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Учебный элемент 2 (УЭ-2)



1. Dwell on the following proverbs:

  • It is never too late to learn.

  • Lost time is never found again.

  • Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

2. Do you know any difference between the education system in Belarus and the education system in Great Britain?

3. Do you agree that for individuals and families, education increases income and improves health?

4. What made you choose this particular university and this faculty for studies?
I. Improve your word power.

1. Pronounce the following words and memorize them:

abroad (adv)

- за рубежом

access (n)

- доступ

achievement (n)

- достижение

amateur (adj)

- любительский

anniversary (n)

- годовщина, юбилей

annually (adv)

- ежегодно

application (n)

- применение

aspiration (n)

- стремление

assignment (n)

- задание

assistance (n)

- помощь, поддержка

available (adj)

- доступный

breadth (n)

- широта, ширина

confidence (n)

- уверенность

contest (n)

- соревнование, конкурс

diverse (adj)

- разнообразный

essential (adj)

- существенный

establishment (n)

- учреждение

event (n)

- событие

fame (n)

- слава

graduate (n)

- выпускник

improvement (n)

- усовершенствование

lawyer (n)

- юрист

maintenance (n)

- поддержание

notable (adj)

- выдающийся

outing (n)

- загородная прогулка

performance (n)

- представление

photogrammetry (n)

- фотограмметрия

priority (n)

- приоритет, очередность

probation (n)

- стажировка

purification (n)

- очистка

refectory (n)

- студенческая столовая

renovated (adj)

- отреставрированный

scientific (adj)

- научный

sewage (n)

- канализация

staff (n)

- штат сотрудников

unsurpassed (adj)

- непревзойденный

to aim (v)

- ставить цель

to attend (v)

- посещать

to elaborate (v)

- разрабатывать

to enable (v)

- позволять

to enrich (v)

- обогащать

to equip (v)

- вооружать, оборудовать

to evaluate (v)

- оценивать

to carry out (v)

- проводить

to implement (v)

- внедрять

to improve (v)

- улучшать

to involve (v)

- вовлекать, включать

to gain (v)

- приобретать

to participate (v)

- участвовать

to provide (v)

- обеспечивать, предоставлять

to require (v)

- требовать

to shape (v)

- формировать

to suit to (v)

- подходить, соответствовать

to update (v)

- модернизировать

up-to-date (adj)

- современный

2. Pronounce the following word combinations and memorize them:

descriptive geometry

- начертательная геометрия

Extra-Mural Department

- заочное отделение

health centre

- оздоровительный центр

heat and gas supply

- теплогазоснабжение


- престижный


- высококвалифицированный

higher school

- высшее учебное заведение

in this respect

- в этом отношении


- землемер

metal treatment

- обработка метала

Post-graduate courses

- аспирантура

Preparatory Department

- подготовительное отделение

prize-winning places

- призовые места

specialized field

- специализированная область

strength of materials

- сопротивление материалов

technical drawing

- инженерная графика

track and field athletics

- легкая атлетика

to be necessitated

- вызывать необходимость

to deliver lectures

- читать лекции

to study by correspondence

- учиться заочно

water removal

- подача воды

weight lifting

- тяжелая атлетика

3. Match these words with the definitions below:

achievement; to enable; assignment; contest; essential; fame; refectory; staff; to attend; to equip; to evaluate; lawyer; to suit to; aspiration; to update

1) a large room in a school, college etc where meals are served and eaten;

2) a competition;

3) people who work for an organization, especially a school or business;

4) extremely important and necessary in order to do something correctly or successfully;

5) to go to an event such as a meeting or a class;

6) something important that you succeed in doing by your own efforts;

7) to carefully consider something to see how useful or valuable it is;

8) a piece of work that is given to someone as a part of their job, or that a student is asked to do;

9) to make something exactly right for something else;

10) someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court;

11) the state of being known about by a lot of people because of your achievements;

12) a strong desire to have or achieve something;

13) to give someone the ability or opportunity to do something;

14) to make something more modern in the way it looks or operates;

15) to provide a person, group, building etc with the things that are needed for a particular kind of activity or work.

4. Arrange the following in pairs of synonyms:

1) contest; 2) attainment; 3) to improve; 4) desire; 5) to obtain; 6) modern; 7) cleaning; 8) to require; 9) to shape; 10) to demand; 11) achievement; 12) to gain; 13) aspiration; 14) up-to-date; 15) purification; 16) competition; 17) to make better; 18) to form.

5. Translate the Russian words given in brackets:

1) The hotel (предоставляет) a shoe-cleaning service for guests.

2) I’ve never lived (за границей) before.

3) Our university is a well-run (учреждение).

