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З. Күзекова
ф. ғ. д., профессор
Назарбаев Университеті
Мақалада кәсіби қазақ тіліне қатысты бірқатар мәселелер талданады: Кәсіби бағытты
меңгерту дегеніміз – ғылыми стильді меңгеру болып табылады. Ғылыми стиль тілі –студент
үшін таңдаған мамандығын алудың құралы, сондықтан тілдік емес жоғары оқу орнындағы
қазақ тілінен сабақ беретін оқытушы сабағында кәсіби бағыттылық айқын байқалуы
қажет. Сондай-ақ қазақ тілі пәнінің оқытушысы маман оқытушыны алмастырмауы тиіс.
Оның міндетіне экономиканы, химияны, физиканы т. б. ғылыми пән ретінде оқыту кірмейді,
оның міндеті осы мамандықтың тілін оқыту болып табылады.
Kazkah language is the state language; however, because of lack of professional Kazakh language
knowledge among different professional areas, it is necessary to teach professional Kazakh language
in non-linguistic universities and institutions. This requires us that the knowledge of the Kazakh
Language is becoming an integral component of any trade and professions. In order to integrate
Kazakh language teaching in different occupations, we have written the first practical textbooks
in teaching the professional Kazakh Language. We think Kazakh Language shall be the tool that
improves not only the levels and quality of teaching but also students’ erudition in their chosen
occupations. Teaching professional Kazakh language for different occupations should be done in the
following way: work with Unit materials, reading material that improves spoken language, learning
professional vocabulary, writing textbooks that improve students’ understanding of grammar and
vocabulary. The issues of creating professionally oriented language teaching model at non-linguistic
educational institutions have become multidimensional, since the main aim of teaching Kazakh
language at non-linguistic universities is to form students’ communicative, linguistic, cultural, social,
methodical, professional competence.
This model requires development of its scientific base, organizational ways, teaching aims, methods
and teaching aids, content, and teaching material. Summarizing our experience in this sphere, we
suggest the following components to form the structure of teaching professionally oriented Kazakh
1. Aim – identify aims and responsibilities in teaching Kazakh language at non-linguistic
educational institutions;
2. Motivation – mastering of the Kazakh
language and its practical use;
3. Content – to select the content
of the learning materials;
4. Process – choose
the teaching form,
teaching methods;
5. Monitoring (control) – evaluation;
In accordance with state educational standard, non-linguistic university students must be able to
perform their communicative duties in Kazakh language: in learning area (lecture, seminar, practical
lessons, consultation, tests, examination, and library); in educational scientific and professional area
(scientific research council, scientific practical seminars, conferences, discussion of course work, thesis).