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Reasons Why Moving Might Not Make You Richer

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10 Reasons Why Moving Might Not Make You Richer

by Amy Fontinelle

If you own a home in a high-cost-of-living city, it can be depressing to think about how much more house you could afford in a less expensive area. Your out-of-town friends and relatives might even think you're crazy for spending so much. "You could have a mansion where I live for that price!" they exclaim.

However, you and they might be surprised to learn that the $500,000 you can afford to pay for a home in a high-cost-of-living city, such as New York, San Francisco or Honolulu won't always translate to $500,000 you could spend on a home in Baton Rouge, Phoenix or Missoula. This article will explore 10 reasons why housing in lower-cost-of-living cities isn't necessarily as much of a bargain as it seems. Before uprooting your life, evaluate these items for the different cities you are considering and make sure the financial benefits of moving will be as large as you think.
Heating and Cooling Costs

If your high-cost-of-living city has a moderate climate (think Los Angeles or San Francisco), your energy bills are probably significantly lower than what your friends in Minneapolis pay to heat their homes in the winter or what your friends in Little Rock pay to cool their homes in the summer.

Not having to spend as much money on heating and air conditioning frees up more money to spend on a house. At 6% interest, an extra $100 a month translates to an extra $16,500 in purchase price; an extra $200 means $33,000. If you can afford a $500,000 San Francisco home, you might only be able to afford a $467,000 Minneapolis home.

Of course, $467,000 still buys a lot more house in Minneapolis. Also, this scenario could work in reverse if you were moving from cold and expensive New York City to warmer and less expensive Atlanta.

Property Taxes

Property tax rates vary significantly among cities (and sometimes within cities). 2008 rates include 1% in Los Angeles, 2.5% in Houston and a whopping 12.1% in New York City. Property taxes are based on the home's assessed value, so a home that is assessed at $500,000 would have annual property taxes of $5,000 in Los Angeles, $16,000 in Houston, and $60,500 in New York City.

However, a home that would be assessed at $500,000 in one city might be assessed at a higher or lower amount in another city. Each city has its own formulas for determining the value of a property. Before you move, find out what the property tax rate is and how home values are assessed in the area you're considering relocating to.

Home Maintenance Costs

Your friends may be able to afford a McMansion for the same price as your bungalow, but with a house that is two or three times larger, you can expect to see many bills that are two or three times larger. Examples of expenses that will increase with size are: home maintenance, repairs, lawn care and landscaping, homeowners insurance premiums.

Unlike your mortgage, these expenses don't go away one day they'll be around for as long as you live in the house. Your big mortgage may be expensive now, but the other costs associated with maintaining a smaller home will always be relatively low.
Furnishing Costs

Bigger houses require more furniture - well, they don't require it, but few people like to have empty rooms in their homes. And if you buy your furniture new, the cost to furnish and decorate all that extra square footage can become significant. In fact, this is an area where some first-time homeowners get themselves into trouble financially.

Remodeling Costs

If you stay in your house for a long time (or even if you don't and you want to maximize your resale value), at some point you will probably end up doing some sort of remodel. And this isn't a bad idea - it can add value to your home. It is often a less expensive way to increase your satisfaction with your home than moving, which would force you to pay transaction costs, like broker fees and mortgage financing costs.

Let's say you want to put hardwood floors in your living room, dining room, hallway and bedrooms. For a home where these areas occupy 1,000 square feet, this project will probably cost you a minimum (including installation) of $10,000. Double or triple the size of the house, and the remodel suddenly becomes much more expensive - maybe even prohibitively so. The same goes for a project like a kitchen overhaul - the bigger the kitchen, the more cabinets, countertop and tile you'll have to buy and the more the labor will cost to install everything.
Average Age of Homes in the Area

In many neighborhoods, most homes tend to be a certain age. In older neighborhoods, it's not uncommon to own a house that's over 100 years old. In newer areas, homes built in the last 50 years predominate. Unless a previous owner did major work to the home, the older the home is, the more major repairs it's likely to need. Older homes can need heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) upgrades, new windows and new plumbing, just a few potential major repairs.