4) The caretaker is responsible for the (поддержание) of the school buildings.

5) Her knowledge of the subject is (непревзойденныe).

6) Education can (обогащать) your life.

7) What is the (ширина) of this room?

8) After two years of (высшее учебное заведение), I thought I knew everything.

9) The article discusses the (события) which led to the prime minister’s resignation.

10) The boys (вооружаться) themselves with torches and rope and set off.
6. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:

health centre; highly-regarded; in this respect; all kinds of facilities; prize-winning places; to be necessitated; to deliver lectures; a remarkable breadth of choice; on the shore of a lake; by the needs of; to study by correspondence; highly-qualified; specialized field.

II. Reading Comprehension

1. Read and translate the following text. Use a dictionary if necessary.

PSU is one of the most dynamically developing higher educational establishments in Belarus. It is a diverse institution offering a wide range of courses and research opportunities. The University aims to equip its students with highly-regarded qualifications, skills and experience which will further their career aspirations and enrich their future lives.

Polotsk State University was founded in 1968 and has passed the following stages in its formation: a branch of Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, Novopolotsk Polytechnic Institute and Polotsk State University.

It trains engineers in many specialized fields. The University enables to offer students a remarkable breadth of choice, not only in academic subjects but also in the level of study available and the different ways of attending.

The study is arranged on three educational levels: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate. All undergraduate studies are in the Russian language and last five years leading to the University Diploma of higher education. The University has ten faculties. They are the following:

  • Faculty of Geodesy. It is the only Faculty training land-surveyors specializing in applied geodesy, photogrammetry and cadastre not only for the needs of Belarus, but also many countries of the Middle East and Africa.

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering. At present it is the oldest faculty of the university having its traditions and wide experience in training engineers for the country’s construction complex as well as in heat and gas supply, water removal, purification of natural waters and sewage.

  • Faculty of Chemical Technology. It is one of the oldest faculties in the University. Its establishment was necessitated by the needs of the newly born petrochemical industry of the Republic of Belarus. The graduates of the Faculty are qualified as chemical or mechanical engineers.

  • Faculty of Machine Building. It trains engineers in three specialities and carries out research into the development of new technologies and materials to harden machine parts and elaborates new methods of metal treatment. The students at this faculty are awarded with the Diploma with the qualification of a mechanical engineer.

  • Faculty of Finance and Economics. It trains economists (in four specialities). The training is based on up-to-date economic knowledge in the field of market economy and is implemented in close cooperation with regional enterprises. The Faculty offers courses and programmes for full-time and part-time students at undergraduate level, masters and postgraduate levels, as well as for adults on upgrading and retraining programmes.

  • Faculty of Law. It trains lawyers who can work in courts and public prosecutor’s offices, as barristers and solicitors and legal advisers in municipalities, state and private enterprises.

  • Faculty of History and Philology. This faculty trains researchers and teachers of History, English, German and French. It is located in the renovated building of the Jesuit Collegium in Polotsk. The Faculty is equipped with language and computer laboratories, it also has multimedia classrooms where students can work individually.

  • Faculty of Physical Training Education. Teachers of Physical Training, Computer Science and Physics and specialists for tourist business are trained at this faculty. It also provides its students with all kinds of facilities necessary for sport training and exercising. Students and graduates of the faculty take part in different sport events on local and international level. Some of them have achieved excellent results and have become winners of international competitions.

  • Radio-Engineering Faculty and Faculty of Information Technologies. Nowadays these two faculties are among the leading faculties in the country in training engineers and scientists in the field of radio electronics and maintenance of telecommunication networks. Their graduates work at well-known companies: Philips (the Netherlands); BASF (Germany). Students can have a chance to have their practical training in a series of German companies. The Faculties successfully cooperate with universities and leading companies in Germany, the Netherlands, Russia and in some other countries.

Apart from ten faculties the University has the Preparatory Courses for those who want to enter it. There is also the Extra-Mural Department for the students who study by correspondence.

Scientifically oriented graduates including foreigners can continue their education at post-graduate courses of the university to get a scientific degree. The University offers 17 Master’s programmes in different fields. Moreover there is a wide choice of postgraduate programmes at the University leading to PhD (Candidate of Science) Degree.

Many professors and highly-qualified teachers deliver lectures and hold seminars in different subjects such as physics, maths, chemistry, technical drawing, descriptive geometry, strength of materials, foreign languages, the history of Belarus, philosophy etc.

University students do a lot of private study; some of this work will involve reading texts that have been recommended by lecturers, but more of it will require you to find information for yourself – choosing, reading, evaluating and bringing together information for your essays and other assignments. The library is essential to this work.

