Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов минск 2010 ббк утверждено на заседании

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a) Translate the following passage from English into Russian paying attention to business vocabulary.

If one person sets up and runs the company, the form of ownership is called ‘sole trader’. The person provides all the capital and has unlimited liability for business debts, even if this means selling personal assets.

In a limited company (AmE corporation), the capital is divided into shares, which are held by shareholders. Shareholders have limited liability, but they can vote at the Annual General Meeting to elect the Board of Directors. There are two types of limited company:

1) in a private limited company, all shareholders must agree before any shares can be bought or sold.

2) in a public limited company, shares are bought and sold freely, for example, on the stock exchange.

A partnership is created when a group of people provide the capital, set up the company and manage it together. There are two types of partnership:

  1. Partners in an unlimited partnership are like sole traders – if the business fails they are fully liable for all debts, and may even have to sell personal assets.

  2. In a limited partnership there can be sleeping partners who do not participate in the management of the company. Sleeping partners have limited liability – in the event of bankruptcy, they only lose their investment, not their personal assets.

b) Translate the following passage into English using your active vocabulary.

Из-за многообразия фирм их принято группировать, различая по разным признакам:

по размерам – малые, средние, крупные;

по отраслевой принадлежности – промышленные, строительные, финансовые, инвестиционные, страховые и пр.;

по организационной структуре – линейная, функциональная и пр. Линейное и функциональное руководство – это система управления в крупных организациях, где существуют две самостоятельные иерархии: линейное руководство включает линейных руководителей, отвечающих за определение политики и выполнение основных функций организации(таких, как производство, сбыт и т.п.), в то время как функциональное руководство и самостоятельные функциональные руководители отвечают за обеспечение необходимых для этого условий, таких , как материально-техническое и финансовое обслуживание, складирование, бухгалтерский учёт, транспорт, все вопросы кадрового обеспечения и политики, эксплуатации и ремонта оборудования.

На практике применяются все перечисленные группировки и целый ряд других. Однако определяющий критерий разделения фирм – форма собственности. В этом случае в рамках частной собственности можно выделить три вида (три формы) фирм:

индивидуальная (семейная) фирма;



Каждая из этих форм различается по четырём признакам: по числу собственников, по степени ответственности, по способу привлечения капитала, по характеру распределения доходов.

Self-study section. Grammar revision

Choose the correct or best phrases in each group.


a) the secretary of Mr Lorenzo

b) Mr Lorenzo's secretary

c) Mr Lorenzo secretary


a) a personnel's policy

b) a policy of personnel

c) a personnel policy


a) our company future

b) our companies future

c) our company's future


a) a salary increase

b) an increase of salary

c) a salaries increase


a) last year's results

b) last year results

c) the results of last year


a) a contract breach

b) a contract's breach

c) a breach of contract


a) our sales target

b) our sale target

c) our target of sales


a) unemployment figures

b) figures of unemployment

c) unemployment's figures


a) last month board meeting

b) last month's board meeting

c) board meeting of last month


a) 5-million-dollars project

b) a 5-million-dollar project

c) a project of 5 million dollars

If you have any difficulties in doing this task or want to brush up your grammar skills please refer to Grammar File p. 176-180.

Social skills

Introductions, socializing and leave-taking

1. Study the following expressions of useful language. Add one expression under each heading.


Yves, this is Jim.

Bernie, do you know Patrice?

Anne, have you met Maria?

Can I introduce to Mark Barnard our Finance Director?

I’d like you to meet …. .

Are you Ms Valdez by any chance?

You must be Larry Koplan.


Nice to meet you.

It's a pleasure.

Pleased to meet you.

Mentioning common interests

I think you … both know Iwona.

both like skiing.

are both interested in the new project.

I know you have both … been to Brazil.

worked in R&D.


Well, I really must be going.

Anyway, I’ll see you soon.

Hope to see you again soon.

It was nice meeting you.

It was good to see you again.

2. Match the beginnings of these sentences with the endings. Then make similar sentences about yourself.

1 I work in the

  1. lot of overseas travel.

2 I’m a

  1. design department.

3 I’m responsible for

  1. work abroad.

4 My job involves

  1. research chemist.

5 I spend a lot of time

  1. credit control.

6 In the future, I hope to

  1. visiting suppliers.

3. Fill in the missing letters.

1 We


car parts.

2 We have


in Asia.



pr_ d_c_




d_str_ b_t_

f_ct_r_ _s

4. Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings. Then make similar sentences about your company.

1. The company was founded

a) in three divisions.

2. There are

b) multinational food companies.

3. It’s organized

c) in 1992.

4. Our main competitors are

d) 200 people working here.

5. Work in groups of three. Two of you work for the same company. One of you is a visitor. Practise making introductions. Ask about each other and each other’s company. Then finish the conversation. Use phrases from the Useful language section above.

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