Keeping Up With the Joneses

If the same house price buys you into a nicer neighborhood in another city, it might also buy you into a lifestyle that you can't afford.

In Washington, D.C., $500,000 might buy you a starter house in a lower-middle- or middle-class neighborhood where there will be little social pressure to do things that can blast through your disposable income.

In Omaha, that $500,000 home may be in a posher neighborhood where it may be the norm to drive a luxury car, wear designer clothes or succumb to other expensive lifestyle choices, like joining the local country club, throwing lavish parties or sending the children to private school.

Unfortunately, many people lack the psychological strength to remain impervious to these pressures.
Differences in State and Local Income Taxes

Moving from a high-cost city to a low-cost city might not make you better off if the move results in higher taxes.

If you live in Seattle, Washington; Manchester, New Hampshire or Anchorage, Alaska, the cost of housing will be on the higher side, but there is no state income tax. New Hampshire, Alaska, and Oregon also don't have a state sales tax. This means that, compared to people in more heavily taxed states, you'll have more money available to spend on housing, helping to balance out some of that higher cost of living. Permanent residents of Alaska receive a dividend of at least a few hundred dollars every year from the Alaska Permanent Fund. So, if you're moving from one of these no-tax states to a higher-tax state, you must factor this new cost into your budget.

On the flip side, if you are moving from a city with a high cost of living and a high state tax rate to a city with a low cost of living and no state tax, you might find a real bargain, as long as you can get a good job in the new location. California's state income tax is between 8% and 9.3% for most people, and in New York City most people pay state taxes of 6.85% plus local taxes of around 3.6%. If people in these states moved to Tennessee, Florida, South Dakota, Nevada, Texas or Wyoming, they could see a real difference in the amount of money they have to work with and the amount of house they can afford. Remember, tax rates are subject to change, so be sure to check your jurisdiction for updates.

Transaction Costs

If you want to move from high-cost Los Angeles to low-cost Des Moines, don't forget that selling one home and buying another will eat into your gains. You'll have to pay a 5-6% real estate agent's commission and closing costs on a new mortgage. Also, you'll probably put some remodeling money into the house you're selling to maximize the sale price and possibly into the new house to tailor it to your tastes.

Interest Rates

Your friends with the $250,000 mortgage in Phoenix might be paying 10% interest, because that was the prevailing market rate at the time of their purchase, giving them a monthly mortgage payment of $2,194; meanwhile, you may have a $500,000 mortgage in San Jose, but if your interest rate is only 5%, because rates were lower when you purchased, your mortgage payment would be $2,684- just $500 more per month than what your friends pay.

Of course, as with some of the other factors discussed above, the interest situation can also work in reverse and further intensify the difference between low- and high-cost cities: a $250,000 mortgage at 5% costs $1,342 per month, while a $500,000 mortgage at 10% costs $4,388 per month a difference of a whopping $3,046 per month.

When it comes to the cost of owning a house, purchase price is far from the whole story. Your money may go further in a lower-cost-of-living city, but perhaps not as far as you think. Remember, cost isn't the only factor in deciding where to live: career, lifestyle and proximity to friends and family also play an important role. Before you uproot your life in search of greater financial security, do the detailed math for the locations in question and see what kind of financial change you're really looking at. Make sure the difference is significant enough to make your move worthwhile.


Функции языка, типология текстов

(концепции И.С.Алексеевой и К.Райс)

  1. Назовите и прокомментируйте компоненты акта речевого сообщения в соответствии с концепцией Р.Якобсона.

  2. Перечислите функции языка по Р.Якобсону. Прокомментируйте каждую функцию. Каким образом функции языка соотносятся с компонентами акта речевого общения?

  3. Р.Якобсон: «Чисто эмотивный слой языка представлен междометиями». Согласны ли Вы с этим утверждением? Прокомментируйте свое решение.

  4. Какая функция языка является единственной функцией общей для птиц и людей? Прокомментируйте свой ответ.

  5. Эта функция устанавливает тождество высказываний на данном языке. О какой функции идет речь?

  6. Дайте другое название конативной функции и другое название эмотивной функции.

