Атты халықаралық Ғылыми-əдістемелік конференцияның материалдары

Berdibayeva S.K., Abirov M.R., Molbayeva A.Zh., Sadyrkul N.G

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Сборник 2022 Жакыпов с обл

Berdibayeva S.K., Abirov M.R., Molbayeva A.Zh., Sadyrkul N.G.
(Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty,
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;
Sagadat Nurmagambetov The Military 
 Institute of the Ground Forces of the Ministry of Defense
of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 
The personality of the modern teenager is influenced by communication and collaboration with 
peers and the older generation. Among modern Kazakh teenagers these processes occur in the new 
conditions of life, associated with the acquisition of the state sovereignty of the Republic of 
Our research is devoted to the study of ethnic identity and self-esteem of the Kazakh teenagers 
in modern conditions. Our aim is to define the role of a component of ethnic identity in the structure 
of self-esteem of modern Kazakh teens and adolescents of the older generation.
The novelty of the work is due to the lack of experimental data on the ethnic identity and self-
esteem of modern Kazakh teenagers. For the first time, the component of ethnic identity is considered 
not in isolation but in the structure of self-esteem of teenagers.

For the first time, social analysis of ethnic identity’s features in the structure of self-esteem of 
teenagers in comparison with the structure of adolescent self-esteem of the older generation is 
Adolescence - is a sensitive period for development of self-esteem and self-conscious regulation 
of their actions. During this period, the adolescent attitude to himself is developed, matching his 
personal features with the features of other people, other nations, and other age groups.
But each generation of teenagers is going through this period and tries to solve the problems 
inherent in its own way, under the new historical conditions of society. 
For a teenager become a significant position, "I and the public." Teenager turns to the self-
analysis, to compare himself to others, he formed value orientations, formed relatively stable patterns 
of behavior that are not so much in the image of a particular person, but in the specific requirements 
that teens make on people and themselves [1, 2, 3]. 
Savonko E.I. found that a marked shift in the orientation to self-esteem is in the period of 
adolescence. The increasing focus on self-assessment in the regulation of behavior emphasizes the 
continuity of the child's transition to higher and higher levels of mental development, the complexity 
of its 
self-regulation and, in particular, built on self-esteem. [4]. 
We conclude that socialization factors play an important role in the development of self-esteem. 
By their nature, self-esteem is a social phenomenon, and is therefore important to study the impact of 
social conditions on the formation of self-esteem among adolescents in contemporary society.
One of these social conditions is gaining independence the Republic of Kazakhstan, which should 
definitely be reflected in the characteristics of the modern self-Kazakh teenagers. 
Interest to modern ethno-psychological studies is renewed, as reflected in the analysis of the 
psychological aspect of ethnicity - "ethnic identity." This is reflected in an article "Anthropology and 
ethnicity" by Margaret Mead [5]. 
Stefanenko T.G. indicates that ethnic identity is the result of cognitive-emotional process of 
awareness itself as the representative of the ethnic group, a certain degree of unidentified with it, and 
isolation from other ethnic groups [6]. Undoubtedly, ethnic identity is an integral part of social 
identity, in this regard, there are attempts to highlight its specific features in the psychological 
In the post-Soviet space the problem of ethnic identity has become particularly important due to 
the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The emergence of independent and sovereign states led to the search for a national identity. 
Today the problem of ethnic identity accordingly acquired the status of a strategic, resulting in a 
search of the national idea, promoting social integration. 
The sense of ethnic identity among the Kazakhs exposed to strong destructive factors during the 
period of Kazakhstan’s development in the Soviet Union. 
However, studies have shown that the situation has significantly changed in recent years due to 
the sovereignty and independence of Kazakhstan. This has led to an increase of ethno-social status of 
Kazakhs as nation, which forming ethnos, who had given the name of the country, to develop a sense 
of self-respect and pride for his nation, respect for one's mother tongue. 
In other words, we need to pay more attention to the preservation and strengthening of positive 
ethnic identity through the formation of a positive - emotional relationship to the ethnic group on the 
basis of knowledge of their culture, their language, traditions, which will contribute to maintaining 
the individual inner desire to follow them. 
Thus, it can be considered the best way of Kazakh society is taking the path of integration of 
current trends in the world of information, technology, economics, politics, but with the preservation 
of their own culture, traditions, language, and national character. 
Analysis of the phenomenon of ethnic identity leads come to the conclusion that it is not a static 
form and under the influence of various factors can be transformed. And this means that particular 
ethnic stereotypes determined by the specifics of ethnic identity - the degree of its formation and its 

