Примерная программа по раннему обучению английскому языку в первом классе начальной школы. Приложение к учебно-методическому пособию «Учимся говорить по-английски»

What is it? What kind of animal is the tiger?

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What is it?

What kind of animal is the tiger?

Where does the tiger live? What does the tiger drink? (puppy, cat, lion)

What does the tiger eat?
5. Teacher: I see you have got many toys today. They are animals.
(Дети принесли в класс любимые игрушки)

Работа в режиме Т > С1

What kind of animal have you got? I have got a cat.

What colour is the cat?

Where does the cat live?

Is it a wild or domestic animal?

What colour is your cat? (A horse, an elephant)

6. Работа в парах. (развитие навыков диалогической речи) - T –Cl - And now ask questions to each other, don't forget to say:. Good morning! Hello! Good bye! So long! Come to the blackboard with your toys. Tell us your dialogues, please. - приглашаю к доске 2-3 пары.

P1. Hello. Irina!

P2. Hello, Mark!

P1. How are you today?

P2 I am fine, thank you

P1. I'm very well. too. What's this?

P2. It's a tiger.

P1 Where does the tiger live?

P2. The tiger lives in the forest

Give me the tiger, please.

P2. Here it is.

P1. Thank you very much.

P2. Not at all.
7. Children, how many lessons have you got on Wednesday?

What are they?

Do you like Drawing?

Do you like to draw?

Can you draw animals?

Now, children, let's draw an animal. But before let's count from I to 20, затем показываю цифры на карточках.

На доске лист с цифрами, соединяем цифры линиями и вслух считаем (3-4 учащихся поочередно выходят к доске до)

What's this? - It's a cow

What kind of animal is the cow? - It is the domestic animal.

  1. T – Where can you see a cow?

  2. P1 - I can see a cow at my Granny.

T – Where does your Granny live?

P1 –She lives in the country near Belgorod in a little house.

T –What animals has your Granny got?

P1 - She has got sheep and pigs.

  1. T – Do your grandparents live in the country too?

  2. P2 – Yes, they do. They live in a big brown house.

  3. T –Do they have domestic animals? - P2 - Yes, of course. They have got cows, rabbits and two kittens.

  4. T –Does your grandfather live in the country? –

  5. P3 - Yes, my grandfather lives in the country of Tavrovo.

T – What animals has he got? –

P3 – He has got three pigs and one cow. And he has got many ducks and hens.

6. Работа в режиме T > Cl ;

Do you know the number of year domestic animals live? (показываю картинку и карточку с цифрой) For example: Rabbits can live 5 years.

Sheep- 12

Cats- 13 Dogs-15 Cows - 20 Pigs – 25


Camels -40

Horses – 30

(убираю карточки с цифрами)

How long can rabbits ( sheep, dogs, pigs) live?

7.Do you know the poems about domestic animals?

I love my cat.

It's warm and fat.

My cat is grey

It likes to play.

Baa. Baa, black sheep

Have you any wool?

Yes, my friend, yes, my friend, three bags full.

Where are you going?

My little kittens?

We are going to town

To get some mittens

What? Mittens for kittens?

Do kittens wear mittens?

8.Зарядка. And now, stand up, please.

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you swim like a fish?

And be still like a good child

As still as you wish?

Who ever saw little kittens with mittens?
9.Контроль аудирования, вопрос с "can" на внимание.

У детей в руках сигнальные карточки - синие и красные, отрицательный ответ - синий, положительный ответ - красный цвет.

Listen to me very carefully.
Can a cat fly? - Can a fish run? - Can a hen swim?-

Can a fish swim? + Сап а pig sing songs?- Can a fish jump?-

Can a cock sing song?+ Can a rabbit jump?+ Can a cow fly?-
За правильный сигнал ученик получает звездочку, тот. кто набрал их большее количество получает "5".
10. And now, children, let's go to the Zoo!
а) But before let's sing a song 'To the Zoo".

A day-off has my mother

A day-off has my father, too! And off we go, off we go,

Off we go to the Zoo!

б) At the Zoo we can see many wild animals. Какими бывают животные? -
повторение прилагательных.













в) What kind of animal is the tiger (elephant, bear, fox)? The tiger is strong, sly, and clever.

r) Let's sing a song about the tiger?

Oh, where, oh, where does the tiger live?

Oh, where, oh, where does it live?

The tiger lives in the forest. The tiger lives in the forest. That where the tiger lives.

That where it lives.

11. It is our magic box. (показываю красивую коробку) Guess, please. What is the animal in the box?

It has black eyes and a big mouth. It is a very funny animal. It is merry.

What's this? - Yes. it is a monkey.

Where does the monkey live?

What does the monkey eat?

Do you like the monkey?

12.Do you know the fairy tales about animals?

Now let's go to the country of Fairy tales There are some pictures before you.

а) Put them in the right place (картинки нужно прикрепить парами)
What kind of animal is the dog Артамон.?

What is the name of the tale? (Лиса Алиса и Кот Базилио), (Волк и Красная Шапочка)

б) Доктор Айболит What is he?

What is his name?

Does he like animals?

What kind of man is Айболит?

Are his animals sad or merry?

13. Do you like domestic animals?

Have you got a pet at home?

What is your pet? - вопросы каждому ученику

14. We know the poem about domestic animals by Marshak.

I want you to act the poem. (Дети учили это стихотворение на протяжении нескольких уроков, приготовили маски).

Three little kittens

They lost their mittens

And they began to cry:

Oh mother dear, we greatly fear

Our mittens we have lost!

Lost you mittens?

You naughty kittens.

Then you shall have no pie?

Mew. Mew. Mew.

You shall have no pie.

Three little kittens

They found their mittens

And they began to cry:

Oh mother dear, see here, see here,

Our mittens we have found!

Found you mittens?

You clever kittens.

Then you shall have some pie?

15. Animals are our friends - вывод урока.

16. Домашнее задание: нарисовать рисунок животного и составить о нем рассказ.


1. Федеральный компонент государственных образовательных стандартов начального общего, основного общего и среднего (полного) общего образования. Приложение к приказу Минобразования России от № 1312 от 09.03. 2004 г. // Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку 2-11 классы. - М.: Астрель, 2004.

2. Федеральный базисный учебный план и примерные учебные планы для образовательных учреждений РФ, реализующие программы общего образования. Приложение к приказу Минобразования России от № 1312 от 09.03. 2004 г. // Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку 2-11 классы. - М.: Астрель,

3. Пояснительная записка к Федеральному базисному учебному плану и примерным учебным планам для образовательных учреждений Российской Федерации // Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку 2 - 11 классы. - М.: Астрель, 2004.

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6. Книга для учителя к учебному пособию «Начинаем изучать английский язык»/З.Н. Никитенко, Е.И.Негневицкая. – М.: Просвещение, 2003. – 222 с.

7. Биболетова М.З., Трубанёва Н.Н. Enjoy English. Starter: Книга для учителя: 1 класс четырёхлет. нач. шк. – М.: Вентана – Граф, 2000. – 144 с., ил.

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