  7. В чем состоит разница между эмотивной, поэтической и аппелятивной функциями?

  8. Заполните пропуск: «…..свободное отношение к форме речи получает эстетическое задание, пусть даже самое скромное. Это может быть и незатейливая шутка, и более или менее удачная острота, и каламбур, и разные виды тропов (сравнения, метафоры, перифразы и т.д.). Исследователи изучают факты языковой игры в разговорной речи и считают, что языковую игру следует рассматривать как реализацию ____________________функции языка».

  9. Можно ли говорить о том, что определенные тексты характеризуются доминированием определенных функций? Так, например, научный текст всегда реализует референтивную функцию.

  10. Распределите предложенные языковые средства по следующим категориям:

Когнитивная информация

Оперативная информация

Эмоциональная информация

Эстетическая информация


Вненормативная лексика

Глагольный императив


Инфинитивные конструкции

Клишированные конструкции

Лексические сокращения



Модальные глаголы

Неличная семантика субъекта


Односоставные предложения



Преобладание существительных

Прямой порядок слов

Сослагательное наклонение



11. На основании каких функций языка строит свою типологию текстов К.Райс?

12. Сколько типов текстов выделяет К.Райс? Назовите типы текстов по К.Райс? Каков главный критерий типологии?

13. Каким образом тип текста ИЯ влияет на стратегию перевода?

14. Каковы критерии оценки текстов ПЯ, если текст ИЯ принадлежит типу текстов, ориентированных на содержание?

15. Каковы критерии оценки текстов ПЯ, если текст ИЯ принадлежит типу текстов, ориентированных на форму?

16. Каковы критерии оценки текстов ПЯ, если текст ИЯ принадлежит типу текстов, ориентированных на обращение?

17. Что такое аудио-медиальные тексты? Какова стратегия перевода подобного рода текстов?

  1. Просмотрите отрывки из текстов и прокомментируйте их с точки зрения реализации функций языка (по Р.Якобсону).

А. Whenever you wish to make more than just a small move, include the West LB in your plans. We appreciate global thinking and, as one of Europe’s leading banks, we have both goals – with you. Established as a German wholesale bank, we offer you all services from one source, made to measure reliable and if you like, worldwide.

В. Spring (formerly known as TA Spring or Total Annihilation: Spring) is a full 3D free open source RTS game engine originally created by the Swedish Yankspankers, intended to bring the gameplay experience of Total Annihilation (TA) into three dimensions. The core game engine is licensed under the GNU GPL.
С.“Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well”. Whoever said this originally was perfectly right. For whenever and wherever we come upon something that is not done properly, we feel annoyed no matter what it is: a poor book, an ugly building, a tasteless dinner or inaccurate measurements. Everybody would seem to agree with this, as far as somebody else’s work is concerned. But are we equally critical of everything done by ourselves?

D. Why was the doctor angry? – Because he had no patients.

E. What is intelligence? For many years people have wondered about it. How do people define it? What affects intelligence more: environment or heredity? How do people measure intelligence? Does intelligence mean success in life? Teachers and psychologists have known for a long time that some people learn some things faster than others.

F. If you see fire or smoke: Operate the fire alarm, no sound will be heard but the Fire Brigade will be called; tell any staff member the location of the fire or smoke; follow the instructions from staff or emergency services; do not take any risks.

2. Проведите анализ текста, определите стиль, тип и жанр предложенных текстов, укажите на языковую специфику текстов. Выполняйте задание в русле концепции И.С.Алексеевой.
1. The United States consumes about 17 million barrels of petroleum per day. If this is divided evenly among citizens, your daily "share" would be about three gallons. What have you done with your portion?

Most of the nation's petroleum is burned as an energy source for heating, electricity, and transportation. The rest is used for building plastics, fabrics, synthetic vitamins, and many other things that greatly affect our lives.

Figure 3.2 shows - on average — how much of a barrel of petroleum is used for burning (as an energy source) and for building (as a source of chemical reactants to produce other useful substances).

