Isaeva Raushan Algaevna
history teacher, Secondary school No. 2 in Kosshy
Musabekova Nursulun Mukidinovna
Ph.D., Professor, Toraigyrov University, Pavlodar
Mukanova Zarina Armanovna
student, Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar
Аннотация. Мақала ХХ ғасырдың бірінші жартысындағы қазақ зиялыларының
көрнекті өкілі, Алаш Орда көшбасшысы, Қазақстанның көрнекті саяси және қоғам
қайраткері Ахмет Байтұрсыновтың қуғын - сүргін себептері мен оңалту тетіктерін зерттеуге
арналған. Мұрағаттық құжаттар мен тарихнаманы талдау негізінде БКП(б) ұлттық
саясатының зорлық-зомбылық және бұрмалау тетіктері анықталды. А.Байтұрсыновты
"Үлкен Террор"жылдарында қудалаудың, тұтқындаудың және өлтірудің себептері ашылады.
Істі қайта қарау туралы өтініштерді тарихи талдау А. Байтұрсынова биліктің тарихи
әділеттілікті қалпына келтірудегі кедергілерді анықтауға, қуғын-сүргін құрбандарын ақтау
тетігін зерттеуге мүмкіндік берді.
Кілт сөздер: Ахмет Байтұрсынов, Қазақстан, Алаш-Орда, ұлттық интеллигенция,
репрессия, реабилитация
Аннотация. Статья посвящена изучению причин репрессий и механизма
реабилитации Ахмета Байтурсынова - выдающегося представителя казахской интеллигенции
первой половины ХХ века, лидера Алаш-Орды, видного политического и общественного
деятеля Казахстана. На основе анализа архивных документов и историографии вопроса были
выявлены механизмы насилия и искажения национальной политики ВКП(б). Раскрываются
причины преследования, ареста и казни А.Байтурсынова в годы “Большого террора”.
Исторический анализ заявлений о пересмотре дела А.Байтурсынова позволил выявить
препятствия, созданные властями в восстановлении исторической справедливости, изучить
механизм реабилитации жертв репрессий.
Ключевые слова: Ахмет Байтурсынов, Казахстан, Алаш-Орда, национальная
интеллигенция, репрессии, реабилитация
The history of any nation is inextricably linked with those personalities who at
different times left a bright mark on its fate. They say that every person is a product
of his era. However, the significance of any historical personality is measured, first of
all, by its wisdom, the ability to look far ahead and the degree of involvement in the
fate of its people and Fatherland.
One of the personalities is Akhmet Baitursynov, who made a great contribution
to the history of the Kazakh people and is the honor and pride of the people.
Akhmet Baitursynov is a poet, scientist, Turkologist, translator, teacher,
publicist, public figure. At one time, he became a victim of injustice, Stalinist
repression, was not mentioned for more than half a century, his name did not occupy
a worthy place in the history of Kazakhstan. Only now, in the conditions of changes,
when the "white" spots in history are being eliminated, the names of such figures as
Shakarim Kudaiberdiev, Akhmet Baitursynov, Magzhan Zhumabayev, Zhusupbek
Aimauytov, Myrzakyp Dulatov have been returned to the people [1, p.10].
A. Baitursynov was born on January 28, 1873 in the Sartyubek tract of Turgai
county in the family of a simple peasant. His father Baitursyn, who was considered a
descendant of the people's batyr Umbetai, was a brave, intelligent man, with a sense
of dignity, who did not put up with production and disenfranchisement in Kazakh
villages, often came into conflict with local feudal lords and tsarist authorities. In
1885, Baitursyn and his brother were sentenced to 15 years and exiled to Siberia for
smashing the head of the county chief. The authorities' reprisals against his father,
relatives and aulchans who supported them left a bitter impression on the future poet.
Like any environment, the Kyrgyz steppe has been giving birth to its sons for
centuries, but with features inherent in the steppe nature. If the diverse and beautiful
nature of Europe gave birth to great people, people of science and art, such as
Newton, Marx, Tolstoy, Raphael, etc., then the steppe nature of Asia gave birth to
original great heroes, such as Temuchin, Temirlan, Kenesary, Srim, etc., If not among
the great, then at least among strong people are such a person as Akhmet
Akhmet Baitursynov was one of the first in Kazakhstan to realize that
enlightenment and education will bring tangible benefits to people only in conditions
of freedom and social change. He often denounced the arbitrariness of local leaders
and the colonial policy of the tsarist autocracy.
A. Baitursynov is the author of the first Kazakh primer. The author also wrote
"A manual on the native language", "Presentation of the Kazakh language course",
"A guide to the study of grammar", "Speech development", various anthologies.
These methodological works still enjoy authority among scientists in the field of
Kazakh linguistics and methods of teaching the Kazakh language. With this
painstaking work, Akhmet Baitursynov raised Kyrgyz literature to a high level and
laid a solid foundation for the national school and native literature [2, p. 25].
