Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов неязыковых специальностей Новополоцк пгу 2013 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 262я73 К50

Find English equivalents in the text

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Find English equivalents in the text.

Расположено на Британских островах, отделяет от континента, самая узкая часть пролива, состоит из четырех частей, столица Северной Ирландии, общая площадь, глава государства, принадлежит правительству, благодаря влиянию Гольфстрима, импортирует сырье, богатое культурное наследие, крупнейшие промышленные центры, другие достопримечательности.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the active words.

  1. The British Isles ­­­____ of over 5 000 ____.

  2. The English Channel and the North Sea ____ the country from the continent.

  3. The narrowest part of the ____ is called the Strait of Dover.

  4. The British ____ consists of two ____: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

  5. ____ Elizabeth II was born in 1926.

  6. He speaks English with a foreign ____.

  7. There are three main political ____ in the UK.

  8. Scotland has a beautiful mountainous ____.

  9. UK ____ raw materials for its industries.

  10. Ben Nevis is the ____ mountain in Great Britain.

  1. Make up sentences with these words

  1. Scotland / Northern Ireland / the / includes / England / UK / Wales / and.

  2. Capital / the / country / London / of / the / is.

  3. Parliamentary / is / the / monarchy / a / UK.

  4. Head / government / is / the / Prime Minister / the / of / the.

  5. Great Britain / climate / a / moderate / has.

  6. Iron ore / rich / coal / and / is / in / UK / the.

  7. Tourists / Great Britain / a lot of / visit / year / every.

  1. Can you answer the questions:

  1. Why do the English drive on the left?

  2. Do the English really love sport?

  3. How multicultural is Britain?

Read some facts about Great Britain and find the answers.
In the 1700s people used their right hand to carry a sword. But Napoleon carried his sword in his left hand and rode on the right. Everyone followed Napoleon because he ruled half the world. These days about 25% of the countries still drive on the left, including Japan and the West Indies.

Top tip: Don’t forget to drive on the left in the UK!

The English invented many of the world’s most popular sports. They wrote the rules for football, boxing, tennis, cricket and many more. Unfortunately, the English are better at writing rules than winning games.

Top tip: Don’t ask someone from England when England last won a football competition.

Britain is one of the world’s most multicultural countries. You can hear hundreds of languages in London alone. In fact, 15% of the UK’s 57 million inhabitants were born outside the UK.

Top tip: Visit the Notting Hill carnival in late August. It is two days of multicultural music, food and dancing.

  1. Answer the questions about Great Britain.

  1. What is the full name of Great Britain?

  2. Where is the UK situated?

  3. How many islands does the country include?

  4. What separates Great Britain from the continent?

  5. What is the Strait of Dover?

  6. How many parts does the UK consist of?

  7. What are they?

  8. What are their capitals?

  9. What is the total area of the country?

  10. What is the population of the UK?

  11. Is London the biggest city in the UK?

  12. What language do all Welsh, Scottish and Irish people speak?

  13. What is the political system of the UK?

  14. Who is the head of the state?

  15. What is Union Lack?

  16. Where are the main areas of highland situated?

  17. The country has a beautiful and diverse landscape, doesn’t it?

  18. What are the longest rivers in the UK?

  19. Describe the climate of the UK.

  20. Is the UK a highly developed industrial country?

  21. What does the country export and import?

  22. What are the biggest centres of industry?

  23. What is Great Britain famous for?

  1. Get ready to speak about Great Britain.

Now revise the material of Module 2 and do the Progress Test. Good luck!

  1. Match the words with their translations.

  1. Hostel a. развивать

  2. Government b. научный

  3. Narrow c. медленно

  4. Surname d. общежитие

  5. Scientific e. принадлежать

  6. Belong f. правительство

  7. Enterprise g. фамилия

  8. Chamber h. узкий

  9. Develop i. палата

  10. Slowly j. предприятие

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.

  1. Carlos comes ___ Toledo in Spain but he lives ___ London.

  2. My family consists ___ four people.

  3. I’ll see you ___ six o’clock.

  4. He belongs ___ the Conservative Party.

  5. Are you listening ___ me?

  6. New York is famous ___ its skyscrapers.

  7. Maria likes going ___ walks ___ her free time.

  8. Please don’t call me ___ work.

  9. My friend’s birthday is ___ June.

  10. Our house is ___ the right, next ___ the supermarket.

  11. My brother likes playing football ___ weekends.

  12. Nat is often late ___ school.

  13. We often eat in restaurants ___ Fridays.

  14. My mother goes ___ work ___ bus.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct tense forms of the verbs.

  1. He always (have) lunch at 12 o’clock.

  2. I could play chess when I (be) six.

  3. These flowers (smell) nice.

  4. Last year we (buy) a new car.

  5. Listen! Somebody (sing).

  6. The Earth (go) round the Sun.

  7. The weather (be) nice today, but it (be) cold yesterday.

  8. Please be quiet. I (work).

  9. They (meet) in Italy many years ago .

  10. -What (do) you tonight? -I (go) to the cinema with my friend.