Some petroleum experts predict that world oil production from known petroleum reserves will reach its peak around 1995 (see Figure 3.3). After that, they predict a sharp decline in petroleum production as reserves dwindle. In less than 100 years production of petroleum from presently known reserves is expected to be as low as it was in 1910. At that time, petroleum was used only for illumination to replace the limited supply of whale oil.

2. Asteroid or minor planet is any of many thousands of small bodies, composed of rock and iron, that orbit the Sun. Most lie within the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, but there are many that have orbits that cross the orbit of Earth — these are known as the near-earth asteroids.

Research has shown that Earth and the Moon have been hit by asteroids many times in the past and geologists have identified some 120 impact craters around the globe.

It is also now widely believed that it was a massive asteroid impact on Earth that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and other life forms 65 million years ago.
3. During the period of his employment hereunder, the Executive shall devote not less than eighty-five percent (85%) of his normal business time, attention, skill and efforts to the faithful performance of his duties hereunder; provided, however, that the Executive may serve or continue to serve on the board of directors or hold other offices or positions in companies or organizations if they involve no conflict of interest with the interests of the Company and may engage in customary professional activities which in the judgment of the Board will not materially affect the performance by the Executive of his duties hereunder. The Executive has disclosed to the Board all material business ventures in which he is currently involved, Board acknowledges they have no objection to same and, that Executive may in the future have other business investments and participate in other business ventures which may, from time to time, require portions of his time, but shall not interfere with his duties hereunder.
4. It might not stand out on a map, but Scotland has made a big impression on the world of business and commerce. Over 600 international companies -–in sectors ranging from biotechnology and electronics to software and internationally traded services – are already benefiting from Scotland’s skilled workforce, highly developed infrastructure and one of Europe’s most cost competitive operating environments. Locate in Scotland provides a one stop service, offering expert advice and solutions to all prospective investors. If you would like to know how your business could benefit from expanding into Scotland, please contact us today.

After all, 4 out 5 world class companies can’t be wrong. Locate in Scotland.

3. Определите тип текста в соответствии с концепцией К.Райс. Обоснуйте свои ответы.
1. The 3rd Baron Lord Selsdon said that “after deep research” he had broken down his fellow peers and peeresses into four categories:

Bought their way in

Wormed they way in

Screwed their way in

And – how did THEY get in? (Daily Mail)

  1. In a business enterprise, downsizing is reducing the number of employees on the operating payroll. Some users distinguish downsizing from a layoff, with downsizing intended to be a permanent downscaling and a layoff intended to be a temporary downscaling in which employees may later be rehired. Businesses use several techniques in downsizing, including providing incentives to take early retirement and transfer to subsidiary companies, but the most common technique is to simply terminate the employment of a certain number of people.

3.Fruit & veg.

We always try to buy British.

Cauliflowers from Lincolnshire.

Runner Beans from Warwickshire.

Broccoli from Cambridgeshire.

And Starfruit…

Actually, they are from Malay-shire.
4. It aint like your regular sort of day. Bernie pulls me a pint and puts it in front of me. He looks at me, puzzled, with his loose, doggy face but he can tell I don’t want no chit-chat. That’s why I’m here, five minutes after opening, for a little silent pow-wow with a pint glass…..(Graham Swift, Last Orders, 1996)
4. Прочитайте оригинал и перевод. В чем заключается ошибка переводчика?
When Julius Caesar rode at their (soldiers) head, with his keen, pale hook-nosed face, and the scarlet cloak that the general always wore, they were so proud of him, and so fond of him, that there was nothing they would not do for him. – Когда Юлий Цезарь проезжал во главе своих войск с его бледным лицом и орлиным носом, в алом плаще, который носил всегда, солдат были так горды и так любили его, что не было ничего на свете, чтобы они не смогли сделать для него.
5. Переведите предложенные слова и выражения. Прокомментируйте свой перевод.
Introductory greetings

General word: Hi, Hello again, Hi there!, Bonjour, Hey, Heyyy, Hiya, Hello folks, Hi darlin

General word plus ID: Hi from Pete, Godday from Oz

Intimate name alone: David, david, Dave, DC, Dad

Combination of general word and intimate name: Hi David, Hey D, Hello David, Hello DC< Good morning David, Howdy David, Hi dad

Прагматические аспекты перевода

  1. Определения прагматики: 1) Раздел семиотики, изучающий отношения между знаковыми системами и теми, кто их использует; 2) Совокупность условий, сопровождающих употребление языкового знака.

