М. X. Фарукшин Современный федерализм: российский и зарубежный опыт

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Bapst E. The Autonomy of Swiss Communes: A Pleading// Federalism and Multiethnic States: The Case of Switzerland. – Fribourg, 1996. - P. 186,187.

2. Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power –London: Leicester University Press, 1992. — P. 37.

3. Orlansky D. The Decentralization Politics and Policies: A New Order and New Conflicts// Paper prepared for presentation at XVII World Congress of the International Political Science Association, 17—21 August 1997, Seoul, Korea. – P. 3.

4. Ibid –P. 4.

5. Ibid –P. 8.

6. Elazar D. Exploring Federalism – Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1992, P. 45.

7. Аблулатипов Р. Г., Болтенкова Л.Ф. Опыты федерализма. –М.: Изд-во “Республика”, 1994. — С. 38.

8. King P. Federalism and Federation. — L.: Croom Helm, 1982. — P. 33.

9. Невинский В.В. Правовое положение субъектов буржуазной федерации. На примере федеральных земель ФРГ. — Красноярск: Изд-во Красноярского ун-та, 1986. — С. 37.

10. Calleo D. America's Federal Nation-State: a Crisis of Post-Imperial Viability?//Political Studies. –1994. –Vol. 42, Special Issue – P. 33.

11. См.: King P. Federalism and Federation. — P. 55.

12. McDowell B. D. The Interstate Commerce Clause of the US Constitution: a 200-year Case Study for European Integration // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration. — Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1995. — P. 140—141.

13. Watts R.L. Characteristics of Canadian Federalism and Their Implications for European Integration // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration. — P. 262.

14. King P. Federalism and Federation. — P. 121.

15. См.: Laskmch M. The American Tradition Federalism in the United States // Comparative Federalism and Federation. Competing Traditions and Future Directions. — Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. — P. 188—189; Elazar D. Opening the Third Century of American Federalism: Issues and Prospects // The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. —1990. —Vol. 509, May. — P. 26.

16. См.: Walker D.B. The Rebirth of Federalism: Slouching toward Washington.- Chatham, N. J.: Chatham House Publishers, 1995. — P. 4.

17. Linder W. Swiss Democracy: Possible Solutions to Conflict in Multicultural Societies. – N.- Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1994. — P. 42.

18. См.: Laslovich M The American Tradition Federalism in the United Slates. –P. 189.

19. Varat J.D. Economic Integration and Interregional Migration in the United States Federal System // Comparative Constitutional Federalism Europe and America. – Westport: Greenwood Press, 1990. — P. 21.

20. Linder W. Swiss Democracy: Possible Solutions to Conflict in Multicultural Societies. — P. 41.

21. Klatt H. Centralizing Trends in the Federal Republic: the Record of the Kohl Chancellorship // German Federalism Today.— N.-Y.: St.Martin’s Press, 1991.-P. 131.

22. German Federalism Today. — N.-Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1991. - P. 4.

23. См.: Gagnon A.-G. The Political Uses of Federalism //Comparative Federalism and Federation: Competing Traditions and Future Directions. — Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. — P. 19.

24. См.: ElazarD. Exploring Federalism. - P. 202-203.

25. Galston W., Tibbetts G. Reinventing Federalism: The Clinton/Gore Program for a New Partnership Among the Federal, State and local and Tribal Government // Publius: The journal of Federalism. — 1994.— Vol. 24, №3.

26. Wilson J.Q. American Government: Institutions and Politics, 5th edition. — Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1992. — P. 45.

27. См.: Grodzins M. The Federal System // American Federalism in Perspective. - Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1967. — P. 256 ff.

28. См.: Lyons G., Scheb J., Richardson L. American Government. Politics and political Culture.— Minneapolis/St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1995.-P. 67.

29. См.: Brown G. Canadian Federal-Provincial Overlap and Presumed Government Inefficiency // Publius: Journal of Federalism. — 1994. — Vol. 24, №1.-P. 26.

30. Умиова И.А. Современная российская модель разделения власти между федерацией и ее субъектами (Актуальные правовые проблемы).-М.: ИНИОН, 1996, С. 15.

31. См.: Watts R.L. Characteristics of Canadian Federalism and Their Implications for European Integration // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration, P. 245.