The library was opened in 1968. It is the largest information and bibliography centre of the region. As well as providing books and other information resources, the library is also important as a place to study. In this respect, the University library service is unsurpassed by any other. The Library has over 9,500 people annually registered through its services. Every day about 1,600 visitors are served at the library. They are students and post-graduates, lecturers, industry and business employees in the region. The library has a friendly, specialist staff that will help you to find your way around the complex world of information and enable you to get the best out of it. Application of the latest information technologies and means of telecommunication has allowed changing the library work and services. The modern computer centre and technical supplies give a possibility of access to the internal and external electronic resources such as: electronic catalogues, electronic library of textbooks, study materials and the Internet facilities.

The University’s Students Union tries to ensure that Hall of Residence places go to students who will benefit most from the experience of living in a residential community of students, that’s why almost all hall places are reserved for the students who are originally from the outside of the region. Special priority is given to students with special needs and students who live furthest away from the University. The five Halls of Residence have fitness training and tennis halls, rooms for studies and recreation rooms.

PSU students have a possibility to address social support which is provided at the University. In order to give material incentive for successful students, who actively participate in the University life, the University Board awards nominal and municipal grants on the annual basis.

Students’ life at the University varies in types of activities that students can take part in.

The University has a leisure centre for outings called “Chernoye” for 50 people altogether. The Centre offers camping facilities, a sauna, and sports-grounds for both students and the University staff. The place lies in a picturesque area on the shore of a lake which is surrounded by low hills.

A great part in the University students’ life, in the realization of many of its manifestations is played by the students’ press. This is the reason why the University administration supports the publication of the students’ newspaper titled “Nastezh”. The popularity of students’ newspaper in PSU cannot be doubted.

The Students’ club at Polotsk State University is very popular with students and the staff. All events that are organized through the Club are notable for high professionalism and excellent organization. With the assistance of the creative staff of the Student Club various traditional holiday events are held on a high artistic level.

The students’ theatre ART is associated with the Students’ Club. Though amateur in character the theatre is professional in acting. The Club is also the centre for intellectual games and intellectual performances known in the region and in the country as KVN.

The University has a notable tradition to celebrate Faculties’ Anniversaries. For this the Club organizes a special performance where the students and staff from the corresponding faculties participate. A great number of students take part in the celebrations of these events. The purpose of such celebrations is keeping up the faculties’ traditions, their prestige and popularity among the students, as well as increasing confidence in students in their choice of the future profession.

Long sport traditions originated and have been developed at the University. There are excellent sport facilities across the University. There are groups of sport perfection in basketball (men), volleyball (women), aerobics, track and field athletics, weight lifting and skiing. There also exist 32 sport sections according to students’ interests such as volleyball, unarmed self-defence, karate, table tennis, gymnastics, tourism, arm wrestling, aerobics, groups of general physical training, etc. Students can also have a chance to attend sport clubs in the two cities – Polotsk and Novopolotsk. Every year the Sport Club together with the Department of Physical Education and Sport organizes University Sport Competitions among the faculties in 15 kinds of sport. These sport events are very popular with the staff and students. University teams in different kinds of sport annually participate in the national students’ competitions where they have become prize-winners and not once in the history of the University. Among graduates and students there are Olympic Games and World champions, World’s Student Games champions. The University has at its disposal sports grounds, several sports gyms for various sports activities, a ski lodge. All these are supplied with modern sports equipment.

The university is known for its achievements in educational activities. Students of the university have been taking prize-winning places at the competitions in different subjects. The University reputation for excellence has attracted scholars and scientists well-known in this country and abroad. A number of lecturers work on scientific probation in famous universities of Great Britain, Germany, and the USA.

The University has got many foreign patents and papers dealing with research carried out at the polytechnic.

In conclusion it’s necessary to underline that the University places great importance on the continual improvement of its facilities for students, both educational and social. Refectories, lecture theatres, sports facilities, exhibition space, hostels, the gala complex have been rethought and updated to offer our students areas to live, work and relax that are well suited to their purpose and of the high standard.
2. Answer the following questions:

1) Where do you study?

2) When did you enter the University?

3) When will you graduate from the University?

4) When was our University founded?

5) What faculties and departments are there at the University?

6) What faculty do you study at?

7) Can scientifically oriented graduates continue their education?

8) Are you a first-year student?

9) What subjects do you study?

10) Do you attend lectures regularly?

11) Where do you get ready for the seminars?

12) What can you say about the University library?

13) Where do the students who are originally from the outside of the region live?

14) Do foreign students study at our University?

15) What can you say about students’ life at the University?

16) Is the Students’ Club very popular with students and the staff?

17) Does the University have any traditions?