1913-1917 was a remarkable period in the life of Akhmet Baitursynov. He was
the editor of the newspaper "Kazakh", the only one then in the Kazakh language,
published in Orenburg. Here he publishes many of his articles on education, literature
and linguistics, introducing readers to the rich cultural heritage of the people, calling
for the light of knowledge, spiritual perfection. But "Kazakh" has made a lot of
enemies. For all the time of its existence, "Kazakh" has been systematically fighting
abuses developing in the steppe, exposing the dirty deeds of robbers, bribe takers and
scammers of various stripes. They, vigilantly watching every step and every line of
"Kazakh", engaged in denunciations; they translated sharply written and condemning
the actions and policies of the government articles with comments from themselves
and presented to the authorities. Therefore, searches were carried out every now and
then in the editorial office, every now and then A.Baitursynov was dragged to the
governor or the gendarme chief for interrogations.
In 1914, for an editorial published in No. 80 "Kazakh", where A.B. criticized
the draft regulation on the administration of the Kyrgyz Territory that had just been
developed by M.V.D., Orenburg Governor Sukhomlinov fined A.B. as an editor for
1500 rubles. and in case of his insolvency, he decided to replace the fine with the
arrest of A.B. for 8 months. The loss of 1,500 rubles would be equivalent to the
closure of the newspaper, so A.B., despite the weakness of his health, told the police
that he agreed to sit, but could not pay a fine. On October 20, A.B. was put in prison.
The writer of these lines sent telegrams to different cities, notifying A.B.'s friends
about the incident. Translations were sent to the editorial office by telegraph and
A.B., after not sitting for 4-5 days, was released upon payment of a fine. Even after
that, "Kazakh" was fined for various amounts, sometimes reaching up to 3,000 rubles
(in 1916), and always responsive readers carefully introduced fines, without bringing
the matter to the arrest of A.Baitursunov or the closure of the newspaper. "Kazakh"
existed until October 1918. Created out of almost nothing and existing in the harsh
conditions of the tsarist-police regime, thanks to the skillful leadership and selfless
work of A.Baitursunov, the newspaper had its own printing house, a large stock of
paper, a small library, the circulation exceeded 8000 before closing [3, p. 45].
Thus, the Kazakh newspaper headed by Akhmet Baitursunov took the first and
honorable place in the history of the young Kyrgyz press. After the February
revolution, Akhmet Baitursunov was drawn into the whirlpool of social and political
life. At all regional and regional congresses, he was one of the active leaders. After
the overthrow of tsarism, he held various elected positions and then was elected to the
All-Russian Constituent Assembly from the Turgay region on the list of the
nationalist party "Alash". Until 1919, being in the ranks of autonomist nationalists, in
March of the same year, Akhmet Baitursunov, convinced of the perniciousness of the
nationalist policy of right-wing parties for the Kyrgyz people, switched to the side of
the Soviet government.
Under Soviet rule, Akhmet Baitursunov held various responsible positions and
at the same time he did not stop teaching and teaching activities. Currently, he is a
teacher at the Kyrgyz Institute and a representative of the Scientific and Literary
Commission at the People's Commissariat of Education and Honorary chairman of
the Society for the Study of the Kyrgyz Territory.
During the turbulent years of the February and October revolutions, like many
representatives of the Russian and Kazakh intelligentsia, A.Baitursynov did not
immediately understand the essence and content of the events taking place and for
some time was under the influence of nationalist sentiments. But soon in 1919,
convinced of the perniciousness of the policy of right-wing nationalist parties for the
Kazakh people, he switched to the side of the conscientious authorities, participated
in the work of the Revolutionary Committee for the Management of the Kazakh
region. Having received a mandate signed by V.I. Lenin, he is constantly working in
its composition, making a significant contribution to the preparation of the statehood
of the Kazakh people. After the formation of the Kazakh Soviet Republic, as a
member of the government, A. Baitursynov worked as People's Commissar of
Education of the republic, then in the newspaper "Ak Zhol", in the academic center of
Kazakhstan at the People's Commissariat of Education, writes a number of works on
linguistics and literary studies.
During the difficult days of the inflection, among three dozen state and cultural
figures, without any reason in 1929, A. Baitursynov was arrested, imprisoned, then
exiled to Arkhangelsk. In 1934, thanks to the intervention of M. Gorky and his wife
E. P. Peshkova, with the help of the International Red Cross, he was released, but his
freedom did not last long, in 1937 A.Baitursynov was arrested a second time and
soon sentenced to execution. Only half a century later, justice prevailed, in 1988, he
was posthumously acquitted by a Soviet court for lack of corpus delicti. Such was the
hard fate of one of the brightest representatives of the culture of the Kazakh people
[4, p. 6].
Along with the work of a teacher and doing science, A. Baitursynov worked
fruitfully in the field of artistic expression, took part in the development of realistic,
humanistic, educational traditions of Kazakh literature in the conditions of the 20th
century. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, one of the main problems of
Kazakh literature was the national question, the state of Kazakh society, the ways of
its development.
A. Baitursynov was actively involved in the literary process with collections of
poems and translations of "Kyryk Mysal" (Forty fables), "Masa" (Mosquito), the
publication of folklore samples, the development of problems of the history and
theory of Kazakh literature in scientific and theoretical articles, works, textbooks.
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December
30, 1996, 1997 was declared the Year of National Accord and Memory of Victims of
Political Repression in our republic. In order to perpetuate the memory of those who
suffered during the years of political repression, May 31 was declared the Day of
Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression.
There were events in the life of every nation and state that should not be
forgotten. Careful attitude to these events, to its history is the best guarantee that
today and tomorrow we will not commit new ones.
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