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Сборник 2022 Жакыпов с обл

Kulikova O.V. 
(Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 
University "Turan") 
The level of development of modern society, social, economic, scientific and technological 
progress requires constant activation of the fibers of the nervous system and causes the formation of 
side effects of carbohydrates, such as a state of increased sensitivity, unsatisfactoriness, tension, fear, 
stress and others. 
This is especially true for athletes who are in constant psycho-emotional stress, all life is aimed 
at achieving results. Many athletes do not know how to relax, rest, enjoy life. Here, projective 
techniques can help well, which connect us with childhood over a time of carelessness, so they can 
allow a person to a resourceful state in a very short time. Through creativity, the best deep forgotten 
states are revealed in a person - achievements, harmony, security. Therefore, the use of art therapy 
methods to correct the psycho-emotional state of athletes is a relevant and timely approach. 
Let's consider three types of emotional consequences for athletes before the starts: combat 
readiness, pre-start fever and pre-start apathy [1]. 
1. The state of combat readiness (enthusiasm) is an extremely frequent exacerbation of nervous 
and emotional excitement and the most frequent for the performance of competitive activities. The 

athlete feels the rise of strength, energy and activity, he has a kind of inspiration. He is sure of success, 
with the expected start, he intends to fight to the end to achieve the goal with full dedication of 
strength. He has heightened perception, attention is perceived on the upcoming activity, perception 
is fast, sharp criticality and flexibility. The athlete has increased noise immunity to adverse diseases 
(critical remarks of the coach, judicial errors, negative reactions, provocations of opponents, etc.). In 
general, this is a state of discussion with a general composure. 
2. Prelaunch (pre-start) fever occurs when a great achievement of success occurs, 
accompanied by the emergence of emotional arousal, in the emotional sphere there is an instability 
of experiences (some exacerbations quickly with others that are opposite in character), which in 
behavior leads to capriciousness, stubbornness and rudeness in relations with comrades and with 
fellow, coaches, to an indicator of self-criticism. Memory suffers, absent-mindedness (the athlete 
cannot concentrate, pay attention to unnecessary details), perception and detachment of ideas, 
decreased flexibility and logical thinking, sleep disturbance (slow memorization, drowsiness with 
painful disorders). The appearance of such an athlete immediately allows his strong excitement: hands 
and feet tremble, feel cold , facial features are sharpened, a feverish spotted blush appears on the 
cheeks. The athlete shows fussiness, haste, reacts inadequately to sudden stimuli. The ability to relax 
worsens, coordination of movements increases. Athletes who are in a state of pre-start fever often 
overestimate their capabilities, and underestimate the opponent's capabilities, that is, effective self-
confidence. There are also instances of fear. All these signs of starting fever are accompanied by a 
change in performance indicators. The athlete has an appetite; pulse, respiration and blood pressure 
are elevated and unstable; sweating is observed; sometimes there is dryness in the mouth, an upset of 
the gastrointestinal tract. Generally speaking, this is a state of overexcitation and stress. 
3. Pre-start apathy. Often a strong emotional arousal of an athlete covers inhibition (they say 
"the athlete burned out"). However, apathy can also manifest itself when the athlete is overtrained, as 
well as when the activity is not of interest to him. Apathy, accompanied by general lethargy, 
drowsiness, decreased speed of perception and detection of disorders, weakening of attention and 
detection of processes, weakening of volitional processes; self-doubt, fear of an opponent, etc. Thus, 
pre-start apathy has a common way of psycho-emotional and physical structure. 
As we can see, each person has problems with the development of a psycho-emotional state, so 
it is necessary to correct this state, taking into account the types of sports and taking into account the 
peculiarities of the mental state of athletes. In this we can be helped, as one of the research methods, 
methods of art therapy. 
Art therapy is one of the most creative and interesting methods of psychological work, in which 
you can use the properties of art, get positive changes in the emotional and personal development of 
a person and an athlete. Art methods The main goals of art therapy: the expression of emotions and 
feelings associated with experiencing their problems; active search for new forms of interaction with 
the world; confirmation of their individuality, uniqueness and significance; increased adaptability and 
flexibility; harmonization of the state, stress relief. 
The concept of art therapy was introduced by the artist A. Hill in 1938 when describing his 
work with tuberculosis patients in sanatoriums. At the beginning of its development, art therapy 
reflected the psychoanalytic views of Z. Freud and C. Jung, according to which the final product of 
the client's artistic activity (drawing, sculpture) expresses his unconscious mental processes. Appeal 
to psychoanalytic theory allowed foreign art therapists to substantiate the mechanisms of therapeutic 
expression, as well as the role of the relationship between the client and the specialist. M. Essex, K. 
Frostig and D. Hertz note that art therapy is the most appropriate method of correction for working 
with minors [2]. 
The foundations for the creation of the first techniques of art therapy work with children in the 
West were laid by such authors as V. Lowenfeld and E. Kane. These authors consider the child's 
creative activity inextricably linked with the development of his cognitive and emotional spheres and 
see in it a rich potential for harmonizing his psyche. 
Domestic experience in the use of art therapy is reflected in the works of M.Yu. This is the 
inclusion of elements of art therapy in a specific lesson as a developmental learning tool. The works 

of L.D. Lebedeva are devoted to some issues of the use of art therapy in education. She gives a wide 
range of indications for art therapy work in the education system. A.V. Grishina proposed a program 
for the development of the creative individuality of adolescents by means of art therapy in institutions 
of additional education. 
The use of art therapy and art pedagogy methods in special education is considered in the works 
of E. A. Medvedeva, I. Yu. Levchenko, L. N. Komissarova and T. A. Dobrovolskaya. They tried to 
generalize the experience of using art as a means of complex educational, developmental and 
corrective influence on children with developmental disorders [3]. 
Art therapy - (Latin ars - art, Greek therapeia - treatment) is a method of psychological 
correction with the help of artistic creativity. 
There are two main approaches to art therapy: 
1. Art has a healing effect in itself, artistic creativity makes it possible to express and re-
experience internal conflicts, it is a means of enriching subjective experience, art therapy is seen as a 
means of developing a personality and its creative potential. The psychologist encourages client to 
trust their own perceptions and explore their creations both on their own and with the help of others. 
2. In the first place - therapeutic goals, creative goals are secondary. Art therapy serves as a 
complement to other therapeutic methods. Expressing the content of his own inner world in a visual 
form, a person gradually moves towards their awareness. The psychologist encourages free 
association of clients and their attempts to independently discover the meaning of their own work. 
Consider the existing forms of art therapy: 
- active - the client himself creates a product of creativity: drawings, sculptures, fairy tales, etc.; 
- passive - the client uses works of art created by other people: looks at paintings, reads books
listens to music; 
- mixed - the client uses the available works of art to create their own products of creativity /4, 
Consider the most common types of art therapy: music therapy, bibliotherapy, drama therapy, 
game therapy, isotherapy, mask therapy, collage, sand therapy, color therapy, fairy tale therapy, 
phototherapy, clay therapy. 
Let's analyze each type in more detail. 

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