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Garmonova D. A., Mustafina Z. Sh.
Institute of Economics and Law “Moscow State Pedagogical University”
Modern conditions dictate the need to intensify the processes of im-
proving secondary vocational education, which is impossible with-
out innovative development. The need to modernize the SVE sys-
tem is due to the formation of resource centers that represent an
innovative structure for training highly qualified personnel required
in modern socio- economic reality.
The need for a qualitative transformation of the management of vo-
cational education institutions determines the constant search for
ways to improve, in accordance with the development of society,
functional and organizational management models interconnected
with the management of vocational education at the regional and
federal levels.
The success of the functioning of educational institutions is due to
the presence of a clear management mechanism for each link and
structure, in particular, and regional centers, as one of the innova-
tive directions of development of open source software.
The article highlights several basic models of resource centers ac-
cording to the degree of concentration of various types of resourc-
es in the regions, in terms of secondary specialized education. The
problems of functioning of the system of secondary vocational edu-
cation are considered.
Keywords: innovative development of the open source software
system, resource centers, network interaction, innovative direc-
tions in the field of open source software, modernization of the open
source software system.
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