18) Is the University famous for its achievements in educational activities?
III. Comprehension and Word Study.
1. Say whether it is true or false:

1) PSU is one of the most dynamically developing higher educational establishments in the world.

2) Polotsk State University was founded in 1968 and has passed four stages in its formation.

3) The University enables to offer students a remarkable breadth of choice in academic subjects.

4) The Faculty of History and Philology is one of the oldest faculties in the University.

5) Both the Faculty of Finance and Economics and the Faculty of Machine Building train specialists in four specialities.

6) The University places great importance on the continual improvement of its facilities for the staff.

7) The Library has over 9,500 people weekly registered through its services.

8) The University is known for its achievements in sports.

9) The University has a notable tradition to celebrate the 1st of May.

10) The University reputation for excellence has attracted scholars and scientists well-known in this country and abroad.
2. Join the parts of sentences.



1) It is a diverse institution offering

a) with special needs and students who live furthest away from the University.

2) Its establishment was necessitated by

b) undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate.

3) Apart from ten faculties it has

c) sports grounds, several sports gyms for various sports activities, a ski lodge.

4) The University library service

d) the Students’ Club.

5) Special priority is given to students

e) the needs of the newly born petrochemical industry of the Republic of Belarus.

6) The place lies in a picturesque area on

f) scholars and scientists well-known in this country and abroad.

7) The students’ theatre ART is associated with

g) is unsurpassed by any other.

8) The study is arranged on the three educational levels:

h) a wide range of courses and research opportunities.

9) The University has at its disposal

i) the Preparatory Courses for those who want to enter the University.

10) The University reputation for excellence has attracted

j) the shore of a lake which is surrounded by low hills.

3. Translate into Russian:

a diverse institution; career aspirations; oil processing industry, a remarkable breadth of choice; academic subjects; the different ways of attending; the newly born petrochemical industry; regional enterprises; up-to-date legal knowledge; new methods of metal treatment; the continual improvement; private study; foreign patents and papers.

4. Put general and special questions to each sentence:

1) PSU was founded in 1993 on the basis of Novopolotsk Polytechnical Institute. (when, what)

2) There is also the Extra-Mural Department for the students who study by correspondence. (what)

3) The establishment of the Faculty of Chemical Technology was necessitated by the needs of the newly born petrochemical industry in the Republic of Belarus. (where, what)

4) The University places great importance on the continual improvement of its facilities for students, both educational and social. (what)

5) University students do a lot of private study. (who)

6) Students of the university have been taking prize-winning places at the competitions in different subjects. (who, where)

7) A number of lecturers work on scientific probation in famous universities of Great Britain, Germany, the USA. (where)

8) The University has got many foreign patents and papers dealing with research carried out at the polytechnic. (how many)

9) Long sport traditions originated and have been developed at the University. (what, where)

10) PSU is one of the most dynamically developing higher educational establishments in Belarus. (what, where)
5. Read the following sentences from the text. Study the models of the Passive constructions. Say what tenses are used and translate into Russian. Put the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.

1) PSU was founded in 1993 on the basis of Novopolotsk Polytechnical Institute (1968).

2) Its establishment was necessitated by the needs of the newly born petrochemical industry of the Republic of Belarus.

3) The training is based on up-to-date economic knowledge in the field of market economy and is implemented in close cooperation with regional enterprises.

4) Long sport traditions have been developed at the University.

5) The university is known for its achievements in educational activities.

Change the following sentences from Active into Passive:

1) It trains engineers in many specialized fields.

2) The University enables to offer students a remarkable breadth of choice.

3) The Faculty of Civil Engineering trains civil engineers for the country’s construction complex.

4) The University places great importance on the continual improvement of its facilities for students.

5) Many professors and highly-qualified teachers deliver lectures.

6) University students do a lot of private study.

7) The Club organizes a special performance where the students and staff from the corresponding faculties participate.

8) Every year the Sport Club together with the Department of Physical Education and Sport organizes University Sport Competitions among the faculties in 15 kinds of sport.
6. Fill in the correct prepositions:

1) The University aims … equip its students with highly-regarded qualifications.

2) PSU was founded in 1993 … the basis of Novopolotsk Polytechnical Institute.

3) There is also the Extra-Mural Department … the students who study … correspondence.

4) The University places great importance … the continual improvement of its facilities for students, both educational and social.

5) Students’ life at the University varies … types of activities that students can take part … .

6) The university is known … its achievements in educational activities.

7) Students of the university have been taking prize-winning places … the competitions in different subjects.

7. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Explain your choice.
The Polotsk State University is one of the 1. _____ (adolescent, youngest, immature, juvenile) higher schools in our state. It trains engineers in many specialized fields. It was founded in 1993 on the 2. _____ (basis, bottom, foundation, framework) of Novopolotsk Polytechnical Institute (1968).