Какое из определений вам представляется более точным? Почему?

  1. Соотнесите компоненты языковой коммуникации, выделяемые А.Нойбертом и Р.Якобсоном.

  2. Какие из выделенных компонентов относятся к области прагматики?

  3. Как, по Нойберту, проверяется адекватность перевода?

  4. Чем, по Нойберту, обусловливаются пропуски, дополнения, перестановки, перенесение акцентов, допускаемых переводчиком?

  5. В каких случаях более приемлем перевод «по слагаемым», чем перевод «по образцу»?

  6. Прокомментируйте типологию прагматических отношений Нойберта. Что лежит в основе этой типологии?

  7. Приведите примеры случаев, когда тексты специально создаются для целей перевода.

  8. Соотнесите типологию текстов, выстроенную на основе прагматических отношений, со степенями переводимости. Согласны ли вы с утверждением, что тексты II типа непереводимы?

  9. Поясните классификацию информационного запаса переводчика, предлагаемую Миньяр-Белоручевым? Поясните актуальность этой классификации на примерах.

1. Определите цели создания каждого из текстов, их потенциальный круг потребителей и, соответственно, степень переводимости следующих текстов исходя из классификации Нойберта. Соотносится ли степень переводимости текста с его сложностью для перевода?

  1. When considered dynamically, the biosphere appears an arena of complex interactions among the essential natural cycles of its major constituents, with continuous fluxes of these constituents entering the biosphere, or being released by it. Once brought into being by evolution from an inorganic environment, the living matter has profoundly altered the primitive lifeless earth, gradually changing the composition of the atmosphere, the sea, and the top layers of the solid crust both on land and under the ocean.

  1. A new online accounting system has been launched, which enables freelancers and other small companies to manage their entire accounts, invoicing and expenses online. The new system, at Crunch.co.uk, was launched by Brighton-based entrepreneur Darren Fell, who also recently set up advice site Freelance Advisor. Having sold his previous email marketing business last year, he has been working on the new project with a dedicated team of technology and accounting experts for the last 18 months. After going through an initial business 'healthcheck' by one of Crunch.co.uk's accountancy team when they join, small company owners may find that they are better off by working via a limited company rather than as sole traders. According to Fell, by switching to the limited liability structure, users save between £2000 and £4000 per year on average in taxes.

  1. When you’re busy running a business, you want your bank to work as hard as you do. An Abbey Business Bank Account gives you a great rate of 6% AER / 5.84% gross (fixed) on balances up to £2,500 for the first 12 months when you switch using the Account Transfer Service and make monthly credits of £1,000 or more .All your day-to-day banking needs are taken care of for free, so long as you stay within transaction limits. And you can manage your account online 365 days a year. So make a good business decision – switch to Abbey today!

  1. Sugar? No sugar? It’s your choice. You have different needs at different times so you want to have choices. That’s why we are introducing more options, like the new zero range with zero sugar and zero calories but still all the taste you love. Good news for you, bad news for bees. The Coca-Cola Company.

  1. We made one at a christening party not long since, where there were amongst the guests a formal couple, who suffered the acutest torture from certain jokes, incidental to such an occasion, cut-- and very likely dried also--by one of the godfathers; a red-faced elderly gentleman, who, being highly popular with the rest of the company, had it all his own way, and was in great spirits. It was at supper-time that this gentleman came out in full force. We-- being of a grave and quiet demeanour--had been chosen to escort the formal lady down-stairs, and, sitting beside her, had a favourable opportunity of observing her emotions.

  1. Parliamentary Secretary, Mr President, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Sydney, Australia, and the 55th Session of the International Statistical Institute. It has been a long journey for many of you and I am very pleased that you have made the effort.
    We are certainly hoping to deliver a successful Conference. And it is most likely to be successful if we all participate - not just in presenting papers - but by being active participants in the discussion and take advantage of the networking opportunities.

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