32. Иванов В.В. Российский федерализм и внутригосударственная договорная практика. - Красноярск, 1997. — С. 10—11.

33. Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Powe. — P. 33.

34. Александренко Г.В. Буржуазный федерализм (Критический ана­лиз буржуазных федераций и буржуазных теорий федерализма). — Киев: Изд-во АН УССР, 1962. - С. 69.

35. Currie D.P. The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. -Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994. — P. 42—43.

36. Подробнее об этом см.: Федерации в зарубежных странах. — М: Юрид. литература, 1993. — С. 24.

37. См.: Osborn D.A New Federal Compact: Sorting out Washington Proper Role // Mandate for Change. — N.-Y.: Berkly Books, 1993.

38. Васильев Д.И. Швейцарский федерализм // Современный буржу­азный федерализм. — М.: Наука, 1978. — С. 181.

39. Peterson P.E. The Price of Federalism. — Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1995. — P. 27.

40. Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power. — P. 37.

41. См.: Лысенко С. Разделение власти и опыт Российской Федера­ции // Симметричность Федерации. – М., 1997. — С. 14.

42. См. об этом подробнее: Иванов В.В. Российский федерализм и внутригосударственная договорная практика. — С. 11.

43. Федерация в зарубежных странах. — С. 71.

44. Умнова И.А. Современная российская модель разделения власти между федерацией и ее субъектами (Актуальные правовые проблемы).-М.:ИНИОН, 1996.-С. 23.

45. Там же. — С. 11.

46. Лысенко С. Разделение власти и опыт Российской Федерации. — С. 15.

47. Умнова И.А. Современная российская модель разделения власти между федерацией и ее субъектами (Актуальные правовые проблемы), С. 22.

48. Лысенко С. Разделение власти и опыт Российской Федерации, С.16.

49. Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power. — P. 38.

50.Kincaid J. Implications of Constituent Diplomacy for the European Communities: Issues From US State Experience // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration. — P. 95.

51. Elazar D.J. Opening the Third Century of American Federalism: Issues and Prospects // The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. — 1990. — Vol. 509, May. — P. 26. См.: Kloeti U. Political Ideals, Financial Interest and Intergovernmental Relations: New Aspects of Swiss Federalism // Government and Opposition. — 1988. — Vol. 23. — №1.-P. 23.

52. Bulmer S. Efficiency, Democracy and West German Federalism: a Critical Analysis // German Federalism Today. — N.-Y.: St. Martin’s Press, 1991.-P. 105.

53. См.: Boase J.P. Faces of Asymmetry: German and Canadian Federalism // Evaluating Federal System. — Dordrecht: Marlines Nijhoff Publishers, 1994.-P. 97.

54. Klatt H. Centralizing Trends in the Federal Republic: the Record of the Kohl Chancellorship.— P. 126—127.

55. См.: Varat J. Economic Integration and Interregional Migration in the United States Federal System // Comparative Constitutional Federalism: Europe and America. — Westport: Greenwood Press, 1990. — P. 21.

56. См.: Janda K., Berry J., Goldman J. The Challenge of Democracy:

Government in America, 4 ed. — Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995, P. 126.

57. Бусыгина И. Германия земель - Россия регионов // Свободная мысль, 1998, № 5, С. 56.

58. Janda К., Berry J., Goldman J. The Challenge of Democracy Government in America, P. 126.

59. Ibid.-P. 126.

60. См.: Moore W. J. Stopping the States // National Journal. — 1990. -№21.-P. 1758-1762.

61. Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power. — P. 35.

62. Ibid.-P. 37.

63. См.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience. — St. Lucia, Queensland: University of Qeensland Press, 1986.

-P. 92.

64. См.: Hogg P.W. Division of Powers in the Charlottentown Accord// The Charlottentown Accord, the Referendum and the Future of Canada. -Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. — P. 90.

65. См.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience. — P. 92.

66. Fleiner Th., Basta L. Federalism, Federal States and Decentralization, P. 33.

67. Boase J.P. Faces of Asymmetry: German and Canadian Federalism. -P. 98-99.

68. См.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience, P. 96.

69. Федерация в зарубежных странах. — С. 109.

70. См.: Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power. — P. 44.

71. См.: Watts R. Contemporary Views on Federalism // Evaluating Federal Systems. — P. 17.