The University has ten faculties. They are: 1) Faculty of Chemical Technology; 2) Faculty of Civil Engineering; 3) Faculty of Geodesy; 4) Radio - Engineering Faculty; 5) Faculty of Finance and Economics; 6) Faculty of Law; 7) Faculty of Machine Building; 8) Faculty of History and Philology; 9) Faculty of Physical Training Education; 10) Faculty of Information Technologies.

The University has the Preparatory Courses for those who want to 3. _____ (enter, finish, graduate, leave) it. There is also an Extra-Mural Department for the students who study by correspondence.

4. _____ (alien, domestic, native, foreign) students from many countries study at the University. There are some comfortable hostels near the University.

Many professors and highly-qualified teachers deliver lectures and hold seminars in different subjects such as physics, maths, chemistry, technical drawing, descriptive geometry, strength of materials, foreign languages, the history of Belarus, philosophy etc.

The University is known for its 5. _____ (up-to-date, contemporary, new, current) large computing centre, classrooms equipped with personal computers, language labs. There is a fine scientific library. The gala complex is used for musical events, lectures, meetings and conferences.

There is a health centre where students can have a rest and improve their health. There are swimming-pools and gymnasiums for those who go in for sports. Students enjoy an 6. _____ (around the town, out-of-town, from the town, suburb) sport complex on the bank of a beautiful lake.

The university is known for its achievements in educational activities. Students of the university have been taking prize-winning places at the 7. _____ (matches, games, competitions, plays) in 8. _____ (diverse, dissimilar, indifferent, different) subjects. Scholars and scientists well-known in this country and abroad visit our University. A number of our lecturers work in famous universities of Great Britain, Germany, and the USA.

The University has Post-graduate courses for graduates who are interested in science.

8. Study each paragraph. What single word explains the central idea of each passage? Find the topic sentence, and then list the details that support it.
IV. Speaking Practice.
1. Give details to expand an idea into a paragraph.

1) PSU is one of the most dynamically developing higher educational establishments in Belarus.

2) The University enables to offer students a remarkable breadth of choice, not only in academic subjects but also in the level of study available and the different ways of attending.

3) The University has ten faculties.

4) The library is essential to students’ private study.

5) Students’ life is interesting and diverse.

6) The university is known for its achievements in educational activities.
2. What do you think?

  • You are a first-year student. What do you like best about studying at PSU?

  • What do you think about the opportunities for becoming highly-qualified specialists at PSU?

  • What do you think about the activities that students of PSU can take part in? Do you take part in any activities?

3.1. Read, translate and role-play the dialogue.
Anna: Hello, Boris! Nice to meet you!

Boris: Hi, Anna! I’ve heard you passed the exams last months and entered the University, didn’t you?

Anna: Yes, I did. And what about you?

Boris: Unfortunately, I failed my exams. But as far as I know the university has the Extra-Mural Department, so I’m going to study by correspondence. And what faculty do you study at?

Anna: I study at one of the oldest faculties in the University – Faculty of Chemical Technology.

Boris: Do you attend all lectures and practical classes?

Anna: Of course, I do. Lectures are delivered by highly-qualified teachers. Especially I like lectures in the field of chemistry.

Boris: Do you carry out any experiments and researches?

Anna: Yes, we do. That’s why I have to spend a lot of time at the library, choosing, reading, evaluating and bringing together information for my classes. The university library has a friendly specialist staff that helps students to find their way around the complex world of information and enable them to get the best out of it.
3.2. Make your own dialogues with your partner.
3.3. Retell the dialogue using Reported Speech.
V. Supplementary Reading.

1. Translate into Russian using a dictionary:
There are more than forty universities in Britain, of which 36 are in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 in Northern Ireland and 1 in Wales. The two oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. These date from the Middle Ages. Oxford is the oldest of these two universities, it is more philosophical, classical, theological. The history of Oxford began in 1249, that of Cambridge — in 1348. Among the English universities Oxford and Cambridge have a special eminence, and they are different from the others.

England had no other universities, apart from Oxford and Cambridge, until the nineteenth century. The universities which were founded between 1860 and 1930, including London University, are known as redbrick universities (they were called so because that was the favourable building material of the time). They are in London, Durham, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bristol, Nottingham, etc. The University of London is the largest of them. The division between Oxford and Redbrick is sharp. The division is essentially a class one. Redbrick universities were built to provide a liberal education for the poorer boys and to give technological training. Oxford and Cambridge graduates scorned them.

