Әдебиеттер тізімі
Республикасының 2014 жылғы 3 шілдедегі Кодексі (қолданыстағы редакциясы)
2.Орсаева Р.А. Қазақстан Республикасы қылмыстық құқығы (ерекше бөлім),
- Өскемен: С.Аманжолов атындағы ШҚМУ, «Берел» баспасы, 2020. - 654 бет.
3.Борчашвили И.Ш., Г.К. Рахимжанов Қазақстан Республикасының
Қылмыстық құқығы. Ерекше бөлім: Дәрістер баяны: – Алматы, 2007. – 952б.
4.Тюнин В. И. Государственная измена - новая редакция // Вопросы правовой
теории и практики: Сборник научных трудов. Вып. 8. - Омск, 2013, С. 185.
5.Masa Media [Электронды ресурс]: https://masa.media:7081/kz
6.Қазақстан Республикасының ұлттық қауiпсiздiгi туралы [Электронды
ресурс]: https://kodeksy-kz.com/o_natsionalnoj_bezopasnosti.htm
UDC 8.81.81-11
Zhandaulet B.D.
Changes in the world taking place in the 21st century in the process of globalization,
the rapid development of international cooperation encourage a person to solve a huge
number of tasks, to which previous experience and the already established system his
upbringing was not prepared. The key to its further successful functioning in society is the
possession of certain personal qualities and behavioral skills, one of which is mobility.
Today, modern society puts forward many requirements for young professionals. It is no
longer enough for university graduates to simply get an education. To be competitive in
the labor market, they must be able to creative, creative attitude to their professional
activities, be flexible and active in the transformation of society, as well as able to quickly
respond to challenges time and all the modifications that take place in society.
The relevance of the chosen topic is due to insufficient study of the conditions and
factors of the effectiveness of the organization and application of project activities in
teaching a foreign language. According to educational standards, the average the school
is designed to form a universal personality with a system of knowledge and skills, as well
as a set of various personal qualities, capable of forecasting and analysis and ready for
communication and interaction not only in their native language, but in at least one foreign
language. To achieve this goal, it is proposed to use the project activities of students. In
the secondary school for complete education this goal is also reflected. Permissive reach
a qualitatively new level of project activity already found application in various
educational institutions. It not only helps students to reveal their leadership and other
personal qualities, motivates project participants, but also teaches them to work in a team,
independently, and, in addition to this, to adequately assess their strengths and
weaknesses, to bring what they started to the end. The use of project activities finds its
special opportunities in foreign language lessons. This is due to the fact that society
imposes high requirements not only to his knowledge, but also fluency.
Both in world and domestic pedagogical science, and practice, numerous attempts
to consider the content of the concept of project activity and to characterize the method of
projects, as well as to apply in the learning process, have been made repeatedly.
At present, the authors of various educational and methodological complexes in a
foreign (in particular, English) language regularly refer to the method of projects and offer
tasks for the implementation of project activities.
Educational materials do not take into account the interests of the students
themselves at the stage of defining the idea of the project, do not provide students with
the opportunity to present their ideas, address them to others. The lack of project
development technology and its planning (i.e., in what sequence you need perform certain
steps), the content is not reflected and presented speech material in the target language. It
is also not clear how to evaluate the final product, since there is no set criteria and scale
of evaluation, and it is not clear who should evaluate the results of the project. Finally, the
calendar-thematic planning does not provide time for the implementation of the project.
However, it is clear that if students cannot to form the skills of project activities in high
school, then, faced with the need to implement this type of activity at work, at the
university, they will not be able to prove themselves from the best side. An analysis of
recent research in the field of innovations in teaching foreign languages has shown that
one of the most relevant directions is the introduction of modern information and
communication technologies into the educational process, in particular technologies
related to mobile learning, which ensure the optimization of the educational process,
accessibility and the effectiveness of training, the integration of students into the
information society.
Learning strategies are another approach to consideration of the role of the learner
in language learning. Some teaching methods prescribe the kinds of strategies that the
learners themselves are interested in using. The question of definitions and classifications
of language teaching strategies is still open. Researchers have made a number of attempts
to establish a common terminology and description of such strategies, but have not
reached a consensus. Weinstein and Meyer, for example, under learning strategies
understood the behavior patterns and way of thinking that students demonstrate in the
learning process and that should influence the process of information processing. D.