72. См.: Alen A. Federal-Type Solutions and Their Implications for European Integration // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration

- P. 587.

73. Watts R. Contemporary Views on Federalism. — P. 17.

74. См.: Thaysen U. The Bundesrat, the Lander and German Federalism.

- Washington, D. C.: The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, 1994. - P. 15.

75. Watts R. Contemporary Views on Federalism. — P. 17.

76.Leonardy U. The Working Relationships Between Bund and Lander in the Federal Republic of Germany // German Federalism Today. — P. 42

77. См.: Федерация в зарубежных странах. — С. 20.

78. Подробнее о канадском опыте см.: Wiltshire K. Planning and

Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience. — P. 142—143.

79. Ibid. — P. 144-145.

80. Лысенко С. Разделение власти и опыт Российской Федерации. — С. 31

81. Российская газета. — 1997. — 1 ноября.

82. Сборник договоров и соглашений между органами государствен­ной власти Российской Федерации и органами государственной власти субъектов Российской Федерации о разграничении предметов ведения и полномочий. — М: Известия, 1997. — С. 213.

83. Ericson R. The Russian Economy since Independence // The New Russia: Troubled Transformation. — Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1995.-P. 52.

84. Селезнев Г. Н. Предисловие // Сборник договоров и соглашений между органами государственной власти Российской Федерации и орга­нами государственной власти субъектов Российской Федерации о раз­граничении предметов ведения и полномочий. — С. 5.

85. Сборник договоров и соглашений между органами государствен­ной власти Российской Федерации и органами государственной власти субъектов Российской Федерации о разграничении предметов ведения и полномочий. — С. 219.

86. Там же. — С. 244.

87. См.: Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power. — P. 61—62.

88. Ibid..-P. 61.

89. См.: Bowman A., Pagano M. The State of American Federalism, 1993— 1994 // Publius: The Journal of Federalism. - 1994. -Vol. 24. - №3. - P. 8-9.

90. См.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience. —P. 90-91.

91. См., например: Jeffery Ch, German Unification and the Future of the Federal System // Evaluating Federal Systems. — P. 292.

92. См.: Redish M.N. The Constitution as Political Structure. — N.-Y.: Oxford University Press, 1995. — P. 23.

93. McDowell B. The Interstate Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution: a 200-year Case Study for European Integration // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration. — P. 142.

94. Simeon R. Canada and the United States: Lessons from the North American Experience // Rethinking Federalism: Citizens, Markets and Governments in a Changing World. — Vancouver: UBC Press, 1955. — P. 23.

95. См.: Radish M.N. The Constitution as Political Structure. — P. 23.

96. Simeon R. Canada and the United States: Lessons from the North American Experience. — P. 252, 253.

97. См.: Blair Ph. Federalism, Legalism and Political Reality: the Record of the Federal Constitutional Court // German Federalism Today. — P. 67.

98. См.: DeFrances С., Smith S. Federal State Relations in Gun Control: the 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act // Publius: The Journal of Federalism. — 1994. - Vol. 24. — № 3. - P. 74.

99. Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power. — P. 81.

100. Klatt H. Centralizing Trends in the Federal Republic: The Record of the Kohl Chancellorship, P.125.

101. Saunders Ch. Hallmarks of Australian Federalism: Securing Free Trade and a Common Market // Federal-Type Solution and European Integration.-P. 308.

102. См.: Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power. — P. 81.

103. См.: Hesse J.J. Effects and Outputs in Federal-Type Solutions and Their Implications for European Integration — The Case of Germany // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration. — P. 203—204.

104. См.: Hedge D., Scicchitano M. Regulating in Space and Time: The Case of Regulatory Federalism // Journal of Politics. — 1994. — Vol. 56. — №1.-P. 134.

105. Ibid..- P. 136.

106. См.: Shapiro D. Federalism: A Dialogue. — Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1995. — P. 42.

107. См.: Tuhrman S.H. Clinton's Educational Policy and Intergovernmental Relations in 1990's // Publius: The Journal of Federalism. — 1994— Vol. 24. — №3. - P. 89-90.

108. Murphy A. Federalism and Environment: Problems and Prospect for European Integration // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration. — P. 517—518.