The universities which were founded after the Second World War are called «the new universities». They are in Staffordshire, Kent, Essex, Lancaster, Sussex, and York. Some of them quickly became popular because of their modern approach to university courses.

All British Universities are private institutions. Every university is independent, autonomous and responsible only to its own governing council. Although they all receive financial support from the state, the Department of Education and Science has no control over their regulations, curriculum, examinations, appointment of staff, or the way they spend money. The number and type of faculties differ from university to university. Each university decides each year how many students it supposes to admit. The admission to universities is by examination or selection (interviews). The students receive grants. They have to pay fees and living costs but every student may receive from the local authority of the place where he lives a personal grant which is enough to pay lodging and food – unless his parents are rich. Most students take jobs in the summer for about six weeks, but they do not normally do outside work during the academic session.

Students who pass examinations at the end of three or four years of study get Bachelor's degree. The first postgraduate degree is normally that of Master conferred for a thesis based on at least one year's fulltime work. Universities are centres of research and many postgraduates are engaged in research for higher degree, usually Doctorates.

The British government does not think to build more new universities. There is a tendency to expand the older ones. The most interesting innovation is Open University.

2. Match English and Russian equivalents:

1) higher education; 2) private institutions; 3) university curriculum; 4) to receive grants; 5) local authority; 6) academic session; 7) to pass exams; 8) research centre.

a) получать стипендию; b) местные власти; c) учебный триместр; d) сдать экзамены; e) учебный план университета; f) высшее образование; g) научно-исследовательский центр; h) частные учебные заведения.
3. Choose the right word:

1. Oxford is ... of all British universities.

a) the youngest; b) the oldest; c) the poorest.

2. All British universities are ... institutions.

a) state; b) old; c) private.

3. The ... to the Universities is by examination or selection.

a) admission; b) regulation; c) innovation.

4. Most students take … in the summer for about six weeks.

a) exams; b) job; c) accommodation.

5. The students ... grants.

a) spend; b) receive; c) pay.
4. Insert the right word:

(British, Oxford, Britain, Oxford and Cambridge, Open University)

There are 47 universities in ... . The oldest universities are ... . The history of ... began in 1249. These two universities are different from all other ... universities. Redbrick universities were built to give technological training. … universities are private institutions, but they receive financial support from the state. The British government does not think to build new universities. The most interesting innovation is ... .
5. Mark the statements that are true:

1) All British universities are private institutions.

2) The admission to the University is by examination or selection.

3) The Department of Education and Science controls appointment of staff.

4) The number and type of faculties is the same at all British universities.

5) Students never work in summer; they work during the academic year.

6) The first postgraduate degree is that of Master.

7) Universities are centers of research.

6. Answer the questions on the text:

1. How many universities are there in Great Britain?

2. What are the oldest British universities?

3. What Redbrick universities can you name?

4. Why did «the new universities» quickly become popular?

5. All British universities are private institutions, aren't they?

6. What university degrees do you know?

7. Are universities centers of research?

7. Make a short summary of the text. Do it according to the following plan:

1. The title of the text is...

2. The text is devoted to ...

3. It consists of ...

4. The first passage deals with ...

5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with ...

6. The main idea of the text is ...
1. Translate into Russian using a dictionary:
The Japanese school education system is generally broken down into six years primary school, three years junior high school, three years high school, four years university, and five years graduate school. In addition to these, there are kindergartens, college of technology which may follow junior high school, and two-year junior colleges. Compulsory education is from age six through junior high, a total of nine years. The academic year begins in April, and ends in March.

In Japan, universities traditionally trained researchers and educators, but since World War II, higher education has become so popular that universities have come down to the level of general education, and Graduate Schools are now considered the training ground for special researchers and professors.

With the exception of graduate schools in engineering, dentistry, medicine and veterinary science, graduate schools in Japan do not generally provide practical job-oriented training. Rather, they aim at training specialists in certain fields.

Japan's universities are divided into three categories – national, public and private – in accordance with financial support. All are organized on the same format and have the same educational standards. Presently there are 572 junior colleges and 489 four-year universities. Among the four-year universities, approximately half offer graduate school programs. Some universities offer research facilities. There are 1,994,615 students in universities throughout the country (as of May 1, 1988). There is at least one national university in each prefecture, with public and private schools well distributed throughout the country. There are also many local universities which meet the needs of local industry and traditions.

Universities generally consist of a number of faculty members divided into various departments and/or courses depending on subject. Each school has brochures outlining its various undergraduate, graduate and research programmes. These are generally printed in Japanese, but some schools also offer English editions.

Admission to Japanese universities is limited to those who have completed a regular twelve-year school education or its equivalent.