Richards and D. Platt consider a learning strategy as purposeful thinking and behavior in
order to memorize and understand new information in the learning process. Cohen argues
that language learning strategies can be defined as thoughts and actions consciously
chosen by learners to help them learn and use language in general and perform specific
language tasks. One way or another, most scientists understand learning strategies as
specific actions, behaviors, steps and techniques that students use (often intentionally) to
improve their language skills. These strategies can make it easier to use the target
language. In other words, strategies are learning tools aimed at subject of learning. They
are necessary for the development of communication skills. At the same time, the intensity
of the learning process suggests that the emphasis is shifting from learning strategies to
learning strategies, that is, from teaching to learning.
Many studies distinguish four different types strategies according to their functions:
cognitive, metacognitive, social and emotive strategies.
Cognitive strategies refer to processes that learners use to better understand or
remember the material being studied or new information coming in, for example, by
establishing mental associations, understanding key phrases in the text, compiling a list of
words, etc.
Metacognitive strategies are ways by which in which learners control their language
learning by planning what they will do, performing ongoing checks, and then evaluating
the final presented solution to the problem at hand.
Social strategies are the means used students to interact with other learners or native
speakers, such as asking questions to find out the role of communication participants in
society and their relationships, questioning in order to obtain explanations or
confirmations, and interacting with other communication participants in order to complete
some task.
Emotive strategies are actions that learners take in order to manage emotions that
they experience in the process of learning a foreign language or when they try to use the
knowledge that they have already received in real communication. For example, it may
be less stressful for a learner to first test their language skills with a more linguistically
advanced non-native speaker than with someone whose first language is English, for
example. Of course, the study of learning strategies is necessary to obtain reliable
knowledge that can be used both in teaching a foreign language and in developing the
independence of the student. Therefore, in the process of teaching a foreign language, one
should reveal to students the nature of these strategies and help them develop effective
skills in their use. To this end, in our opinion, it is important to provide the employed with
a variety of opportunities for the practical use of the language in order to help students
independently apply strategies through the gradual withdrawal of teacher assistance.
Moreover, it is necessary to create conditions in which students can evaluate the
effectiveness of the strategies they use and other attempts that they undertook to
subsequently endure the most successful strategies for new tasks. Since the main goal of
teaching a foreign language is the formation of communicative competence, i.e. ability to
use language as a means of intercultural and interpersonal communication, academic
discipline "foreign language" is the subject of the school curriculum, which makes the
main and significant contribution to the formation of the social competence of students.
Success in intercultural communication is not possible without the formed social
competence of students, that is, the formed ability to interact with others and a sense of
self-confidence, as well as the ability to take on various social roles and the ability to cope
with situations.
In my opinion, it is social competence, as a structural component of foreign
language communicative competence, that should be given special attention due to the
fact that it is this ability that serves to master the language in the context of intercultural
and interpersonal communication. It is necessary to make every effort to develop social
competence, as there is a problem of participation in dialogue, knowledge or ignorance of
the peculiarities of communication with certain social groups, the language of which is
being studied to ensure tolerance and safety of communication for both parties. It is
important to instill in students an interest in learning and understanding the culture of the
countries of the language being studied, an interest in finding a common language and
finding a compromise in difficult situations, because this enriches the student's personality
with social and cultural knowledge, and also helps to use the accumulated communication
skills in the future. The inclusion of a social component in teaching students a foreign
language in a secondary school serves to form a holistic picture of the world in students
through the expansion of students' knowledge in various forms activities, familiarization
with his cultural heritage, education of a patriot of his country and a citizen of the world,
respecting the views and opinions of the interlocutor, capable of free interpersonal and
intercultural communication. The general informatization of society has a significant
impact on both the education system and our life in general, due to which deserved
attention began to be paid to such a type of speech activity as written speech. Possession
of written speech allows using knowledge of a foreign language, communicating with
native speakers using modern means of communication, such as the Internet, e-mail, SMS,
etc., while being outside the language environment. The ability to write personal and
official letters, the need to fill out questionnaires and forms of documents helps students
to master written communication in the language being studied. The main emphasis in
teaching foreign languages according to the school standard is done on the development
of communications, on the ability of a person to communicate, on mastering the language
in the process of communication. Big the role is played by the teacher's ability to interest
students in the upcoming work, to create a situation that stimulates speech and thought
activity, in which the student wants to speak on the topic, take part in the discussion, and
clarify the details. The use of role-playing games provides ample opportunities for
activating speech and thought activity. The game activates imagination and memory, life
experience, which gives the process of communication an emotional character. The
effectiveness of training here is primarily due to an explosion of motivation, an increase
in interest in the subject. The role-playing game motivates speech activity, as students find
themselves in a situation where they need to say something, ask, find out, clarify, prove,
share something with the interlocutor. Thus, the content of the conversation becomes the
focus of attention, which in itself is a positive factor. Pupils are visually convinced that
they are learning a language in which they can communicate.