Therefore, in modern foreign, and especially in the domestic ethnic psychology, the problem of 
ethnic identity and its transformation in the post-Soviet period is one of the main subjects of 
theoretical and empirical studies of ethnic psychology. 
According to Dzhakupov S.M, the content of the general fund of semantic structures is based on 
various characteristics of the subject-subject space, including the ethnic picture of the world of 
interacting actors, appearing in the individual characteristics of mental activity [7]. 
Among modern Kazakh teenagers these processes occur in the new conditions of life, associated 
with the acquisition of the state sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In connection with this young Kazakhs more aware of belonging to the titular nation, the 
language for the first time in recent history has gained the status of official language. On the formation 
of ethnic identity of adolescents inevitably affect the geopolitical changes in the society. 
For a new generation of young Kazakh important factor in the development of their personality 
is the country gained independence. However, in modern psychological literature there are no reliable 
data on any changes in their national identity and self-esteem. This determines the novelty of our 
study, its theoretical and practical importance. 
Features of self-esteem of modern Kazakh teenagers are, first, to its higher level in comparison 
with older teenagers, and secondly, the structural similarity with the previous generation, having a 
private nature, which speaks as of succession, and of the differences of self-assessment between two 
generations of teenagers. 
There is a similarity in the private structure of self-esteem of modern Kazakh teenagers and 
adolescents of older generation by qualities received the highest and lowest scores. The structure of 
self-esteem of modern teenagers is significantly different from that of adolescent of older generation 
towards more differentiated. 
In general, the general structure of the self-esteem of modern Kazakh teenagers is a more 
balanced and symmetrical pattern, while the general structure of adolescent self-esteem of the older 
generation is an asymmetric distribution of scores with explicit component of ethnic identity as the 
lead managers. 
Thus, comparing the role of ethnic identity component in the general structure of self-esteem, it 
can be concluded that a component of ethnic identity came in the fourth place in importance and no 
longer plays a leading role, as the older generation of teenagers. 
The ethnic identity of modern Kazakh adolescents revealed both similarities and differences with 
the peculiarities of ethnic identity of young people of the older generation.
The relevance of the development of ethnic identity and self-esteem of teenagers is important in 
the new conditions of life of state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as is the need to take 
account of new scientific data to improve performance with teenagers.
Summarizing our research note that adolescence is the age of rapid development of the 
individual. Modern conditions of state sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan create new living 
conditions for the dynamic development of ethnic identity of teenagers and development of the 
structure of their self-esteem. 
The relevance of the development of ethnic identity and self-esteem of teenagers is important in 
the new conditions of life of state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as is the need to take 
account of new scientific data to improve performance with teenagers.
1. Psychology of the modern teenager / Ed D.I. Feldstein. - M., 1987. - 236 p.
2. Ginsburg M.R.. Psychological content of the life field of Progress Older Personal / / The world of psychology and 
psychology in the world. - 1995. - № 3 (4). - P. 21-28. 
3. Psychological characteristics of adolescent identity / Ed. M.I. Borishevskiy. - Kyiv, 1990. - 156 p. 
4. Savonko E.I. Age features of the relations between self-assessment oriented and the assessment of other people 
oriented. - M., 1988. - 112 p. 
5. Mead M. Culture and the world of childhood. – M., 1988. - 429 p. 
6. Stefanenko T.G. Ethnic psychology. - M., 2000. – 320 p. 

7. Dzhakupov S.M. Ethnic picture of the world and its impact on the effectiveness on cognitive activity / / 
International conference "Problems and perspectives of teacher education in modern conditions" - Bishkek, 1997. - P. 75-

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