The academic year is from April to March. The number of school days in a year, including the standard examination period, is 210 days, or 35 weeks. Summer vacation differs according to the university, but in general is from the middle of July to the end of August. Winter vacation (December-January) is two weeks. Spring vacation (March-April) is approximately 40 days. Most universities operate on a semester system.

University curriculum is divided into General Education, Foreign Language, Health and Physical Education and Professional Education. Compulsory and elective subjects differ according to departments, and are regulated by the individual university.

General subjects, foreign languages and physical education classes are generally taken in the first and second years. These classes are usually large and are held in an auditorium. Major subjects are usually taken in the third and fourth years. These classes are relatively small. They are generally structured as seminars, laboratory sessions, study projects or practical sessions.

It should be understood that, in principle, all classes in Japanese universities are conducted in Japanese. Except for the special courses, there are almost no opportunities to take courses conducted in English.

Except for schools of dentistry, medicine and veterinary science, universities follow the credit system. Students must complete the required study and exams for each course to receive credit.

Since Japanese universities are on a semester system, there are examinations in September or October after summer vacation, and again in January or February after winter vacation. The format of these is usually written, but reports or short theses may be submitted in lieu of the examination.

Grades are based on the results of examination and course work, with attendance also taken into consideration. Grades are broken down as excellent, good, pass, fail (i.e., A, B, C, F). Usually A == 80-100%, B = 70-79%, C = 60-69%, F = 0-59%. No credit is given for an F.
2. Ask and answer 10 questions to the text.
3. Make a short summary of the text. Do it according to the following plan:

1. The title of the text is...

2. The text is devoted to ...

3. It consists of ...

4. The first passage deals with ...

5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with ...

6. The main idea of the text is ...
4. Put general and special questions to each sentence:

1) The academic year begins in April, and ends in March. (when)

2) Since World War II higher education has become so popular that universities have come down to the level of general education. (when, what)

3) Japan's universities are divided into three categories. (what, how)

4) There are 1,994,615 students in universities throughout the country. (how many)

5) The academic year is from April to March. (when)

6) Summer vacation differs according to the university. (what)

7) General subjects, foreign languages and physical education classes are generally taken in the first and second years. (when)

The Belorussian State University is a centre of culture and science, the major higher educational establishment in the Republic of Belarus. It is the oldest University in our Republic. It was founded in 1921 and 1,010 workers and peasants were admitted to its two faculties.

The republic's first University rapidly grew and developed and in the pre-war period a number of independent higher schools for medicine, pedagogic, national economy appeared on its basis.

During the Great Patriotic War the University was razed to the ground by the Nazi invaders. In the post-war years the University was quickly restored and in a short period of time it turned into one of the largest institutions of higher education of the country.

At present the University has 9,750 students, 125 Depart­ments (chairs), 1,441 teaching staff, including 211 full Professors, 935 Associate Professors and Doctors.

There are 13 faculties at the University at present: Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology, Philology, Journalism, History, Economy, Law, International Relations which train specialists in 17 professions and 50 specializations. It has day and correspondence departments where thousands of students study. They attend lectures and seminars. All the students study foreign languages. Students' practical work is given much attention to.

The University course lasts five years. An academic year is divided into two terms, each ending in an examination session. Those who pass the exams successfully get a scholarship.

The students of the University can do any sport and any recreational activity.

A lot of students carry out research work in various laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date devices.

Every year hundreds of young specialists begin working in different branches of national economy, science, education, in mass media, prosecutor's offices and courts.

In 1967 the Belorussian State University was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour for its contribution to the development of science and academic training.

The Belorussian State University is a major world University centre, a member of the International Universities Association. At present the BSU has links with over 100 higher educational establishments and research centers of the world. The University participates in a number of international projects like TEMPUS, INTAS, COPERNICUS, and ASE.

Its seventy-fifth anniversary the University celebrated as an internationally recognized classical university integrating essential features of the educational, scientific and cultural centre. The staff is proud of the University traditions and achievements but at the same time it realizes the necessity of serious reforms aimed at preserving the accumulated intellectual potential and promoting progressive development of the Belorussian University in future.

I. Choose the most appropriate variant to complete the sentences.

1. Novopolotsk is situated in a very picturesque place on the ___ River.

a) Neman c) Thames

b) Dvina d) Dnepr

2. The first page of history of my native town dates approximately ___ years back.

a) 45 c) 65

b) 50 d) 450

3. On December 14th, ___ the Polotskiy settlement was renamed Novopolotsk Town.

a) 1959 c) 1958

b) 1963 d) 1962

4. Every ___ out of 107,400 inhabitants studies.

a) first c) second

b) fourth d) third

5. The ___ contributes greatly to the relaxed atmosphere of the town.

a) university c) park

b) square d) Hotel «Belarus»

6. Polotsk State University was founded in ___.

a) 1963 c) 1958

b) 1968 d) 1990

7. Polotsk State University trains ___ in many specialized fields

a) engineers c) doctors

b) teachers d) drivers

8. The study is arranged on ___ educational levels.

a) four c) five

b) two d) three

9. The University offers ___ Master’s programmes in different fields.

a) 16 c) 18

b) 17 d) 19

10. The library was opened in ___.

a) 1958 c) 1978

b) 1968 d) 1988
II. Match Russian equivalents for the following words on the right.