At a modern foreign language lesson in the school uses the following technologies:
personality-oriented, developmental learning technologies, gaming, computer learning
technologies, explanatory and illustrative education, creative development and, of course,
health-saving technologies. In order to interest student, relieve stress from the lesson and
make classes exciting at foreign language lessons in elementary school, it is recommended
to use work with presentations and small video clips in the study of various topics.
The main goal of learning a foreign language at school is the formation of foreign
language communicative competence among schoolchildren, that is, the ability and
readiness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication
with native speakers. Pedagogical technology is necessary to influence the processes of
development, training and education of a student. Her the formula is rather complicated:
a set of special forms, methods, ways, techniques of training and education, systematically
used in the educational process, on the basis of the declared psychological and pedagogical
In teaching English, we meet with various activities, one of which is working with
text. Consider an example: homework includes reading and translating the text, and the
teacher plans to take the students out to a brief retelling of this material, while the
vocabulary of this text is already familiar to students. In this case it may be the following
job option was offered: teacher in advance is preparing a game "Make a sequence", where
the text is simplified to simple sentences that are entered in the allotted cells. I would like
to note that this study of the text makes it much easier for students to remember the use of
the vocabulary being worked out in the context, the confidence of students when retelling
of the text increases and, they cope quite easily with this task, as well as writing your own
story according to the model.
It's hard to argue with the fact that homework is necessary element of the
educational process, especially in foreign language, as it helps the student to strengthen
acquired knowledge and is a powerful tool for control and self-control. But, unfortunately,
the role of homework has greatly decreased over the past decades, and at the moment
many students do not have the proper motivation to do it. It is often easier for students to
use ready-made answer banks or copy from their classmates, which leads to the loss of
the importance of homework in the educational process. The new generation, the children
of the digital age, want to the school spoke the same language with them, and digital
technologies are one of the ways of communication. In this regard, one of the main reasons
for the lack of motivation for children to do homework is the retrograde ways of doing it.
The different level of knowledge of schoolchildren does not allow in a short time
to achieve the desired learning outcomes. Some students move from primary to secondary
education a link with a minimum level of language training. give
For such students, most of the time in the classroom means to slow down the whole
process, because, as you know, the teacher has a work program, in accordance with which
he must plan classes. Awakening desire in lagging students is difficult, but possible. The
main thing is to find an approach, for example, to pay attention to the personal interests
of the child, the rest is a matter of technique.
As experience shows, students do not have consciousness when teaching types of
speech activity. Communication on in any language, it involves the conscious use of both
lexical and grammatical units, since full-fledged communication is impossible in the
absence of two components and complementary linguistic foundations.
Memorizing words and grammar rules is the basis of learning any language, but you
also need to know the compatibility, which is much more difficult. When teaching
dialogue, for example, we use adequate speech formulas, clichés, set phrases that need to
be memorized as a whole, and not in separate words, because the constructions of one
language may not coincide with the constructions of the foreign language being studied.
When forming communicative competence in teaching various types of speech
activity, an integrated approach is opposed to a differentiated one, there is a distinction in
teaching oral and written speech; listening and speaking; reading and writing; prepared
and unprepared speech, etc. In teaching each of these types and forms of speech, its own
methodological tasks are solved and exercises are used that are adequate to the activity
being formed, the implementation of which should contribute to mastering the required
skills and abilities.
The widespread use of the integrated method of teaching the main types of speech
activity is due to their close interaction in real communication. The main reason for the
relationship of individual types of speech activity is the similarity of their functions
(productive and reproductive) and form (oral and written). However, besides this apparent
basis, there are other points that allow us to state the interdependence and interdependence
of speaking, listening, writing and reading.
The modern science of education has approached the moment when there was a
need to create pedagogical technologies that provide the most important thing in the
educational process - the development personality of each student, his activity. It is
necessary to create such learning conditions so that the student strives to obtain new results
of his work and subsequently successfully apply them in practical activities.
Thanks to interactive methods, the process of developing an active person who has
the ability to communicate in a foreign language became more efficient.
Interactive learning is a special form of organization of the educational process, the
essence of which is the joint activity of students on the development of educational
material in order to solve common but significant problems for everyone, in the exchange
of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity.
The pedagogical process, which includes the use of interactive methods, encourages
both the student and the teacher to constant creativity and personal growth. The
development of communication skills is one of the tasks that is set for the teacher and can
be solved by organizing interactive learning.
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