109. Подробнее об этом см.: См.: Tweedie J. Resources Rather Than Needs: A State-Centered Model of Welfare Policy-making // American Journal of Political Science. - 1994. -Vol. 38. - №3. - P. 652.

110. Ibid.

111. См.: H-Net / APSA List on Political Science Research and Teaching 2.12.1997.

112. Boase J. Faces of Asymmetry: German and Canadian Federalism.

113. Leonardy U. The Working Relationships Between Bund and Lander in the Federal Republic of Germany // German Federalism Today. — P. 43.

114. См.: Johnson N. State and Government in the Federal Republic of Germany: The Executive at Work, 2 ed. — Oxford: Pergamont Press, 1983— P. 138.

115. Ibid..-P. 42-46.

116. О некоторых из этих конституционных норм см.: Невинский В.В. Правовое положение субъектов буржуазной федерации. На приме­ре федеральных земель ФРГ. — С. 99.

117. Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience. — P. 94.

118. См.: Thaysen U. The Bundesrat, the Lander and German Federalism.-P. 24.

119. См.: Brown-John C.L. Managing Complexity: The Politics and Administration of Federalism // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration. — P. 44.

120.См.: Leonardy U. The Working Relationships Between Bund and Lander in the Federal Republic of Germany // German Federalism Today.-P. 50.

121. Ibid —P. 48.

122. Ibid.-P.48-49.

123. См.: Задарновский В.В. Национальная политика в Российской Федерации. — М., 1993.

124. Elazar D. Exploring Federalism. — P. 189—190.

125. Gagnon A.-G. A Conflict Management Device for Europe // Federal-Type Solutions anf European Integration. — P. 29. См. также: Gagnon A.-G. Political Uses of Federalism // Comparative Federalism and Federation: Competing Traditions and Future Directions. — P. 18.

126. См.: Watts R. Contemporary Views on Federalism // Evaluating Federal Systems, P. 15.

127. Galston W., Tibbetts Reinventing Federalism: The Clinton/Gore Program for a New partnership among the Federal, State and Local and Tribal Governments // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994, vol. 24, No. 3, P.24. Об этом же см.: Wiltshire К. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience. — P. 288.

128. Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism; The Growth of National Power, P. 135.

129. См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994. - Vol. 24. - № 2. - P. 1.

130. Ibid.-P. 3.

131. Кастель Е.Р. Своеобразие и тенденции развития западногерман­ского федерализма // Современный буржуазный федерализм. — М.: На­ука, 1978. - С. 73-74.

132. См.: Республика Татарстан. — 1997. — 22 мая.

133. См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations.-P.3.

134. См.: Florestano P. Past and Present Utilization of Interstate Compacts in the United States // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994. — Vol. 4, №4.-P. 15.

135. Ibid-P. 15.

136. Ibid-P. 18-21.

137. См.: Leonardy U. The Working Relationships Between Bund and Lander in the Federal Republic of Germany. — P. SO—51.

138. См.: Thaysen U. The Bundesrat, the Lander and German Federalism.- P. 24.

139. См.: Brown-John C.L. Managing Complexity: The Politics and Administration of Federalism // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration. — P. 45.

140. См.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience. - P. 104-105.

141. См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations -P. 9.

142. См.: Peterson P.E. The Price of Federalism. - Washington, D.C. The Brooking Institute, 1995. - P. 30.

143. См.: Shapiro D. Federalism: A Dialogue. — P. 9.

144. См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations.-P. 8.

145. См.: Rydon J. The Australian Tradition of Federalism and Federation // Comparative Federalism and Federation: Competing Traditions and Future Directions. — P. 229.

146. См.: Российская газета. — 1997. — 24 декабря.

147. Kincaid J. Consumership versus Citizenship: Is There Wiggle Room for Local Regulation in the Global Economy // Foreign Relations and Federal States. — London: Leicester University Press, 1993. — P. 37.

148. См.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience. — P. 103.

149. См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations,- P. 8-9.

150. Васильев Д.И. Швейцарский федерализм // Современный буржуазный федерализм. - М.: Наука, 1978. — С. 187.

151.См.: Kincaid J. Consumership versus Citizenship: Is There Wiggle Room for Local Regulation in the Global Economy. — P. 38.

152. См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations. - P. 4-5.

153. Ibid.-P. 2.

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