№7 2021 [СПО]
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Bogomolova E. A., Mamedova L. V.
TI (f) North- Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov
In this article, we reflect the main ways of developing cognitive in-
terest in children of primary school age in extracurricular activities.
The chosen research topic is an urgent problem of education, since
the development of cognitive interest in primary school age is the
key to the successful assimilation of knowledge by a child at all stag-
es of schooling.
Analysis of pedagogical literature helped us to determine the main
features of the development of cognitive interest in children, as well
as to choose a methodology for identifying the level of development
of this quality in primary school students.
At the first stage of the study, we selected diagnostic methods that
allow us to determine the level of development
of cognitive inter-
est: the method “Envelopes” (G. I. Shchukina), the method “Cogni-
tive activity of a younger student” (A. A. Gorchinskaya), as well as
the method for assessing the level of formation components of edu-
cational activity (G. V. Repkina, E. V. Zaika). On average, according
to the results of the three methods, students with a low level of de-
velopment of cognitive interest accounted for 8%, with an average
level – 38%, with a high level – 54%.
Based on the results of diagnostics of the level of development of
cognitive interest in a group of younger schoolchildren, a program of
an optional course “Around the World” was drawn up, aimed at de-
veloping cognitive interest. the implementation of the program was
carried out using methods: problematic question, research method,
demonstration of visual aids, project method, didactic games, and
techniques: guessing and guessing riddles, solving crosswords,
asking questions.
The results of repeated diagnostic examination of children showed
that cognitive interest showed a tendency towards confident devel-
opment. On average, according to the final results of the three meth-
ods, children with a low level of development of cognitive interest
make up only 3%, children with an average level – 29%, with a high
level – 68%. This allows us to draw the following conclusion: the
children began to work more actively in the lesson, better assimilate
new knowledge, and also demonstrated a desire for a more detailed
study of the topics of the lesson.
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