duty as people is to abolish this slavery and let peace live among us. Just trust other people, help them, support them and will see the positive reflex. Because the same blood flows in you and others, doesn’t it?

Абубакиров Есенжан
Тёмной ночью на востоке

Слышен стали звон.

Бог лишь знает, что случится,

Что сулит нам он.

Лязг все тише, значит,

скоро выступать

нам в бой,

Дух войны доволен будет

Яростной борьбой.

Утром рано, на рассвете,

Не рассвет встречать

Встанет доблестное войско:

Время воевать.

Хлынут алые потоки,

Горы мертвых тел.

Двух побед здесь не бывает:

Так уж Бог велел.

Вот войско - победитель,

Горнами трубя,

Возвращается с похода,

Славу обретя.

Но победа – пораженье

Для души людей.

Кровь победы – это слезы

Тысяч матерей…

Азизов Жамшид
Две разные реки из одного источника,

слитые вместе, становятся глубочайшей”

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Tching.
Mother Eagle spreads her wings to fly the skies of the great desert when the dim light of morning appears in East once again. Feelings of freedom and power She carries urge the desert to prepare for the day ahead. Yet it still is dark and the stars still preside the thrones of Heavens. Down below, on a little dune, there is a candle born to live a life of glory.
CANDLE (taking a deep breath):

Hmm! It is getting close to Dawn, yet still is too early for the world to start the new day! The new day that will present a renewed life to those still asleep.

How lovely those stars are?! They are all so high in Heavens and I am here on Earth, both fulfilling our glory until the day we join together to become one again. Let Heavens bless us all and help us in our mission of giving light and life to those on Earth!
THORN BUSH (half asleep and embarrassed):

Hey Stranger! Why don’t You stop your “priesthood” until the morning and let us all sleep?


First voice and friend from Earth! Hi there! Please pardon my morning revelation. I was preparing myself for the great deeds of the new day. If you know, I have the whole world waiting to be lightened ahead. I am the Candle of Light and Glory. How strong would you like your morning light to shine, my dear friend?


I’d prefer it to be off—you are disturbing my sleep.


Hmm, aren’t our lives too short to spend them on sleep, my friend? Won’t we have enough rest on our journeys to the next world?


Sometimes it is better to be sleeping than being awake. (Watching the candle with one eye open) So you are the new “philosophy guy” now?


Please, stay up with me. The Dawn is just about to come. I’d appreciate if you could tell me of the wonders that are waiting for me today, as I am new in these places.


Wonders?! What kind of wonders can anyone find in the middle of a desert—the place where the dunes of sand stretch to the ends of the world?(Carefully examining the candle now) You really have no idea where you got in, have you?


There is a piece of beauty in everything. Sometimes it might be invisible, yet it still is always there. You just need to be attentive until Mother Nature lets you see Her wonders.

THORN BUSH (sarcastically):

Yeah right! Tell me one thing — have you ever considered becoming a poet or someone like that?


(not paying attention to sarcasm) Take a look at the fresh morning dew formed on your body and leaves by the misty fog of the Night who wants to leave something good after she is gone. Freshness and fineness fills up your entire being and you feel so light and free!


I feel wet and dirty. What’s so wonderful about that? And those are thorns, not leaves. “Leafy” flowers never survive in the desert. (To himself) at least on their own…


Why do you have to be so negative about everything? Look how my light is reflected on those drops of dew? Can’t you see the rainbow formed out of the glow of colors?! See how wet sand sparkles as if millions of diamonds have been spread throughout the place!


…negative about it?! This desert stretches to thousands of miles! I don’t know what kind of pretty place you are coming from but I gotta tell you—the Desert is not the place for pretty talks and Nature’s wonders; here, it is about survival. Every single living being takes on the hardest challenges to be able to make it through the day. Here, a day doesn’t start with smiling faces and minds filled with great ideas to make a heaven out of this place. Here, you shrink until you disappear; adapt and change until you become a stranger even to yourself… In the desert, the best change you see is a rare caravan—hoards of humans, stringed in one line, wander through the dunes, like a lost ship roams around the ocean waves…

The thorn bush noticed that the candle wasn’t listening; it was staring at East where the first rays of the Sun, glowing red, shot upwards. The sunrise was truly beautiful—it was one of those mornings when you just want to stand with arms wide open and watch the change of colors on the horizon until the eyes start to hurt from light. Yet it didn’t do much to impress the thorn bush. Instead, he called out for someone to wake up.

(with sarcasm) Hey Muddy Earth! Wake up dude, or you are going to miss your “beautiful” sunrise again. I also got you a new companion to help you start meditating with your mouth wide open from wonder.


Yeah, very funny. Is it my fault if you are denied of the pleasures to see the beautiful? (facing the Sun) Hmm, it really is different today.


Yeah, here you go again—the second round of “Oh,-I-see-all-the-beauty” speech. Only this time our respected orator is our “neither-Earth-nor-Water” guy.


(facing the candle) I see you are new to these places, my friend. Who are you and how do you feel about our little world? I believe, you might not have found it as attractive due to the lack of abundance. Yet we still have some things you might find interesting.


My regards for your kindness. I am the Candle of Light. My flame comes from Heavens and I am entitled to do great deeds on Earth—change it and make it a better place like Heavens. I believe my light and energy will give birth to the abundance of life you lack in here.


You really think you can change anything in here? When was the last time you looked at yourself from the side or through the eyes of a stranger?


Pardon the temper of my friend, yet he is right to some degree—do you really believe you are capable of making any changes in this world or even on this desert?


Our lives, lives of all living beings, and, thus, the world development as a whole, are the results of the choices we, every one of us, make and actions we undertake. In this way, we all are entitled to greatness; the only question is, “are we going to do the things that seem to go beyond our limits?


Look, muddy earth. Let our “guest” see and greatly enjoy the desert until the noon. We’ll have plenty of time for further philosophic conversations of you two.

So the day of the candle started with wonder. The sunlight was amazing for our little friend; with sunlight, every piece of sand seemed to come back to life, sparkling with every little drop of moisture they kept from the night, before evaporating under the rays. Mother Eagle, slowly floating in the heights, gave the sense of freedom, of clarity of mind, and of the wildness of spirit. The candle was faced with its infinite destiny: the Sun was the perfection that defined the candle’s highest aspirations—it gave light, it gave life and sustained it, and it was free to flow in Heavens…

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