Сборник материалов Всероссийской конференции

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Miroshina T. A.

, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of foreign languages department, Kemerovo state agricultural institute
Today our country needs specialists with the developed communicative skills who are able to communicate with foreign experts and work with various sources on foreign languages. In order to help the future experts to self-realize with professional work at the international level, help to become full participants of dialogue of cultures, students’ training to a foreign language is organized by teachers of the foreign languages department on a basis of subject-active approach with the use of interactive training.

Interactive training, in spite of all complexities, does process of training more motivating, individually developing, emotional and as a result more qualitative. Teachers of foreign languages department actively use various forms and methods of interactive training on classes.

For example students are trained to associate on a foreign language by means of role games, discussions, press conferences, quizes. During such forms of training there is a creative atmosphere among students. They willingly make up dialogue or discussion with each other and the teacher, ­ exchange with thoughts in studied language, study to work in pairs and groups. Participation in such forms ­ on classes allows students to develop tactfulness in relation to the partner in dialogue, ability competently to discuss ­ the vital problems, to prove, to convince, to defend ­ the own point of view and to deny opinion of the opponent, to do conclusions, to specify the facts and to generalize the information. Among the most remembered classes the students of economic faculty called a quiz «Kuzbass is our native land», press conference «Holidays, traditions and ceremonies of the countries of the world», business game «Employment» and students of the faculty of agrarian technologies called a round table «City and rural infrastructures».

To develop students’ interest to all event in the world, teachers of foreign languages department have entered a rule to discuss the current events occurring in the country and abroad through regular studying by students of a newspaper material and web-pages of various newspapers in the electronic version. The reference to resources of the Internet network as an excellent means for reception of the information on last events in the world and to printing editions allows to transform an audience into news agency and to transform students in reporters.

One of methods which stimulates informative and search activity of students, develops analytical, research and communicative skills, promotes formation of independence, initiative of students is project activity.

Within the limits of project activity teachers become equal partners and advisers of students which have an opportunity to carry out creative activity on the set theme, independently extracting the necessary information from various sources. Thus students study independently to think, find and solve problems, involving for this purpose the knowledge from different areas, predict results and possible consequences of various variants of the decision, study to establish cause and effect relationships.

Project activity strengthens individual and collective responsibility of students for concrete work within the limits of the project. Each student working individually or in microgroup should present to all group the results of the activity. It can be written article for the newspaper, the prepared report, the collected and processed statistical data, made audio or video recordings, the issued albums, wall newspapers and etc. Teamwork over the project teaches students to finish business up to the end. During classes students not only get certain knowledge and skills but get practical skills that influence their emotional sphere and the motivation of students amplifies. So, for example, students on classes on «Foreign language» after studying of a theme «Education» were offered to make the project «Future High School», taking all positive that there are in high school education in Russia, the Great Britain, USA and Canada and after studying of a theme «Car» students were offered to present the project «The XXI-st Century Car».

Working over the project, the students have to recall the knowledge received from various areas and fill up them that activate informative activity of students. At the heart of the creative decision of a problem as a leading component of project training, there is not only knowledge of a foreign language, but also integration of knowledge from other areas. Thus intersubject communications in project work promote development of informative activity of students, imagination, self-discipline, skills of joint actions and ability to carry out research work.

At the traditional approach the students meet difficulties in performance of the tasks demanding associations with knowledge acquired earlier. In project activity students get rid of such difficulties as in the process of project working there is own interest, internal motives, aspiration to realize the creative abilities forcing to think actively, argue over a problem and open unusual speech resources which the students use in the new developed situation.

Use of interactive training allows teachers to put students in a position of partners of educational activity that is especially important in modern conditions of construction of a democratic society when subordination relations are replaced with partnership relations, contractual relations between equal in rights partners.

УДК 621.58



П.В. Мирошников, В.В. Рагулин, А.С. Ащеулова, А.А. Храпов, В.И. Полтавцев В.И.

Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт

Кемеровский государственный университет

Более эффективно использовать сферические ледяные гранулы для строительства ледяных переправ.

Статья содержит результаты экспериментального исследования зависимости относительной массы нескольких ледяных шаров, соприкасающихся друг с другом в воде и намораживаемых льдом, от времени смерзания и температуры льда этих шаров.

Строительство ледовых переправ актуально в условиях бездорожья и в северных регионах России. Традиционно технология строительства использовала замораживание слоя мелкоколотого льда, залитого водой. Но более прочное покрытие получается из ледяных шаров (сферических гранул), получаемых в кипящем слое [1]. Потому что такое покрытие не содержит воздушных пузырей.

Ранее мы исследовали кинетику смерзания пары ледяных шаров, соприкасающихся друг с другом в воде (эксперимент и математическая модель) [2]. Процесс смерзания сопровождается быстрым ростом перемычки между шарами и динамично меняющейся формой границы получаемой фигуры.

Теперь мы исследовали динамику роста массы ледяной фигуры (два, три и четыре ледяных шара, соприкасающихся между собой) в воде (при 0оС). При помощи эксперимента и статистики мы получили графики зависимостей относительной массы ледяных фигур δm (%) от времени смерзания t (сек) при различной температуре Т льда фигур (рис. 1).

Рис. 1. Графики зависимостей относительного увеличения массы фигур δm (%) из сферических гранул льда от времени t их погружения в воду (0оС): 1 – при температуре льда Т = -25…-30оС; 2 – при Т = -20…-23оС; 3 – при Т = -15…-17оС; 4 – при Т = -11…-13оС и 5 – при Т = -7…-9оС.

Здесь δm =

- относительный прирост массы фигуры, %;

- - прирост массы фигуры, г;

- - предыдущее значение массы фигуры, г;

- t – время погружения фигуры в воду, сек.

В эксперименте с 2, 3 и 4 шарами не выявлено влияния количества шаров на зависимость δm = δm (t).

В тоже время температура льда Т существенно меняет эту зависимость. Нетрудно для каждого графика подобрать аналитическую аппроксимацию. Например, при Т = -15…-17оС.

Проведенные исследования способствуют прояснению кинетики смерзания гранулята в воде.

Библиографический список

1. Гранулированный лед в строительстве ледовых переправ и зимников / А.А. Храпов, В.И. Полтавцев, А.С. Ащеулова // Вестник Кемеровского государственного сельскохозяйственного института. – №2. – Кемерово: Кузбассвузиздат, 2006. – с. 235 - 242

2. Бимерное смерзание сферических гранул льда / П.В. Мирошников, В.И. Полтавцев, В.В. Рагулин // Вестник международной академии холода. – Вып.4 – 2008. – с. 42 – 45
УДК 621.58

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