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Сборник 2022 Жакыпов с обл

Music therapy is a system of psychological correction of a person's physical and mental health 
with the help of musical and acoustic influences. Music causes various therapeutic effects. It can be 
used to influence a person's well-being. Distinguish group and individual music therapy. The session 
is carried out both in a sitting position and lying down. Psychological contact is important before the 
session. A person is explained the goals, objectives, possibilities of the lesson. Sometimes live 
performance of music is used. 
Bibliotherapy is a special corrective effect on the patient by reading selected literature in order 
to normalize or optimize his mental state. It is aimed at shaping the personality of the reader. Books 
are powerful tools that can influence people's thinking, their character, shape their behavior, and help 
solve problems. 
Drama therapy - theatrical performances on various topics have a positive effect on all 
cognitive mental processes: memory, will, imagination, feelings, attention, thinking. Drama classes 
help develop logic, control your body and not be ashamed of it, free yourself from internal clamps, 
and make unfulfilled dreams come true through the game. Most often used in the correction of 
interpersonal interactions: me and friends, me and parents, strong and weak, enemy and friend. 
Game therapy is a method of psychotherapeutic influence on children and adults using the 
game. The use of games and toys enables a person to see, touch, listen, feel and remember what has 
bothered for many years and caused problems. The method of play therapy can be used both in group 
and in individual work. It provides for the possibility of working: with post-traumatic stress 
syndrome, with early childhood traumas. Play therapy helps to solve not only personal, but also, as a 
result, professional difficulties. 
Isotherapy - therapy with fine arts, primarily drawing. It provides an opportunity for internal 
conflicts to come out; helps to understand their own feelings and experiences; promotes self-esteem; 

helps in the development of creativity. Most often, isotherapy is used: for the psychological correction 
of clients with neurotic, psychosomatic disorders; with difficulties in communication and social 
adaptation; in intra-family conflicts. The use of isotherapy, for example, in corrective work with child 
athletes allows us to obtain positive results: favorable conditions are created for the development of 
communication of closed children; an effective emotional response is provided in socially acceptable 
forms - in children with aggressive manifestations; there is an influence on the child's awareness of 
his experiences; development of arbitrariness and ability to self-regulation; self-confidence through 
social recognition of the value of the product created by the child. 
Summing up, we note that visual, auditory, tactile analyzers are involved in art therapy, which 
in turn has a positive effect on the physical and mental well-being of a person. Art therapy has a tonic, 
strengthening, calming, stimulating, relaxing effect on the mental and emotional state of a person. Art 
therapy uses a set of corrective exercises that affect general physical development, emotional 
development, speech (verbal) development, which generally has a positive effect on social 
development. Art therapy develops fine motor skills, creativity and imagination, creates an 
emotionally positive mood in children and adults. Non-traditional forms of work give children a lot 
of positive emotions, which helps to overcome shyness and fear. The value of art therapy is not the 
result (creative product), but the personality of the participant, which is especially important when 
working with people with disabilities. 
Art therapy is an effective, affordable, safe, interesting method of special psychological 
As we can see, on the basis of the foregoing, the methods of art therapy can be used to correct 
the psycho-emotional states of athletes, along with other methods. 
1. Ilyin E.P. "Psychology of sports" section one. "Psychology of sports activity" chapter 3 "Emotional sphere of 
athletes" - Publishing house "Piter", 2008. 
2. Grabenko T.N. Correctional, developing and adapting games: a methodological guide for teachers
psychologists and parents / T.N. Grabenko, T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2004. 64 p. 
3. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. The path to magic / Etc. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. - St. Petersburg: Zlatoust, 1998 - 
355 p. 
4. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Workshop on fairy tale therapy / Etc. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. - St. Petersburg: 
Speech, 2000. -310 p. 
5. Levchenko I.Yu. Art pedagogy and art therapy in special education / I.Yu. Levchenko - M.: Academy, 2001. -
248 p. 

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