  11. They (like) animals. They (have got) two dogs and three cats.

  12. It’s rather hot here. (Open) I the window?

  13. My friend (stay) with me at the moment.

  14. I (graduate) in 2003 and (get) a job with a large company.

  15. Who usually (make) breakfast for you?

  16. How old (be) you?

  1. Fill in the gaps with the articles where necessary.

  1. We live in ___ big house. There’s ___ nice garden with some beautiful trees.

  2. Alex is ___ best player in our team.

  3. What are you going to have for___ lunch?

  4. ___ Cairo is ___ capital of ___ Egypt.

  5. Alan studied chemistry at ___ London University.

  6. Can you give me ___ example, please?

  7. What’s ___ English for “остров”?

  8. I play ___ guitar and write ___ songs.

  9. She had ___ shower in ___ morning.

  10. My uncle is ___ driver and my aunt is ___ accountant.

  11. ___ Republic of ___ Belarus is ___ landlocked country in ___ centre of___ Europe.

  12. My sister has got ___ dark hair, ___ green eyes and ___ pleasant smile.

  13. Is ___ Pacific ___ world’s largest ocean?

  14. Does ___ UK include ___ Northern Ireland?

  15. Excuse me! Is there ___ bank near here?

  1. Translate into English.

  1. Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Анна. Я из Беларуси.

  2. Извините! Который час?

  3. У моей двоюродной сестры большая семья: муж, двое сыновей и дочь.

  4. Моя лучшая подруга – студентка второго курса историко-филологического факультета Полоцкого государственного университета.

  5. Мой родной город – Витебск, но сейчас я живу и учусь в Новополоцке.

  6. Я люблю слушать музыку и ходить на концерты, но не умею играть ни на каком музыкальном инструменте.

  7. Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии состоит из четырех частей.

  8. Минск – столица Беларуси и самый большой ее город.

  9. Я Вас не понимаю. Не могли бы Вы повторить ещё раз?

  10. В прошлом году я окончил школу, успешно сдал экзамены и поступил в университет.


Основной курс

Профессиональное общение


Вы должны знать:

Вы должны уметь:

1. Грамматика:

  • структура сложного английского предложения;

  • глагол в Present Perfect Simple;

  • страдательный залог в английском языке и его формы в различных грамматических временах;

- особенности использования действительного и страдательного залогов при чтении, письме и устной речи;

  • правила постановки общего, альтернативного, специального и разделительного вопросов;

  • три формы распространённых неправильных глаголов.

2. Лексика

  • активный словарь по темам «Моя будущая профессия» (о профессии инженера), «Из истории строительных материалов», «Современная организация производства», «Как появилась химия», «Станки», «Автомобиль и его основные элементы».

  • владеть постановкой вопросов четырёх основных типов и уметь отвечать на них;

  • свободно оперировать тремя формами неправильных глаголов;

  • строить предложения всех типов (утвердительные, отрицательные, вопросительные) во всех пройденных грамматических временах и залогах;

  • читать, переводить и обсуждать тексты по темам, связанным с инженерной профессией, используя знание активной лексики и изученной грамматики;

  • владеть монологической речью по изученным темам «Моя будущая профессия» (о профессии инженера), «Современная организация производства», «Из истории строительных материалов» «Как появилась химия», «Станки», «Автомобиль и его основные элементы».

  • вести диалоги в рамках изученного материала;

  • подбирать дополнительный материал и готовить небольшие презентации в рамках указанных тем.



  1. Grammar Practice

  1. Fill in the missing forms of the given irregular verbs and translate them.































  1. Find the predicate in the sentences and define its grammar tense and voice.

  1. We’ll work as mechanical engineers.

  2. An engineer is often busy with different kinds of repairs.

  3. I didn’t do any job before entering this University.

  4. The construction industry needs qualified technologists.

  5. We have found the fault of the equipment.

  1. Put the sentences into the negative form.

  1. An engineer ensures the work of the most complicated devices.

  2. Our classes started early last year.

  3. She’ll come to visit us tomorrow.

  4. It takes me twenty minutes to get home after work.

  5. This course is similar to engineering courses in Great Britain.

  1. Put the questions to the given sentences as recommended.

  1. Kate is eighteen. ( alternative, special, disjunctive)

  2. There are lots of students in the hall. ( general, special, disjunctive)

  3. My friend studies at the technological faculty. (alternative, special,


  1. They entered University two years ago. (general, special)


  1. Reading and Speaking Practice

  1. Study the description of the academic course of Mathew Smith, a technology student from Great Britain and try to answer the questions.

  2. How long does the study course last?

  3. What jobs can he do after he completes the studies?

  4. Can he study a foreign language?


Two years full – time, starting in September.


The construction industry needs well-trained and qualified managers, technologists and technicians. This education gives you the skills necessary for a managerial role in industry. You will learn the latest construction practices and be given the opportunity to specialize in one area.


