In the light of integration educational processes, the problem of improving the
quality of professional education and training of a specialist who meets public needs is
gaining more and more importance. The demand for specialists in a market economy
is ensured by competitiveness - an integral characteristic of a modern specialist -
professionally competent, mobile in the conditions of socio-economic changes, quickly
adapting to new circumstances, oriented in information flows and able to optimally
solve emerging problems, the basis for the success of a competitive specialist becomes
personal potential, the ability to update and increase it [1].
It is obvious that leadership, considered today as a set of qualities reflecting the
degree of purposeful activity of the subject transforming reality, including himself, is
put forward among the most popular and professionally significant characteristics of a
Theoretical approaches developed in foreign and domestic science focus on the
narrowly functional, technological aspect of the realization of a person's leadership
potential. In connection with the strengthening of the role and responsibility of
professionals in the management of socio-political, economic, cultural processes,
approaches to understanding leadership are changing. Special attention is paid today to
the axiological aspect of the interaction between the leader and his followers.
Socio-cultural activity is a favorable area for the manifestation of leadership
qualities. The very specifics of the specialty require "socio-cultural leadership" (J.
Dumazedieu), the acceptance of leadership status by a person.
The implementation of human-creative, cultural-developing functions by a
specialist in socio-cultural activities presupposes the dominance of a professional in
the process of interaction, mutual influence aimed at stimulating development. Others
through involvement in the world of culture, in various types of creativity. The priority
in socio-cultural leadership is developing-stimulating functions. For the manager of
socio-cultural technologies as a specialist in "pedagogically directed and pedagogically
organized activities", pedagogical culture is of particular importance, an integral part
of which can and should be the ability to lead in a chosen form of socio-cultural activity
The pedagogical culture of a future specialist in the cultural and leisure sphere
provides a humanistic orientation of professional activity, a value-moral level of socio-
cultural impact, a measure of specialist responsibility, the quality of mastering socio-
cultural technologies, readiness for continuous self-improvement. Such an approach to