1. settlement (n)

1. житель

2. landscape (n)

2. доступный

3. to require (v)

3. стажировка

4. to contribute (v)

4. разрабатывать

5. staff (n)

5. ландшафт

6. probation (n)

6. доступ

7. achievement (n)

7. применение

8. to update (v)

8. существенный

9. native (adj)

9. большинство

10. tournament (n)

10. поселок

11. refectory (n)

11. модернизировать

12. picturesque

12. требовать

13. ravine (n)

13. приобретать

14. proof (n)

14. штат сотрудников

15. notable (adj)

15. студенческая столовая

16. available (adj)

16. делать вклад

17. dweller (n)

17. родной

18. majority (n)

18. выдающийся

19. application (n)

19. овраг, лощина

20. to gain (v)

20. живописный

21. to elaborate (v)

21. достижение

22. essential (adj)

22. турнир

23. access (n)

23. доказательство

III. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.



1. fame (n)

a. a piece of work that is given to someone as a part of their job, or that a student is asked to do;

2. ravine (n)

b. a short pleasure trip for a group of people;

3. probation (n)

c. a place where such as a concert or a meeting is arranged to take place;

4. to host (v)

d. to finish doing something especially when it has taken a long time;

5. outing (n)

e. not doing something as your job, but only for pleasure or interest;

6. amateur (adj)

f. a building or other large structure that is built to remind people of an important event or famous people;

7. assignment (n)

g. the state of being known about by a lot of people because of your achievements;

8. dweller (n)

h. a company, organization or business;

9. venue (n)

i. a person or animal that lives in a particular place;

10. majority (n)

j. a deep narrow valley with steep sides;

11. proof (n)

k. to provide the place and everything that is needed for an organized event;

12. enterprise (n)

l. most of the people or things in a particular group;

13. to complete(v)

m. a fixed period of time in which you must improve your work or behave well so that you will not have to leave your job;

14. monument (n)

n. facts, information, documents etc that prove something is true.

IV. Define the tense.

        1. Does your cat drink milk?

        2. We have already discussed this problem.

        3. When we arrived the performance had just begun.

        4. The teacher is listening to the pupils at the moment.

        5. We will go to the country next week.

        6. The students are translating the sentences from English into Russian now.

        7. I haven’t seen you for ages.

        8. The train leaves at 12.30. every morning.

        9. We had got to the theatre by 6 o’clock.

        10. It was raining the whole day yesterday.

        11. I will translate the article tomorrow.

        12. What were the children doing the whole evening?

        13. I had lived in Kiev before I moved to Minsk.

        14. I saw your brother yesterday.

V. Use the correct tense in these sentences.

    1. Someone (to knock) at the door. Shall I answer it?

    2. You (to be) here before? – Yes, I (to spend) my holidays here last summer.

    3. How often you (to buy) milk? – Twice a week.

    4. I know that my friend (not yet to come).

    5. Why you (to put on) your coat now? – I (to go) for a walk.

    6. I (not to hear) the thunder last night because I (to sleep).

    7. My brother and sister (to argue) about something when I (to walk) into the room.

    8. The lecture (not yet to begin) and the students are talking in the classroom.

    9. Where is Tom? – I (not to see) him today.

VI. Change from the active into the passive.

        1. Her mother drives her to school every day.

        2. The teacher sent him out of the class.

        3. They will have finished the work by tonight.

        4. Someone had warned her that she might lose her job.

        5. Who discovered America?

        6. Who answered the phone?

        7. Who did they give the prize to?

        8. The lecturer bored the students with his long lecture.

        9. During the summer the cafe was employing more waiters every week.

        10. The University library lends its readers nearly 2 million books every year.



Вы должны знать:

1. Грамматика:

— типы вопросов

— артикли с географическими названиями и именами собственными

— степени сравнения прилагательных

2. Лексика

Ключевые слова и сочетания по теме «Республика Беларусь», «Великобритания»

Вы должны уметь:

использовать знания грамматики и лексики при чтении и переводе текстов указанной тематики;

вести беседу и рассказать о Республике Беларусь и Великобритании


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