You study the core units in:


*Construction management

*Construction technology

*Construction surveying

* Civil engineering materials

* Drawing and design


* IT

*Fluid Mechanics

* Maths

* Mechanics and structure

You can take additional subjects, such as

* Highway engineering

* A Foreign Language

* Advanced structural design

* Quality assurance


On successful completion of the course you may enter a number of university courses in which you progress to a degree of a Bachelor or Master of Engineering. You may also work as a Civil engineering technician or a technologist.

  1. In which of the named subjects will these topics be covered?

  1. The properties of concrete

  2. Computer application software

  3. Forces acting on a structure

  4. Calculus

  1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

  1. What choice do students have after completing their studies?

  2. What subjects are interesting for you?

  3. Would you like to work or to continue studies after this described course?

  1. Read out the following dialogue, prepare to answer the questions after it.

Mike: You are studying Civil engineering, aren’t you? How long does that last?

Andrew: It’s a two-year course.

Mike: And what stage are you at now?

Andrew: I’m in the second semester of the first year.

Mike: How many students are in your group?

Andrew: There are twelve, all men.

Mike: Why did you choose this profession?

Andrew: Well, I was interested in architecture when I studied at school. My best subjects were Drawing and Graphic communication. I decided to get a career using that. So, I left school at seventeen, passed my examinations and 6 months ago I became a student of this college.

  1. Answer the questions, checking your understanding.

  1. Which stage of the studies is Andrew at?

  2. How many girls are taking the course in Civil engineering?

  3. What age was he when he left school?

  4. Which subjects did he enjoy most at school?

  1. Reproduce the dialogue, make up your own dialogues by analogy, swap the roles.

  1. Think over your time-table and read one more dialogue.

Mike: Tell me about your time-table, Andrew.

Andrew: I have classes three days a week- Monday, Wednesday and Friday and self-study on other days.

Mike: Which subject appeals to you most?

Andrew: It’s the theory of structures. I really enjoy it. That’s twice on Monday- Monday morning and Monday afternoon.

Mike: What do you like about it?

Andrew: I like the maths and physics side of it.

Mike: Is there any work in the laboratory?

Andrew: Yes, we’re in the lab every week – testing concrete, for example.

Mike: I see. And what about your marks? How is it assessed?

Andrew: It’s modular, continuous assessment. You have to pass all the modules.

  1. Make up dialogues about your time- table.

  1. Write your own time-table in English, including the following information:

  • Faculty

  • Speciality

  • Lesson times

  • Subjects

  • Names of teachers

  • Self-study time and free periods.

  1. Find the corresponding description for different branches of engineering.

  1. Chemical engineering

  2. Information technology

  3. Mechanical engineering

  4. Marine engineering

  5. Electrical engineering

  6. Civil engineering

  7. Manufacturing engineering

  8. Electronic engineering

  1. Is about generating and supplying power;

  2. Is about designing and making machines that use electric power;

  3. Is about designing, building and looking after structures;

  4. Applies engineering to take advantage of the sea;

  5. Is about making useful things from raw materials;

  6. Is about designing and making all the parts of machines that move.

  7. Is about using the processes which change materials in a chemical or physical way.

  8. Is about using computers for collecting, storing and sending information.

  1. Tell us which sphere of engineering your future profession is connected with.

  1. Read out the words helping you speak about your future engineering profession.

to graduate - окончить высшее учебное заведение;

design office - конструкторский, проектный отдел

workshop - цех, мастерская

laboratory – лаборатория

responsible - ответственный

to need – нуждаться, иметь необходимость

equipment - оборудование

reason - причина

to cause – вызывать, быть причиной

failure – повреждение, авария

unit – установка, элемент оборудования

to be busy with – заниматься чем-либо

kind of repair – вид ремонта

running repair – текущий ремонт

emergency repair – аварийный ремонт

to perform - осуществлять

maintenance – техническое обслуживание

installation – установка (оборудования)

to ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать

complicated - сложный

device – устройство, механизм

saturated – насыщенный

  1. Work with the text; prepare to speak about your future engineering profession.

My future profession is an engineer. I study at Polotsk State University to get a higher qualification in the sphere of modern technology. My time-table is very saturated. I should work intensively to get better knowledge of the acade-mic subjects. I don’t know yet where my working place will be. Engineers can work at a design office, in a laboratory and in workshops. The work of an engineer is very responsible. His help is always needed when something is wrong with the equipment. It’s very important to find quickly the reason causing the failure of the unit.

An engineer is often busy with different kinds of repairs. They are the running repair and the emergency repair. The engineer performs the maintenance and installation of the complicated equipment. It’s the duty of the engineer to ensure the work of all the devices and machines.

The work of the engineer is not easy, but interesting and often well-paid. It’s absolutely necessary for every engineer to know the latest achievements of science and engineering all over the world. The best engineers and top managers of the world’s leading enterprises fluently speak foreign languages to take advantage of the international science and technology, to get a faster access to the profitable discoveries and novelties.

  1. Tell your teacher and groupmates your ideas of the future profession.


Grammar Practice
1. Fill in the missing forms of the given irregular verbs and translate them.































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